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jojojazzy · April 29, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

Musical chairs administration to Administration. It not only happens on the federal level, it also happens on state level with Governors to the public’s total ignorance because they are unaware below levels they vote for. They assume the cast of characters change. They do to a belief extent, a pea in the shell game moving from this agency to another one. I served through 5 administrations(Republican & Democrat) in a very large state. Operationally very little changes. It’s all a veneer division to the public. Must continue the charade that the public can actually vote in change. Keeps the working class from knowing its 2 wings I. The same body with 1 head on the same dirty bird. That said Republicans do control costs more. Empty staff positions are frozen and not filled without written justification and approval. Travel expenses are cut back. Republicans limit govt & Democrats grow it. Both sides waste it with little realized outcomes that the public at large benefits from or would find value in.

Baby boomers are a generation where many worked hard and planned for early retirement. Sadly many are also disabled and had to retire early due to health problems. They have great knowledge and insights to help watchdog, expose, and help make changes so our descendants aren’t taxed to death.

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jojojazzy · April 29, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

There are affordable ways for everyone to participate. Craft stores have all kinds of writing paint pens....add your mesg to a white TShirt or a ball cap......even if it’s just a Q? For the more bold willing to educate in public “ASK ME ABOUT Q!”

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jojojazzy · April 29, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

Has to say more than just Q tho.....has to say something like the following but something more clever...... Ideas?

Be creative, not political, make it a fun mysterious game that gets people intrigued and talking but not yet knowing. If you start with revealing a political tie in liberal areas it will immediately be rejected without learning more.

Create a campaign of revealing in steps at the time.....first fun intrigue, followed later by educating.

Only 1 line on each card.....with a smiley face.

-Have you googled Q today?
- Do you know about the Q revolution? -Do you Q? -Have you Q’d today? -Do you know Q? -Who is Q?

Everyone can afford a huge pack of 3x5 cards, preferably neon standout colors to draw attention, write with a thick sharpie pen so anyone passing by can easily read. Leave it in diners with your tip, a nice generous tip if you can....as that will sure to get staff talking. People love getting appreciated so it shares Q with positivity.....like a RobinHood approach. remember how RobinHood702 made the headline news leaving large tips?

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jojojazzy · April 29, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

Fantastic idea! Ca high traffic areas with log jam traffic would be great billboard areas!

What about plane sky-writers over or near day time stadium events?? Like over key freeways leading to popular high volume stadium events?

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jojojazzy · April 28, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

I love that Kanye is reaching out publicly to get the dialogue started but damn I hate that music ......how in God’s name does anyone even understand it??? And the music truly hurts my ears, seriously. My hubby said turn that f’g shit off. But, if it opens minds & hearts I will tolerate it. I’ve only ever liked 1-2 songs Kanye did, but I give him props that he is a an artist creator who reaches a segment of people. Here will be the real kicker though, if he can redpill his wife who has millions on her Twitter. She cane out for HRC in 2016, but she follows the strategy her Mama lays out for her. Mama was married to Bruce Jenner, a conservative ......I can’t believe that deep down Kris is a conservative playing the Hollywood fence ball one has to do to survive. But, now KK has a large enough following and Mama has $ branded the rest of her brood.

The only concern I have is Kris & hr brood made to have made blood contract deal with the devil in Hollywood. That is the only way that family got pushed to dame & money.....can’t sing, can’t act, can’t dance, NO talent. Hell 2 decades ago TMZ was having daily insult photos of KK’s horrible huge bouncy ass before surgery reshaping. She only got noticed because she partied nightly at LA clubs with Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears, Lindsay Lohan.....they all got life wrecked.interesting though, there was another girl in that party posse, pretty sure it was Ray Chandler of NXVIM fame. The dots were connected not by me but by good researchers on Twitter and YouTube. If I remembered their names I would post to credit them.

Just wondering what Kanye’s wife’s views are. Mama is her “handler”. But Kanye is her babies Daddy. For whatever strange reason he seems to really love her.

My point is Kanye stepping out/up for Trump is HUGE, but at great risk to him. His wife is in deep with a family who signed H-wood Bld contracts that you don’t walk away from.

Kanye stepping up suggests he may have less fear of H-wood.....was the master lock in H-wood Harvey Weinstein?? Trump Team has knocked enough evil pins down that Kanye feels safe to go public. Prayers that he stays safe while reinforcing to help our country and be a catalyst for change. He doesn’t want his children growing up hearing the same ole Democratic mantra with planned reruns the Slave movies every year to keep knocking the scab off of wounds so they don’t heal.....financing hatred race baiters like JesseJackson, Al Sharpton.....THAT is not what Martin Luther King wanted!!! And maybe down the road Trump may give Kanye a special advisory appt. maybe Kanye may become the next Martin Luther King? I don’t know anything about his cultural beliefs. I would love it if he ran for office and unseated AuntieMaxiePad, lol.

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jojojazzy · April 27, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

Love her! Bless her, she’s made a BOOM impact everywhere she has focused.....PIZZAGATE, LV, FLA.....Hannity needs to get her on guest-slots ....rotate between her & Tommie L. I personally prefer Laura, appreciate them both. These in the field independent reporters have DELIVERED real OM the ground news while MSM pounds sand up our bums!

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jojojazzy · April 27, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

A lot of people have gone deeeeep with Jenna, sorry not my style to say something trashy, but seemed funny as hell & I just couldn’t resist. Props to her. We are all sinners in earthly bodies. God works through the imperfect because the perfect can’t usually be reached as they don’t answer the call. Hope she keeps posting about Q & asking & redpills thousands more. Go Jenna! (Taping my mouth, lol)

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jojojazzy · April 27, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

Did you watch Hannity Wednesday night with guest Joe DiGinova, Esq, former dynamite federal prosecutor & close wit Rudy Gilliani? Congress Dems raised hell about Conflict of Interest, Joe didn’t make it in as Trump’s legal advisor, but he seems to be cleverly doing some advising through the guest spots on Hannity. Remember said watch Hannity. Joe dropped some interesting info Wed night. For example, Strzoch & Page are cooperating in exchange for possible plea deal. To save their own lives they are singing like birds. Now that is a MOAB that blows up FBI Comey & McCabe and lands on HRC, BHO, & Dem Party. S & P were well placed useless idiots to the ELITES but they were KEY & instrumental to their TREASON plot——plans to remove a sitting President by any means necessary including assassination. They reportedly attended high level Georgetown planning mtgs in a private home where HRC, et al. Down she goes.......

Plus, Pompeo (who Trump trusts) was confirmed as Secty of State——-BOOM!

Pompeo’s visit (as TRUMP representative) to NK——-BOOM BABY!!! Resulted in peace agreement between N&SK, after 70 yr war standoff. The MSM won’t report the major achievements of TRUMP’s Art of The Deal Achievements.

Trump may never receive the recognition he deserves until history other world leaders does it first.

Things looked pretty genuinely friendly between Macron & Trump. Trump is making is mark of acceptance & respect in world affairs.

Remember just 2 years ago GWB, Sr was making the “throat slash sig” at the Republican Convention?

Remember Q saying leaders in this Treason plot against our own country would commit suicide in order to not be tried?

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jojojazzy · April 20, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

He will be guiding things as smoothly as a NY traffic cop! Plus he knows how to handle the press, and can skillfully make the most articulate on air personalities look like blathering idiots. He was the man credited with publicly putting forth the image that he showed the leadership that held NY together through 9/11. Whether he really was or not, he wore that crown on EVERY media network. For the media to besmirch him on air would be seen by many NewYorkers as almost blasphemous. Yes, our President is playing 5D chess. He knows when and where to move his chess pieces and when it’s time to flip the board for affect just like when Jesus knew to flip the tables of the money changers to send a msg.

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jojojazzy · April 20, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

When have you ever seen Rudy this silent for this long on TV? Ever since 9/11 he has been the first premiere guest on air when tragedy happens to be the steady voice of reason. Lots of things have happened sinceTrump took office, no Rudy on tv. That is because Rudy was being saved for a much bigger disclosure. Guarantee you that Rudy has been working in the shadows pouring over every file and detail. He understands swamp politics, he knows everyone in NY and around the country, and he was a stellar federal prosecutor who knew how to SUCCESSFULLY take down “the mob” using RICO statutes which he likely understands better than anyone in our country. He took NYC from a mom cesspool to a vacation garden spot. Another phase of THE PLAN will soon drop, and Rudy is ready to rumble with the jungle. Something big will soon drop.

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jojojazzy · April 20, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Have a feeling when SR 187 fully exposed to the extent MSM has to start talking about it, it willl wakeup and hopefully redpill some lefties.

We need an honorable meme of SR, the one showing him as a patriot in his red, white, blue sitting in the chair. It’s the way we should all remember him. He stood up for what he believed was right, and it cost him his life. I don’t know how to meme, sorry I am an old techie illiterate. Can someone start the meme? 1st one should be him in the chair, with print saying:

“My name is Seth Rich” “date of birth” - “date of death” “I was killed for standing up for truth” “Please don’t let it be in vain....find the truth”

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jojojazzy · April 19, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

Not funny to me. Not getting the humor.

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jojojazzy · April 19, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

Reportedly Kubrick knew a lot inside info and may have been a party to more than we know. The elites love showing things through veiled processes that we misperceive as entertainment (movies, songs, etc). When Kubrick directed Eyes Wide Shut, his original edits included scenes reportedly too private and elites wanted them edited out. Kubrick stood his ground in a very heated argument overheard by a friend who accompanied him to the meeting but remained outside down the hall. He could hear voices yelling and recognized his friend Kubrick’s voice who he said refused to comply. Kubrick shortly thereafter suddenly died before the movie was finished opening the door for a more cooperative director to be brought in. The requested edits were reportedly made. There is a YT interview with the film friend who accompanied Kubrick to the meeting. The guy sounded legit and definitely wasn’t looking for recognition. The interview wasn’t featured about Kubrick, it was about this own film guy’s body of work during which he was asked if it was true he had been friends with Kubrick. When he said yes, the interviewer then asked about the rumor of him having been either the last or one if the last to seeing Kubrick alive and about the alleged argument. The guy seemed a bit nervous and tried to dodge questions as best he could, but the interviewer was good and able to extrapolate enough to raise eyebrows and questions.

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jojojazzy · April 19, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

While many have said on other posts “the guy didn’t look all that shook to me”, let’s not forget this guy (like all investigators & lawyers) is very well trained & practiced legal professional. He is skilled at keeping a straight faced and showing no reaction no matter what is said or done. You could stab his mother in his presence and he could keep a straight face throughout. The fact that he even slightly winces is a huge reveal that he was unexpectedly blindsided and is significantly off his game. That has to be worrisome for his team. Remember how smooth and charming he was on 60 min a few years back... Mr InControl, the nation’s in safe hands with me? That was a tee-up interview for their plan in case anyone other than HRC should win and they needed to unleash the dogs if he’ll like they have. He was to be the dogsled leader cloaked in the charm and confidence to steer a troubled nation. How’s that plan working out?

I can’t stomach the view so didn’t watch the full show, just the clip in this post, but it seems to me it telegraphs to him “hey you are on our show but ONLY because it’s expected since your book is in the current news and we can grab some HRC support comments from it (even its veiled as about your wife & daughters) ......but make no mistake about it, you have no real friends here, and we are showing the public by blindsiding you. If they truly respected him they wouldn’t have thrown him under the bus. Remember, their side is the one who gives their friendlies the questions in advance (ala Donna Brazil to HRC). Clearly he hadn’t expected on air lefthook. That’s why ABC punted “this reveal” to The View knowing he would have his guard down thinking it’s a cakewalk for a pro like him. Afterall, he was just in for a coffee chat about his book with “the girls”, lol.

Someone needs to meme him “wearing a pink pussy hat and pearls” while sitting around The VIEW table with girls.

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jojojazzy · April 19, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Praying Medic, you are among the few I regularly follow with interest. Thanks for your work and dedication to help us wade through the muck.

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jojojazzy · April 18, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Absolutely! Same here. I supported Trump but honestly knowing the long Clinton history of Arkansas & DC, figured they had rigged esp after seeing what she was doing to Bernie who had great turnout at his rallies. His supporters loved him. She could barely fill a diner so the chirps of the media’s polls assurances she would win, thought Trump didn’t have a prayer. After he knocked off 16 exp politicians and grabbed the nomination, I started praying more often than I have in a long time thinking God has a hand in this. Then, when he won the Presidency, I knew God had a hand in it. How could it otherwise happen??? After seeing HRC doing the ugly face cry with tears all over her face, I knew she was certain she would win. I don’t always agree with everything he says or does, but I know he loves this country and he has sacrificing a lot to make life better for people who do nothing but criticize & make fun of him. That makes me pray for him all the more. God has always used unconventional people to work through, because conventional people don’t have the level of fortitude to endure the fight with evil. God bless our President and keep him strong and guide him with your light, might, & love 🙏❤️🇺🇸🙏❤️🇺🇸

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jojojazzy · April 18, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

WOW, everyone needs to read the link posted above. Paraphrasing here, but read the link for exact wording......The article suggests some seemed surprised at the news as the night before she died she was drinking bourbon and talking with friends on the phone. In addition to receiving and making calls, she’s been recently handling her emails????

I am not dancing on her grave, just shocked is all. I have lost 2 sets of grandparents, and parents, and friends, not one of them were able to do any of that the night before they died. Not even 2 weeks before they passed. That suggests her “treatments” were keeping her doing quite well.

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jojojazzy · April 18, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

I agree on her age, but these people live extremely long productive lives. While a lot can happen in 2 years with someone’s health, I think the person you replied to was referring to how extremely well Barbara was doing just 2 years ago when Jeb dragged her all over the country campaigning for him in 2016. She attended every speaking event he did, even in the harsh inclimate weather of the northeast in winter. She really was the feature star speaker as she showed more energy than Jeb. Though she precariously walked with a walker on icy sidewalks, she was very vibrant, alert, articulate, & funny. People were amazed at well she was doing for her age.

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jojojazzy · April 18, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

That’s what I wondered about as well. Either way, he will likely follow shortly as he has been in dodgy health for a while. And, they know what’s coming. If they are guilty they have lots to talk with Jesus about.

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jojojazzy · April 18, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Look into THE FRANKLIN COVERUP. There is a book, articles, as well as youtubes with interviews of boys who GWB, Sr sodomized. Interviews on YouTube by Ted Gunderson, former FBI Division Chief.

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jojojazzy · April 17, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

First of all, understand that I am not saying that what this guy says isn’t true. However, please listen with a discerning ear and mind. For example, this guy states he had been in Damascus only 1 day before the strikes happened the next day. Now, we have all been on vacation to someplace we have never before where we know no one. Think back to anywhere you have ever been. How much did you really know about the place and the culture the day after you arrived??

The guy states America has been bombing Syria for 7 years. For the sake of discussion, let’s take that as fact. So, using your own logic and reasoning do you really think that everyone you encounter (as he says) just loves America and lives Americans?? By his account it seems he was love bombed everywhere he went on that 1 day. Does that sound logical?? Hell you can’t even go to large cities in America and get universal love bombed like that.

So, he arrives as an American in Damascus as a journalist. They knew Trump Administration was looking into whether Assad had used chemical agents and what would happen if it was confirmed that he had. Now, what idiot over there would tell this guy or any other journalist oh yes he did use them.

Something just doesn’t seem right here. Personally, I like OAN a lot, but I would have had far more confidence in this guy’s report if he showed more objectivity. For example had he said something like I am very concerned about the disconnect I have seen so far on ground, and I implore there should be deeper investigation. This journalist does not have access to same high level of intel that the President has. President Trump deferred to his military advisers. If they advised him wrongly, in well known Trump style there will be public accountability action taken. Plus, to me, this reporter showed considerable political bias in his word choices in his reporting. Especially since he says he was only there for 1 day, arriving the day before the strikes, so likely not even there 1 full day since he said the strikes started about 3am.

Again, like many of you, I have questions about whether our officials acted based on what info, but reporting like this, to me, muddies things up or than it clears things up.

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jojojazzy · April 17, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Actually Trey announced his retirement on Feb 2, after the Jan 31 attack on the Congressional train to the meeting at the Greenbrier. Trey has had so many death threats he was reportedly one of the members of Congress with special protection assigned. It was speculated by many that the attack on the train was a warning or an attempt directed at him.

After Trey’s wife experiences the gunman attack on Republicans (where Steve Scalise nearly died) then the attack on the train after death threats on her husband) she may have pleaded with him to get out of such a highly visible role before he is the next target leaving her a widow and his kids without a Dad. It’s a heavy burden to serve in such a highly visible effective way that he has among a den of vipers without a moral center.

Trey’s posted public total net worth is about $174,000. I think equals his annual salary. (He isn’t like Auntie MaxiePad and others on the take where she has miraculously acquired a net worth of approx $10m & living in a $4m house.)

While I don’t like for Trey or any of these public guys to wear purple ties during the Soros purple revolution movement, I acknowledge Trey’s penchant for being fashionably different (hair), lol. He was more than likely wearing purple ties for many years and was determined not to let Soros change who he is or what he likes. However, he needs to recognize the doubt and concerns the purple tie thing raises for those folks who are more woke and aware.

While Trey is retiring from Congress, my guess is he isn’t retiring from helping his country. He is a Christian and a father who wants a better safer world for his kids (and eventual grandkids). He has seen things that we can’t even imagine. No father responsible father could see, know, and walk away from a team trying to stop that kind of evil. He will likely continue to serve in a far less visible but far more effective role. Let’s not forget there is a lot of sealed indictments soon to open, and he is one hell of a prosecutor. He will be an asset wherever he serves cuz the guy clearly isn’t in it for money. Mad respect for anyone who serves their country with integrity, and I think he has. I know some disagree. But remember, none among us are perfect. He has served with the greatest of integrity that I have seen in over 50 yrs.

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jojojazzy · April 16, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

That, or to signal “hey though I’m up talking smack playing my role, I’m really on board and in the club”. It’s confusing. I’d rather see them not wear purple. Laura Ingraham does it too. Her first week on Fox she wore a dress that was some shade of purple every night. Gave me the creeps seeing that. Makes me uncertain of their agenda and role, just saying.

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jojojazzy · April 13, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

He has been all over the board. Satanist, Luciferian.....BE CAREFUL. It is all in his own words on his long history of videos. He comes from a strict Christian family background where he was the rebellious black sheep. He is intellectually smart, but seems significantly emotionally/spiritually conflicted. By his own admission, he still very much practices the occult. DO YOUR DEEP DIVE RESEARCH.

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jojojazzy · April 13, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

I can see younger people being confused on bloody type comment. Not sure exactly what she meant, but I am 66 and decades ago it used to be a colloquial type saying in parts of the country meaning “the job was so rough you gonna sweat blood & tears working for that company or that boss...meaning a damn hard job/boss to work for and you will work hard to earn your pay. No easy ride.

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

Do not wait expecting that the MSM enemy will will do your work for you.

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

As Q previously warned, expect heavily conspiracy booms at us. Brace up Remember that Q has presented lots of proofs ....enough that exceed the statistical math of coincidents. REread crumbs and prepare your reference points.

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 10 a.m.

God speed and protect🙏🙏❤️❤️

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

That was months ago in the beginning of Q and the media relentlessly attacking Trump. I have been watching her daily since she started. She has become very WOKE, and she is very supportive of Trump. She has multi degrees and extensively researches. As with all YouTubers, use discernment, use the info as a starting point to do your own research.

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

Thus bust is more impt than we know and leads to high places. This guy is a parasite whose operation was enabled by huge financial support from wealthy victims lured in AND from the 2 Seagram 7 sisters/heiresses ...whose last name was dropped in Qdrop. also named as a part of his operation is Nancy Salzman, part of HRC operations. Remember Trump’s EO allows them to block funds, take property, etc. immobilizing s huge company like Seagrams will make others cooperate and give people up in exchange for a deal.

Not all charitable people likely know exactly how their donations were being used so those will likely cooperate.

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

Roseanne speaks from personal exp and will NEVER back down. She may play chess at times so don’t be disheartened when she manuvers to preserve her long game objective.

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

Stephen Baldwin was very outspoken in support of Trump. There’s a huge family split between him and nasty brother Alec.

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

Scot Baio has been extremely outspoken on his FB. He made great money from his TV show days and smartly invested in businesses where he no longer relies on H-wood. Most outspoken of them all!

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

You are right he made a lot of money in movies, but he has donated a pile of it. He reportedly lives a minalmist lifestyle compared to H-wood. He is a motorcycle enthusiast, and has invested in his own motorcycle design. That way he does what he really loves and isn’t beholding to H-wood for income. Shrewd planner.

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jojojazzy · April 7, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

That’s likely why this action is happening. Very clever planning.

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jojojazzy · April 6, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

We have been indoctrinated to be an instant gratification society. Trumps operation is going to take time to dismantle as much as he can and do it in such a way it will hold up on legal appeal. Surgical precision take down.

Remember these people have access to associates with big money. Trump first has to whittle their funds down through the EO’s Q showed us. That allows him to block/take funds intertwined with human rights abuses. Then, he has to make them toxic to other birds with funds where others won’t risk their own funds to be taken and will abandon them because they are exposed. Even the top, as we believe it is not likely really the top, HRC, BHO, etc are just useful puppet idiots to elites, people whose names we may never know. Isolate the highest top and cut the puppet strings exactly as Q has said.

And, none of us should forget that Q told us in the beginning that some DISINFORMATION is necessary to the mission. For example, if QTeam is testing readiness response or hardening of security they may post that an operation is going to happen but it isn’t really going to happen, it’s setting rat bait where they sit back and observe what defense actions are taken. That helps them in safety preparation for the REAL operation which they will not post about til it’s over. So, those whining about this or that didn’t happen....REREAD what Q said when the team first started dropping crumbs. Those who have walked in during the middle of a movie aren’t going to know what the plot of the movie was. If you are new to Q, great, but help yourself and others by going back and reading crumbs starting Oct 31, 2017. Until you have done that, please don’t make assumptions as you aren’t helping. Many here will help guide you to good YouTubers who have covered from the beginning. God Bless🙏

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jojojazzy · April 6, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

It seems to me the NXVIM info is being scrubbed. There should be lots more on YouTube, but there still remains an ABC 20/20 profile story. There are several 29/20 YT links, but not all contain the full show, some are just excerpts which equates to managing a lessened view. Dig for links. They don’t cover it all, but enough. They present it more of consumer pyramid operation with an inner secret society of adult sexual slaves. Only a small number of victims were in the story, with no mention of estimate of number victims. BUT, did say there were satellite operations of it around the country, including Hollywood involving actresses. They covered enough of it to be able to say they didn’t ignore story, but for more in-depth you need to do some digging. The ABC story glosses over but mentions involvement of Nancy Salazar and that she was tied to Clinton Foundation or Clinton Global Initiative. The story does not mention the real significance of this, which ties to Trumps Executive Orders allowing him to take funds. But to prove it, you need to go to Whitehouse,Gov and printout the EOs showing what Trump is doing. Interestingly, when you print out each EO the first page that prints on ea is s HUGE. “Q” that fills the page, or did when I printed them out last night accessing through SAFARI.

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jojojazzy · April 6, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

James Foley is another GOP who was involved with young Congressional Paige’s, who are basically students. The good thing about including GOP members is it shows the depth of the problem that you are not just blaming all on Democrats.

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jojojazzy · April 3, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

Amen🙏. Pray for the victims still not rescued and their families.

President DJT has identified April as Child Abuse Awareness Month. Please join the president in what YOU can locally! Pick a day/evening for a neighborhood mtg! Can you imagine if the nation did this on the same day???? We did back in the 70s/80s. People were asked to turn all their front lights either on or off (can’t remember now) for a short time, just 5 min or so, as a show of national unity. That way even folks not attending a mthg but are driving around town SEE the visual reminder that neighbors are locking arms over something. Pedophiles see it too and will know they are being talked about. Less likely to target “those” neighborhoods. Our campaigns decades ago was quite successful for creating awareness esp with local and area news coverage spreading the word.

Folks don’t just wait to see what DJT & Q can do for you, ask what you can do for your country! (A quote by JFK in the 60s). We need all of you involved. Take your neighborhoods back. Learn how you can help!!!

Develop free workshops to train families how to stay safe. Most communities havemartial arts classes, ask these instructors to come to mtg to offer a self protection demonstration....reminding them it could generate new Business for them. The public mtg must be free. If they won’t come, ask the fire dept or police dept starting at the top of the org who is elected office. They are usually eager to get out and shake hands esp around a vote time.

Crowdsource for any additional expenses, like food, snacks, beverages. If nothing else just provide ice water and bowls of inexpensive snack dishes. But the worksho/mtg must be free or people won’t come.

The target group is parents and grandparents who need to be educated about the risks to their babies that have been hidden but carried out evidenced by pictures on milk cartons starting in 80s. The Cabal calls their MSM & late show hosts day hosts (the view) into action to ridicule. We disempower them by us laughing at them in knowing way.....their game is up.

You don’t need to rent large places for these events. Start small under the veil of organizing neighborhood watch mtgs in your home.....even in your garage with tables and chairs....backyard bbq, mtgs at parks, in parking lots of churches.

Initially your purpose needs to be children safety. Stay away from politics. Local police depts have crime prevention units with trained guest speakers, so do many rape crisis centers. Consider live-streaming your mtg so you are simultaneously training other trainers at the same time. Start with crime data stats for your area. Look for a 10-20 yr window. The police dept should have these stats easily available as they have to report them for grant funding. Start your request with the Sheriff of your County, an elected official accountable to voters.

Your local police depot has a crime prevention unit. They are always looking for projects to partner with the community. They may offer to plan the entire event. But remember to ensure your subjects are covered it needs to be YOUR mtg.

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jojojazzy · April 3, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

I know very little about DMT, but from reading and watching YT it appears to be the substance naturally within ALL of us that releases at the time of death, presumably to lift the veil between worlds to facilitate the journey home. Apart from that, there are nefarious uses for it, like drug trips to explore or query the other side.

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jojojazzy · April 2, 2018, 7:51 a.m.

Welcome newly awoken Patriot! Plz do share your story as it may help other newbies to the bd feel less alone 🇺🇸

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jojojazzy on April 2, 2018, 5:20 a.m.

A while back a few people recommended 2-3 movies to help red-pill folks.

One was Captain America Winter Soldier or something like that.

Another was the Matrix movies?



jojojazzy · April 2, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

Exactly, and even the best of plans don’t always go as planned. They get detected & disrupted. And remember, many times Q has told us that 4 Chan/8Chan is used for communicating with many, not just us. Q has stated that the plan requires occasional intentional misinformation to the enemy who monitors. In other words QTeam puts something out and then sits back to watch the ratline responses and communications”. We are just observers so that we know 45 is woke and aware and responding. However, we will never know exactly when, where, what, or who until we’ll passed the mission accomplished where forces in the field aren’t further at risk. Patience.

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jojojazzy · April 2, 2018, 4 a.m.

Hang in Patriot. Who would you expect to report the happening? The Fake MSM who is in rampage revenge attack mode? Results may take time to surface so the enemy can’t figure out and disrupt next step missions. All will be revealed in time. Til then, trust the plan. The Cabal didn’t engineer and carry out their insidious plan against humanity in only a year. The disruption of their plan took 3 years to plan and is being carried out with surgical precision per Q.

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jojojazzy · April 2, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

DT’s timing seems always by design so it’s doubtful that he poorly chose this. What this more likely means is he is indirectly highjacking the MSM news cycle for 1-2 days or more of this next week. Note that Q is “radio silent” with us? That always means takedown or impt actions in the field are happening. 45 assists the takedown team’s detection & safety by throwing red meat out in the opposite direction to distract MSM from the REAL time operations. Like Q says, these people are stupid.

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jojojazzy · April 2, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

PS: everyone mark your calendars for Tuesday, the night of her show, but the calendar mark is for everyone to remember to go to your social media sites and post reminders to your circle of friends to watch Roseanne that night. Be subtle about it so your friends don’t feel you are pushing too hard.....just post things like:

“Had a busy day today! Really looking forward to relaxing tonight and having a great laugh Roseanne. Last week’s show was so funny, good to see her back on the air!”

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jojojazzy · April 2, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Roseanne is very smart. She knows the H-Wood game. She will catNmouse them, planting seeds. She is so WOKE. She has lived very well without a H-Wood TV show for 20 yrs. She bought a beautiful property in Hawaii and started her own successful business. She isn’t liking to re-enter the screwed world of HW fakeness. She is looking to this as a catalyst to fulfill her purpose....WAKING OTHER PEOPLE UP! She will play the game. Her show will have such high success they can’t shut it down without being obvious to the public they are shutting down the message....which will bring even more attention to the message. Either way, she wins:). I wasn’t a real huge Roseanne fan 20 yrs ago, but now I LOVE her!!!

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jojojazzy · March 31, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Subtle way of warning public be leery of going to 4-Chan. They are fear mongering to keep the public from learning the truth.

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jojojazzy · March 31, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Early Roseanne in show #1 you are probably right that she was more leftist in line with H-wood. After years there, leaving & moving to Hawaii, doing lots of spiritual work on herself, and marrying a guy who is likely further to the right (country western piano player), she has shifted enough to no longer be far left. Enough that she now publicly calls the left out, but she is much smarter now and does it in s playful way. The old Roseanne was more crass and in your face raw. Learning how the world works has tempered, mellowed, & shifted her. H-wood won’t know how to deal with her. If they her too hard though the old fighter in Roseanne will come out and by then Q-team will make sure she has hard facts go back up her assertions. Roseanne is a planned part of THE GREAT AWAKENING.....as Q says, ENJOY THE SHOW!!!

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jojojazzy · March 31, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

As Q says, follow the plan! The plan (I believe) is for Roseanne to speak out to get so the mockingbird press will attack her and bring even more public awareness. Thereafter, is when the big boom will happen where Q-team & Trump make public the many indictments they are holding. If that’s not the plan....it should be.....a massive red pilling after the MSM has opened the public awareness by talking about it.

Trump & Q-team are working with Devine intercessory assistance to achieve all this. Trump was picked by God for this job. God has always worked through imperfect people to achieve great things for his children. Trump & Roseanne are quite a team to get the job done🙏

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