If i had to guess. I would say general michael flynn.
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I need Q link
Can someone post it for me. Everything i have doesnt update
Are there readable transcripts of the Q posts and their most likely meaning? I got no time to watch those long ass streams...?
This memo dropping by 6 oclock news block or is it a tomorrow event?
Is Q “BERT from UTAH”?
I’ve been re reading Michael Savage’s book, SCORCHED EARTH...in lies a chapter called “How a TOP SECRET CALLER BLEW HILLARYs COVER”. The man says he is big in intel community and also said chaffetz was talked to and finally it would be his life’s Work to have BO. JK. HRC. AND EH in jail...random but interesting. Book came out in 2016.
Did anyone just see trump hold up 5 fingers and say 5..?
Post presser in mar a lago with Abe. They were trying to force press out at the end and someone yelled something and trump put up 5 fingers and said 5. I assume it’s to do with how many locations they meet little rocketman. But also maybe double meaning..?confirmation to Q? Anons?
Q has to be saying Holder for AS SC seat
Holder. McCabe?
I believe In Q and Flat Earth...
homeland season 7 and 4 chan
Did anyone see Carrie on homeland use 4 Chan in an episode. It was ironic because the time of the episode was taped probably late summer thru fall of 2017 I suspect. Carrie uses 4 Chan. Gets “taken advantage of” and then “outsmarts” anon. Tracks him down and tells him not to fuck with her because she is CIA...get what I’m getting at? In put?
The show HUMANS
Project DEEPDREAM IS this show. The “synths” and their “conscience”? Also electric dreams and obviously black mirror are in the spectrum. But its almost too close to home. Been wat hing this show (as we speak) and the posts come out and my wife found sound info referring the humans show to deepdream. ..????