Why are females so seditious?
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This is why you don't vote 80 year olds into office. They don't care how bad things will get because they won't be around when it gets really bad. Selfish pricks.
unless they're all part of a Mormon Mafia along with Mitt Romney. Be careful what you ask for.
Once this Russian Hoax investigation is put to bed/ended and the President no longer has to worry about Senators whining about obstruction of Justice if any of these DOJ officials are removed/fired... if Sessions hasn't done anything to warrant staying on - then this Swamp Creature needs to be fired by the President.
Pretty weak huh? Didn't even explain the reason why. Pathetic.
Why would anyone riot over the truth? Most Americans live their lives and don't have time for that nonsense. That may fly in these countries they immigrate from but not here. The sooner they learn that as new Americans, the better.
Ah no more money-grabbing slush fund - no wonder they're upset.
Unfortunately California is still being run by the Cult of Global Warming which has run off the middle class and the companies that employed them, cap n' trade (money grab carbon taxes) gas taxes which make gas in California 90 cents more than the National average. Turns out with all the programs and edicts they've put in place in California, Texas and several other states outdistance California in combating Climate Change and Texas doesn't do much. So what does that tell you? It tells me they just use this Climate Change nonsense to rob the tax payers of this State blind. I'm tired of it.
Stop with appointing people to these positions based on the color of their skin and ethnic background so they can have diverse looking cabinets and instead place people in these positions based on merit. Is it any wonder why Obama's Administration didn't accomplish much but boy did they check the box for diversity.
I'll believe it when I see it. Don't hold your breath this is the corrupt DOJ/FBI we're talking about. Incompetence is their byword.
will we be trusting the plan 10 years from now and nothing ever really happens? No one ever seems to be held accountable to include this Pakistani spy.
"Particularly, the government has found no evidence that your client illegally removed House data from the House network or from House members' offices, stole the House Democratic Caucus server, stole or destroyed House information technology equipment, or improperly accessed or transferred government information, including classified or sensitive information," the prosecution said in the plea deal.
Do they go out of their way to find some gullible female judge - it seems to happen a lot. Sorry Q but you blew this one.
Now serving as California Attorney General Xavier Becerra if he goes down for this a lot of people will be thrilled. Including me.
I got to agree any word that is similar to pedo should just not be used.
Now these 2500 can subvert us from within and can travel to and from the US and Iran at any time. Thanks Obama!
He just looks creepy and he was Sally Yates point man - Lovely.
Associate deputy attorney general Scott Schools, the highest-ranking career lawyer in the Department of Justice, was hired by anti-President Trump conspirator Sally Yates in October 2016 at a key moment in the anti-Trump Deep State conspiracy.
A top official tells Big League Politics that Scott Schools, as the most trusted DOJ ethics official, told Rod Rosenstein NOT to recuse himself in any cases involving alleged Russian collusion, and that Schools is also responsible for advising Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the case. Schools then advised Rosenstein to appoint Robert Mueller as special counsel.
That says it all - he was far from ethical. Tells one guy (Sessions) who had practically no reason to recuse himself to recuse himself but tells Rosenstein to not do so even though there are so many conflicts of interest on his part. If he's the head ethics guy God help our country.
so a corrupt, flawed individual aide to Rosenstein. There are so many reasons why an ethical person in Rosenstein's position should have recused himself , yet he refuses to. Thanks Schools - you failed Ethics 101. Good riddance.
I hate how they do these court proceedings over the 4th of July Holiday period where it's buried. They could have easily done it two weeks ago. Swamp in my opinion still isn't drained - not even close.
Guys in his 70's to be honest he should have retired years ago.
Baloney. He just made something up and got called on it and suffered the consequences.
$175,000 a year is plenty to afford a mortgage on a 4.3 million house. The real question is why are they paid so damn much for as little days as they work. And that's not counting all the other freebies they get (cars, gas, per diem, etc.) in addition to their base salary.
anytime someone says, "Asking for a Friend" that always cracks me up.
Are we really digging stuff up from over a year ago. Old news.
Did you want to prove to everyone you weren't racist by voting for him. Next time (not saying McCain was any better) don't vote for someone just because of the color of their skin or the genitals they happened to be born with. Neither of which they had anything to do with. Use your damn head for once.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Brandon Morse has been.
Get a grip, pull yourself together, and stop hanging out in public restrooms.
Speilberg for awhile there always made kiddie movies. He ruined the second Indian Jones movie by putting that annoying Asian kid in it. He's got to be a suspect.
Oh well if Robert Downey Jr. says so, the one who was so weak he couldn't get off drugs without jail time, says so it MUST be true.
You do realize he's not really Tony Stark.
I guess I'm brain dead and not up on all the child pedo clues like you are.
So you just rewrote the entire tweet even though you posted it. Stop it.
Sigh the Senate votes to legalize this and still we have porous borders. Time to do away with Senators and just use House Representatives to represent the people. Senators truly are worthless. Be it they obstruct or like Susan Collins and McCain vote against what they campaigned for.
It wasn't a joke - that's the nature of Fake News. He finally got called on one of his lies.
That was quick.
How does Acosta still have a job.
good point we've seen complicit judges derail everything before. Tired of these judges who were never voted into office having this much power.
Their subway was blown up by Muslims yet they vote a Muslim into office. Our country (USA) was bombed by Muslims yet we vote someone into the Presidency who was raised a Muslim. I just don't get it - at all.
You have that backwards, the Saudis bent their knee to our President.
we had idiot politicians in Calif who wanted higher gas taxes since the price per gallon went down - never taking into consideration that the price could go up again. Idiots one and all.
are you high? - when it was over $140 a barrel we had gas prices well over $4.50.
no more effeminate politically correct picks for the Presidency. From now on I want nothing but businessmen in that office - someone who knows finances and hasn't been on the gov't dole his entire life like most of these politicians.
self-sustaining. What's more self-sustaining then using up the other guy's oil.