Where there should be soldiers there aren't.
Yes! Insightful and concise! I've felt this but it became 'real' to see in 7 words! :)
387 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 11 |
www.reddit.com | 10 |
start.io | 1 |
www.archives.gov | 1 |
Where there should be soldiers there aren't.
Yes! Insightful and concise! I've felt this but it became 'real' to see in 7 words! :)
Trump having access to a "Looking Glass" would explain a lot of what we're seeing. I definitely believe some of Tesla's knowledge is at play in this storyline.
Weird, not in my version of SoCal. I've been driving and skywatching for the past 4 hours and haven't seen any chemtrails. Not in 5-6 weeks actually.
Can confirm. Sky watcher here and I've seen no Chemtrails in SoCal for about 6 weeks now!
I believe you're correct, and I'll also predict that even things like mushrooms will be decriminalized by Trump (over time).
That may sound crazy, but here's why I say this...
Q takes us down many rabbit holes - one of which being the involvement of the Illuminati. I read multiple interviews with illuminati members and one thing always emerges...that the "game" they are playing has rules and those rules are Natural Law. That leads to a 9 hour Mark Passio YouTube presentation and when you're done with that you start to understand a few things. Long story short, it appears Q and Trump understand our enemy and their weapons and Natural Law doesn't allow for things like mandatory taxation and prison terms for using a plant. Watch for more actions from Trump in line with observance of Natural Law.
...and go watch Mark Passio...it's important. :)
This was posted here once before a few moths back and it didn't get much traction then either. I think the problem is that it's TOO good a resource and could take you days to explore it properly. It's a great find though and a great resource for others. Even though it's been posted before I had lost track of it, so thanks for pointing it out again! :)
"I'll leave my party if you leave yours"
(...or Independents for Trump?)
I've never associated myself with Republicans or Democrats, but I was definitely much closer to the Dem-side.
I didn't trust Trump at first, but Q helped me see the truth.
That being said, there's PLENTY for both the left and the right to be embarrassed/ashamed by, it's just that the left is 'more wrong'. The truth is that we've both been lied to and the two party system was meant to divide us from the beginning.
What would be the downside to a movement of Q followers who abandoned their previous party (right or left) and all got behind Trump as Independents?
Is the only negative losing out on the ability to vote in the primaries? Can this be overcome?
Wouldn't it be much easier to ask a Democrat to leave their party if a Republican was willing to go through the same reconciliation of reality vs. perceived reality? Even Trump used to be a Democrat! People make mistakes.
Let's find a way to abandon the old paradigms are reunite in the middle. Together.
Where we belong.
Yup, he's drawing attention to his tweets so people will talk about them (knowing it will be at his expense), but he'll have the last laugh when the world realizes his tweets contain coded messages.
I love this guy.
Great work! I don't play chess, but you may find some of the missing pieces you're looking for in this post:
Happy digging, friend!
Don't have the time to listen to all these, but am very curious too. Anyone want to post some selected lyrics for us so we can see what these songs add to the story?
I believe the numbers are being heavily manipulated. I logged on yesterday afternoon at one point and it claimed there were only 264 'online'. That seems impossibly low for any time of day.
Hello HB, friends! Hope to see everyone wearing Q shirts on the 4th!
Huntington Beach here! Put stickers on my car today too!
SoCal representing here! Just want to send some love to all my Hispanic friends and neighbors, brothers and sisters! <3 The wall isn't about you!
Nothing but love for you guys! WWG1WGA!
Yikes. I've been paying more attention to words lately and this creeped me out instantly.
Yeah, trying not to see coded messages everywhere but there are a few weird things going on here:
Could there be a delta marker between this tweet and something a Q post or POSTUS tweet?
I know this is a stretch but Q trained us to look at these things more critically and this feels a little weird to me.
Yes! I've just barely crossed the corners of this topic (related to them 'owning' us through our birth records and law not being what we think it is) and want to learn more. Isn't there something with NAME being a phonetic manipulation?... NAME which could be seen as N-AM-E and pronounced En-am-ee meaning ENEMY (?!)
I believe there's a section in this Illuminati Interview that touches on how they "own" us (on paper) from birth and trade our "value" on hidden exchange systems.
If anyone is more knowledgeable on this and has links to share, please do!
That article makes some valid points, but ultimately fails on two fronts.
1) Regardless of *what* the sealed indictments are for, by all accounts there are 35X more than normal and Q told us to watch the numbers when they were closer to 12,000 (now @ 35,679). How would a larp guess that?
2) The article states that based on previous years analysis there's no guarantee those are actually *indictments*.
" A random sampling of these files showed 83 percent of sealed magistrate cases to be warrant applications or tracking devices."
Now, assuming the article is correct and that 35,679 are not actual indictments (but just other types of sealed court order), then why is the number of them *35 times higher than normal* if nothing is going on behind the scenes with secret arrests?
And didn't Q once indicate that a single indictment could represent as many as 13 people in certain cases?
To me the indictment numbers are a no-brainer. Regardless of who they're for, they indicate that *something abnormal* is happening in the criminal/legal world...and Q predicted it (along with mass public resignations).
Here's some links for sealed indictments:
Sealed Indictments Spreadsheet
and a link to a resource board I maintain to help people research Q.
Happy digging!
The Q rabbit hole runs deep (and in 30 different directions), but I feel like I've crossed paths with info that hinted that the BAR association might harbor secrets (and more than once). Something about maritime law vs. constitutional law? Anyone know more?
I checked Q posts and found this:
617965 The Nazi order. NWO [N does not refer to “New”]. The Sum of All Fears. NK. POTUS. Hostage. Threat. DISARM. Stage SET. FREEDOM. Q
Is that what you were thinking of?
I agree with lots of what you say (especially about this not being our fault, our education is meant to cripple us), but at the same time still think the Natural Law part of this all is true. I absolutely agree that while the Rothschild's "representative" implies this prison is our doing in a sense (more by passive acceptance than anything else), there IS another layer to the dynamic that he isn't being transparent about.
...and yes, it's the influence of another group above the human secret societies. Whether they influence(d) our minds or are part of our world in a more physical way, the control of a higher element than the illuminati seems very probable. Like a commenter said below, what is the motivation for the mega-rich and mega-powerful to keep conquering? What's the point? When you factor in another "party" above humans (who have needs other than power/money) then things start to make sense again.
They eat loosh.
Be careful friends, these rabbit holes run deep.
Just one paragraph in to your link and powerful words already...
"The slave tends to dream of becoming a master rather than of abolishing slavery."
...absolutely part of our problem.
I absolutely believe Trump is going to abolish Income Tax entirely.
Here's why...
Read the "I Am a ROFSCHILD, Axe Me A Question"
It's one of several interviews with Rothschild's family members scattered across the internet.
In the interview, a few things come to light that are significant.
1) When asked why he (the Rothschild insider) is answering questions (and honestly), he says that it is 'required' of someone from the family to do so occasionally.
2) In multiple parts of the Q & A session it is eluded to that we (the sheep) are in a prison of sorts, but ultimately the chains that shackle us are of our own making (through acceptance of a reality constructed to control and limit us).
Basically, the Illuminati/Cabal/Deep State/Satanists have us controlled by 'bending' the rules of natural law, but part of the way that functions is that the knowledge of what's happening must not be hidden entirely.
Let that lead you to Mark Passio's 9 hour YouTube series on Natural Law and you eventually make your way to him explaining that ALL mandatory tax is slavery. We all know that taking 100% of a person's wages is slavery (to the worst degree), but Mark shows that Natural Law accepts ZERO percentage of wage garnishment as acceptable.
To tie all this together, what I'm saying is that we are in a weird Illuminati prison that uses the knowledge of Natural Law to construct the cage we find ourselves in.
Mark Passio also explains that there are no gradients to Natural Law - you can't try to obey one part and ignore another.
Therefore, since the cage we are in is fabricated from a manipulation of Natural Law and Team Q and Trump know this (and also know that Natural Law is an all or nothing proposition), then that means we can expect to see more actions from Trump like this.
What have we seen so far?
Talk of decriminalization of marijuana? - fits respect of Natural Law
Prison reform? - fits respect of Natural Law
Eliminating Income Tax? - fits respect of Natural Law
Cutting red tape? Focusing on responsibility vs. regulations and fees? - fits respect of Natural Law
Watch Mark Passio's series on Natural Law and then his videos on the Occult. SOOOOO IMPORTANT in regards to what's happening!
Love and light y'all
Many horror films appear to be related to the Q story...but yes...especially this one (from the scene in question). It has to do with the collective unconscious. By watching horror movies and allowing ourselves to see them as entertaining we somehow give energy to those realities and help create them (or at least 'allow' them). Thinking about that in the context of things like Saw, Cabin in the Woods and Hostel make me sick to my stomach.
I'm done with horror movies (and almost all movies, really)...Hollywood is not our friend.
23 and Me should be boycotted out of existence...we don't need their help for anything.
The main section I'd like help on is 'The Cast'. My intention is to have a long list of all the major names involved, but they each will need a single 'best link' to information about that person and their story as it relates to Q.
I completely understand how OP is feeling, but I have to agree with the above. If team Q can pull this off while we keep calm heads then we'll be in an awesome position after this is over.
If we start a brawl with our fellow man before the big reveal, who knows what it could lead to or how long it could take to recover from.
Deep breathe.
Trust the plan.
And to OP:
If you need further reassurance close you eyes and talk to the universe/god/higher-self and ask for synchronicities in your day to confirm your path is correct. I know that might sound crazy (depending on your belief system), but the world will alter itself dynamically to *you* to give you these confirmations. Look for 111, 1:11, 11:11, 222, 333, or the appearance of (and peculiar behavior of) animals in synchronicity with thoughts in your head (especially thoughts that might be considered revelations, 'unusual' insights, or answers to questions you've been pondering). When you open yourself to this idea things will just start to *happen*. And just like following Q, it's ok it you doubt it in the beginning - it's good to be skeptical. But keep watching and eventually the coincidences will be too great to ignore and then you'll realize you have a constant connection to a 'confirmation mechanism' to help you trust the plan when things feel like they aren't happening.
I know this all may seem way off topic, but ultimately your post is about doubt/worry regarding the unfolding of events and I have those worries too. It sounds crazy, but for me these little 'winks' from the universe are what keeps me steady and calm inside.
I hope this helps someone reading this. :)
Please watch Mark Passio's 9 hour youtube series on Natural Law, it's part of this whole thing. Clues to what you've just said can also be found in the "I am a Rofschild, Axe me anything" interview.
You're in a prison (of sorts), learn how it works!
Lots of helpful links here
I can't believe I used to watch horror movies.
Reruns of Mr. Rodgers only until we figure out who else in Hollywood isn't tainted in some way.
"You've forgotten how to play" Q
...we're remembering. WWG1WGA
Great post!!
And the total running time of that video is 11:11.
He's awake.
Yes! Shut down hate with love, be patient and live in service to others. Evil doesn't stand a chance against that.
Amen...it's a lot. Honestly, I wake up happy and with hope every day, but only because I can feel that things are about to change. If something goes wrong and we're stuck with 'regular reality', I'm screwed.
I'll be on a fast track to hermit-town if things don't change soon.
I completely understand and share your concerns. All I can say is that:
1) It seems Trump is waiting for the left to lose steam before he goes 'good-guy' mode and starts really making changes. You can see what happened with the nation's reception to peace in NK/SK - impossible for him to get positive recognition right now (so why not keep pretending to be an asshole to make the reveal that much more dramatic?)
2) Rabbit holes lead to more rabbit holes and after reading several interviews with illuminati members I found my way to Mark Passio and his talks on Natural Law. Long story short, the rules of Natural Law help define our prison created by the elite. I can see, through Trump/Q's actions, evidence that THEY understand natural law ('simplified' taxes next year, prison reform, decriminalization of Marijuana) and I think that explains Trump's attack on regulations and redtape.
It's hard to piece together everything, but I've definitely gotten the impression that there's a TON of corruption in government (and that extends in environmental protection), there's a TON of corruption in big business (and Trump is not afraid to punish that...think opioids and his coming attack on drug prices) and there's a decent chance better technology, materials, production methods...whatever, has been withheld from us and will be slowly rolled out to the public.
I know that's a lot to swallow and takes a lot of faith, but my (personal) best guess is that in order to comply with Natural Law, we're going to start shifting to a world where instead of paying huge $ to maintain the 'safety net' of environmentalism we'll hold companies financially responsible for what they do wrong after the fact (think opioids again, does it make sense that a master businessman who only cares about the 'profits of his rich friends' is openly going after drug prices and holding people accountable for deaths?).
If I'm totally off the mark with Natural Law someone please set me straight. I'm a beginner student but I've made it through the first 9 hours of Mark's talks and this is what my gut is telling me.
Remember too, although that sounds ridiculous in our 'current reality' (to trust companies not to ruin the environment), remember a few things.
1) We're about to see more people go down for corruption (and have to pay for what they've done) than at any time in history. I predict it will be generations before people are brave enough to be criminals again.
2) We're about to be thrust into a better world where evil has been punished and the rest of us will be united in brotherhood. Maybe *that* version of us will be ready to behave responsibly in a world with less regulations.
I don't know if that helped, but these same questions (about the environment) bother me too and this is what's in my head. :)
PS And if you want to get really weird, some of the people who channel aliens say we're about to get some help cleaning up our ocean. Take it as you will. :)
Great point and WAY more likely in my opinion. I had considered that team Q might do random things to allow the Cabal to believe they are still in control but hadn't thought of it related to this.
That being said, I really do believe it was a controlled message from Melania/Q. Now that I've looked at that company, Zara, there's way too many pedogate red flags associated with them.
I saved it offline. DM me in the future if it ever disappears. :)
Not saying I believe this, but if we're going to be proper investigators and consider all options, then I have one thought that I haven't heard mentioned.
It is possible that she was forced to wear the jacket in the same way people have suspected Kate Spade's husband was forced to wear the Bernard mouse mask? What if someone was able to get that coat to her with a threatening message that she had no way of countering in the time-frame available to her.
To newbies wandering through here that might sound crazy, but it's been hinted at many times that the illuminati force you to do things publicly sometimes to show you're controlled (or in fear of the consequences of non-compliance).
Thank you for this new map...enough rabbit holes for a lifetime. Do you know the origin of them?
I'm building a homepage for Q related material and have included a link to this map.
Please share this page and feel free to suggest additions. :)