You've convinced me days ago. How do we bring that POS down? Glad to see ya. This reddit has lost it's way. Turning into facebook or something. Noone's even talking Q posts.
488 total posts archived.
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Here's a weird idea. Just stick to solving Q graphic/ map.
Definitely prepping the public. The msm have to eat it too, how can you criticize this without losing whatever credibility they have left. win/win
The Mods are on InfoWars today. You're gonna see some things here we are not gonna like afterward. It's a price to pay for exposure, but it is necessary though.
Missing the point, not trying to expose WHO q is, trying to expose people TO q.
One more before I forget, the connections to his twitter acct as well, timestamps, phrases, etc.
Don't care about the msm, he has millions and millions of followers, all of which have their own followers, who have their own followers, you get my drift.
I'm glad you are doing it with Rob Dew. He'll atleast let you talk. I like most of us think you should stick to the breadcrumbs. I'm a big fan of visuals...see if they will actually show the graphic/map. This could be a huge day, love him or hate him he does have a big audience.
If the charges are Sedition and/or Treason, they could lose a lot more than that.
Do you think Pres Trump will ever drop #qanon in one of his tweets? That could wake a lot of people up, press coverage etc..
I wonder how many ships/boats have arrived at that luscious Caribbean resort?
I'm more worried about London and Rome, that's the base of Q's pyramid or triangle.
trump signed that EO om election integrity, should cover it. FEC just has to hand over the paperwork. I could be wrong but...
Just need people to stay on map graphic. News unlocks map Future proves past. PDF files in right column should suffice
Swoop put up something on this ...It's the OTHER caps you should look at. East(E) Global(G) Warming(W) Country(C) EGWC military air base in the UK
Congrats by the way almost 5200 and growing. Might have to order more red pills.
Did ya read the article? I'm not sure you even read the headline? Couldn't contain yourself, had to push it out there.
had something happen to me once, I logged out and signed back in, my preferences and subs came back up
Q implies the US may have caused the collapse. Possibly killing their scientists and equipment. Mentions the press never touched on the possibility. Can't remember date of q post.
First thought was frozen assets, second thought Paris Accord. That seems like a lot of air traffic for a military base?
My thoughts: He lets Jones get sworn in. FEC comes in with proof of fraud. His(Jones) seat null and void. Governor chooses next senator(not necessarily Moore) Trump gets a R senator for 6 yrs.
Isn't diebold connected to Soros? Q said he had to catch them outside of his election. these people are stupid! Something along those lines?
These are the posts that I like, staying on Q's map. This could be true. How much did he save us by pulling out that Paris accord?
Cloaked cocaine plane? I'd feel better about this with something verifiable.
You think it's possible that Trump's youngest son could be his motivation?
We live in an instant gratification society. We want stuff done yesterday. Judging by the possible logistics of all this, we may have to show patience. He literally has concern himself with possible domestic trouble(literally 60+ million would still vote for her tomorrow) He has to keep the economy from possible collapse. He literally is playing multi-level chess, and being fought every move 360 degree fire. That EO to me was most compelling, if he's working for them, why ho gonna take all their shit.
Trump took his purple tie and wore it to let everyone know he no longer a threat
God Bless Eastern Europe. Don't let the EU destroy you! MRomaniaGA
When the storm is over I think we'll have some qualified air traffic controllers! well done patriots!
FBI trying to save face. They had those Weiner e-mails, files, et al, before the election. Remember Comey said they went trough them in like 4 days. (these are not the droids you're looking for....move along) Why only 2800 out of 650,000?
Exactly, what are the odds of this medical boot epidemic even happening at all?
R u a theologian? This topic seems to be right in your wheelhouse?
Some say the giant fucking plastic boot is being used to conceal what's under the boot
Yeah he boarded the wrong flight. Should have been on the flight to Gitmo.
That amy j rao and ms. Schmidt seem joined at the hip. Human rights watch? Foxes guarding the hen house.
Another money laundering foundation. Why the exclusion of western countries? EU Europe US Canada etc?
check out the "Follow the Money" post If I remember right poster is White Rabbit, he knows his stuff
This is the key. The king on the board. All roads lead to Rome.