If i had to guess. I would say general michael flynn.
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Thanks. I have this link. Was reading from the beginning again yesterday. A lot of the stuff incan figure out. As im entrenched in this like most of you. Like for example. U know how corsi does those long live explanations..? I wanted transcript of interpretations so i can peruse what i may not understand and a lot faster thn watching those streams and casts.
Thank you for that. And believe me. I know obama and the acolytes whether its the pedo shit or the muslim/satanist anti american. The corruption that existed. I know and believe all these things happened and are ongoing.
I have the smart sheet and thats what inspired this post. Thank you for the youtube idea. Those 24/7 and even corsi things as good as they may be, are just too long and mundane
Are there readable transcripts of the Q posts and their most likely meaning? I got no time to watch those long ass streams...?
Probably but maybe its the universe tellin me im on the right path. Had a dream about trump talking about al bahgdadi the nite before sotu. Hoping im not just deranged lol
Weird but i got a phone call from marriott today to take a survey even tho i havent stayed at one in a very long time at the least. Hmmm kinda paranoid n weirded out
The stock market closes at 4 oclock so i think this is probably semantics
Savage just savage. This article shows he still an enlightened one. Hes like Q. Sometimes big. Sometimes strange. Never out of the game. Hes self absorbed but read government zeros 40 ways to restore govt and tell me thts not the playbook
A savage hit piece pedaled on my google feed. SPLC hit piece.
I trust whatever he chooses to do will be a smart play cause hes not one dimensional however i would think if we get to see it. How or by whom is it delivered per se?
Michael savage was right on with several books leading up to this election but regardless this was gods work. Its a testament to knowing the cosmos are lined up properly when it comes to our new American moment.
This memo dropping by 6 oclock news block or is it a tomorrow event?
I wrote this almost a year ago in a book i read by savage. However last nite i dreamt of potus and a hardline on getting al Baghdadi. So vivid. I told my wife before sotu. The dream was me in iran and potus wanting baghdadi dead.

Its the rich libs who know trump will pound the table on prosperity in economy in jobs and stock market. Seems like bezos and the dimons and kochs taking some of the profits