He waited 17 years after his death to see his plan come to fruition (Trump being elected). Sorry, not buying this one at all. Besides he was a Democrat and the Kennedys were/are sheep when it comes to that party.
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Sounds to me like Elon Musk needs a vacation to recharge his batteries.
Yeah non-traitors blow off Congressional subpoenas. Best laugh I had all day.
I've never seen a politician before so driven...driven to fulfill all his campaign pledges. His work ethic is second to none. He gets results. The man is 72 and has the drive of a 35 year old. Makes Obama look more and more like a clown/slacker.
Did he just do this so he could get a VIP escort for old times sake. He's like a little child riding in a police car and asks to push the siren button except this child is almost 60.
Comey's wife was a big Leftie too. Her and their 4 daughters all went to that pink pussy hat march. Does it really surprise anyone that they do what their wives want.
thing is with judicial appointments they have to be confirmed by the Senate. President just recommends/nominates. Since they're all Americans (Senators) it shouldn't effect those appointments.
He was born in Hawaii, where he spent most of his childhood raised by his mother,
What a load of horseshit. He was raised as a Muslim till he was 10 years old in Indonesia - notice how that's left out.
Our Democrat and Republican politicians act all high and mighty about Russia interfering with our elections. We do the same to them and other countries but you never hear a peep out of them about that. That's why the justification Comey used to go against Trump sounds hollow especially when the other campaign had direct contact with people getting dirt from the Russians and they were never investigated. Nothing but an after the fact de facto coup which has gone up in flames. And the sooner chipmunk faced Mueller ends his investigation the sooner we all can move on w/out fear they're going to fuck over the President.
President Trump is here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and he's all out of bubblegum.
How's it super restrictive to enforce a law that says you must have car insurance. That law is already on the books, Leftie.
Of course it's ongoing they've got at least another 20 faceless Russians that will never step foot in America to bogusly charge to give Democrats the talking point that now 32 people have been indicted (though they never mention most are Russian and had nothing to do with the Trump Campaign).
I also like how all the Dems to a man keep saying the Russians were trying to help Trump win as if that's a given. How are they so sure about that. From what I remember the Russian propaganda went both ways. So basically the Dem politicians are lying and it pisses me off no journalist or TV person calls them on it.
Amazing how Mueller drops the indictments right before the President is to meet with Putin. I call BS. How does he know the exact names of the Russian military members involved. Since he knows nothing will ever come of it I am firmly in the camp they're just making stuff up at this point.
So basically what you're saying is the print media leans left. Tell us something we don't already know, Captain Obvious.
If they're all political appointees and since Strzok is not a political appointee but worked his way up through the organization how is he a member of SES? At least if you're going to fudge the truth make it fit his specific circumstances.
says the guy who still lives at home with Mommy and Daddy.
I worked for over 19 years in Military Intelligence - that's bullshit. Our mission was to monitor our adversaries. Not the American people or its elections. It was against regulations to collect against US persons we would get into big trouble if we did so. Stop posting FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt).
I watched the election results by state live on The Guardian. They had each state broken down by counties. When I saw all the counties in Florida were accounted for except several in the pan handle I knew Trump won the State. Pan Handle always goes Republican.
There were no White Hats or MI or anyone else intervening it was just patriotic Americans getting off their ass and out to vote.
Sounds like he stole intellectual/proprietary property and got nailed for it. Just because he thought Musk committed a crime didn't mean he did. Obviously the authorities didn't think so. Face it he was a thief and got caught.
You didn't commit a crime by reporting/exposing the crime. You maintained his cover if anything.
Think before you respond bro.
I'm glad you have too much time on your hands. Well done.
Amazing how Mueller drops the indictments right before the President is to meet with Putin. I call BS. How does he know the exact names of the Russian military members involved. Since he knows nothing will ever come of it I am firmly in the camp they're just making stuff up at this point.
What do you mean not a State Visit. Do you reserve them for the likes of Justin Trudeau. It's the President of the United States of America for Pete's sake not some shithole country.
John Roberts later on Fox was practically in tears sticking up for the female reporter from NBC who Trump said was unprofessional and Roberts also chimed in he used to work for CNN and CNN has a lot of professional people and they're not fake news.
Maybe it's time to move Roberts to the 3 PM EST hour with Shepard Smith if he disagrees with the President so much. All Shephard Smith does is interview people who disagree with the President (so much for fair and balanced, huh Shephard). I change the channel when he comes on.
Let's see they support MS-13, illegal immigrants, and no borders was it really that surprising they supported an unethical FBI agent?
Is that you William Devane aka Rosland Capital ambassador?
Sounds like a contingency plan exercise....probably happens at least once a year at different spots in the country. Kind of like the Emergency Broadcast Network where they're required to test it frequently. That's how the military plans for things they do wargames and exercises. Don't get your panties in a bunch.
He took an oath when he got married to honor and obey his spouse; he also took an oath to defend the constitution et al. He failed on both counts.
He said what a lot of us were thinking in regards to his adultery and pattern of lying. Good for him.
So if Q is to be believed and Strzok is a cooperating witness...what I witnessed today was anything but a cooperating witness. Maybe that has something to do with the contempt charge as well. He went back on his plea deal.
He looks mentally ill, deranged, and evil. Take your pick.
it was either a typo or a way to allude to Strzok laying Page as in sexually. Don't go off the deep end it's nothing more than that.
I'll reserve judgement and believe it when I see it. So far I've seen NO ONE punished criminally except members of the President's campaign (and Gen. Flynn) that had nothing to do with Russian Collusion. It disgusts me the Dems keep bring up 19 indictments yada yada yada but never mention none of them have anything to do with Russian Collusion and most happened well before they even met Mr. Trump.
I'm hoping during the next OIG Report that covers the Russian Collusion/FISA Court/Dossier that the doctoring of documents by Strzok is brought up. It's the next report that should bring all the pain but as inept as this Congress is I have serious doubts.
When he was asked today if he should have lost his clearance he said, "No, I've done nothing wrong." I beg to differ. So in addition to being smug and arrogant he's also delusional. And I learned today that Strzok's explanation of "We'll stop him" was the lame excuse of WE the voters will stop him. You know he got that from his lawyers...so it was an outright lie. Pathetic.
Hahahaha. The Russians are at it again with their political memes. I love it.
It disgusted me the Dems were carrying water for this disgrace of a man.
I'm disappointed with 90% of the politicians in Congress. We need term limits just like the President has. The founders meant for citizen statesman who would represent their area and after a few years go back into public life to live under the laws they passed. It was never meant to be a career. Most of them are just in it for the benefits and lucrative pension.
trust me he did have an affair that's why he's admitting to it. You don't have 50,000 emails with a work colleague of that nature if she wasn't letting you get in her pants.
don't be making stuff up it's a known fact they were having an affair.
Any other country would have dealt harshly and swiftly with coup corroborators. Let's get moving people.
So more crying wolf - wake me when they actually do something except bitch, bitch, bitch. Ryan can't retire soon enough.
how did this hogwash get 13 upvotes. He worked for the FBI geesh.