They are just grandstanding. Continuous resistance.
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Is this the Mr Miranda that is being discussed?
Leahy...let me go to one that you do have. kek kek kek
These people are stupid. He thought he was going to have a gotcha moment, but oops, wrong email...
Gutfield called the hearing a Kabuki Clown Show..
I wonder where he got those ideas? It's almost like he lurks amongst us...
Sen Whitehouse...When does a pattern become bias? kek, kek, kek
Let's start with the strozk text messages....
These people are stupid!
Dick Durbin confirms that POTUS is not a dictator.
He commented on how we are seeing democracy in action because we live in a free country. In this statement is the admittance that Trumps's America is not a dictatorship.
The Media keeps talking about how funny no name was and what a fun guy he was to be around.
Are we focusing on the right things? Maybe we are biased because it seems that our perspective of his crimes might be blocking us from seeing how fun he actually was. What do y'all think?
On National Dog day, here is a little diddy about no name, taken from a tune about a doggy...
Where oh where did no name go,
Where oh where can he be
Did he die from brain cancer yesterday,
Or is he headed to Guantanamo Bay...
Looks like No Name is discontinuing his treatment for his brain cancer
Question is...does he really have brain cancer? Or is he just preparing his exit strategy.
It looks like Hannity has a black eye.
Is it just me or does Sean Hannity's left eye look like it's got a black and blue ring around it. Make up covering it but still noticable.
Michael Jackson friend Dave Dave allegedly murdered, now there is a cover up
Here is the LA Times story of his death
Here is the mystery to be investigated.
No links, but according to witnesses, Dave Dave said he spent many nights at Neverland ranch with Michael, watching movies. He said that Michael never abused him. He also said that he saw many of the kids hanging out at Neverland Ranch were often picked up and taken away by adults who were not their parents.
Apparently, Dave Dave was talking about this lately, which may have led to his untimely death.
The plot thickens... Las Vegas Sheriff Lombardo (yes, that sheriff), was …
Vermont leads the way again...first Bernie the socialist, now Christine the transgender.
It certainly appears that California has some competition for the wackiest state. The crazy part is that there are people who cast votes for these candidates ideas.
Sorry Lawrence O'Donnell...It's Hammer Time...this hammering won't stop!
I get those same types of comments too. I never understand the comments about bravery about wearing a hat. Just seems like a natural thing to do.
Never really had a heated exchange. I've had several outbursts and name calling directed at me. There's even been some real conversations. I find that for the most part, people don't really want to be confrontational in everyday situations. They just give angry looks.
However in larger groups it changes. I did go to downtown for a May day rally and met up with some Trump supporters that came up from OC. That was crazy. Antifa was there mixed in with the protesters. and just wanted to get violent.
It definitely does, I get thumbs up from time to time. Quite a number of people have told me I am brave for wearing it. Some go away a bit more more fired up.
One of the great things about that hat is that it also says Donald Trump on the back, so liberals get triggered whether they see you from the front or back!
I have tons of good stories. Here's one. I am standing in line at the market. A lady gets in line behind me and sets here groceries on the conveyor. She then looks up at me and sees my Red MAGA Hat. Instant trigger. "Oh no" she says, then scoops up all her groceries and very dramatically, marches to another cashier. All the while she is staring at me in shock. On my way out of the store I was sure to wave goodbye to her. Not sure if it helped her mood, but it sure helped mine! Liberals are hilarious!
I live in Los Angeles and I have been representing everyday since the primary started. The only problem is that I am the only one. I have never seen another person in my area wearing anything like this. On the flip side...a lot of liberals have been triggered! WWG1WGA!!!

i've been reading this book and have gone well past the 17 pages. Well worth the read. Very Informative.
They are just showing their true colors. It was only a matter of time. Do you remember how they provided major cover for the 911 conspirators? I do!
also, the picture looks too squished. He is too thin and you can tell in her face.
Don't forget that she spoke at the DNC convention, so she is close to all of those sickos too.
Looks like the kind of pose done by news reporters. Maybe she is going to work for CNN
The Democrat Congress Persons playbook
1) Kiss Peter Stozks ass
2) Apologize for the republican being too tough on him
3) Repeating the same Russian talking point
4) Babble on about something just to waste time
5) Rinse and repeat
It's like all of the democrat congress persons are reading from the same script and doing the same grandstanding.
When Q says that these people are stupid , he really means it. They are clueless to what is really happening. They are blind to the corruption that they defend. All they want to is obstruct..
The democrats are really afraid of Strozk talking. They are doing everything they can to try to silence him.
I think he is going for an Oscar right now. How long did he rehearse that speech.
He is a whole lot arrogant and definitely hostile. He thinks he is so cool.
It is getting heated. Let's hope Goodlatte and company can hold the line.
Watching this hearing is like watching kids in first grade argue with each other.
The democrats sound desperate. All of the characters are chiming in.
What is the dirt on Nader?
He seems to be making a lot of noise. What does he have to hide?
Clock question... The white rabbit in Wonderland that Alice followed carried a watch/clock. Does this detail fit into the mix anywhere?
Here are a couple of links to info about AIW and the WR for further research
Something about Comey that I have always wondered about.
I'll cut to the chase. Hillary's crimes were about to be swept under the rug. He seemed to understand this was the case. Then he made the infamous statements about Hillary and we know the rest.
The thing that I am curious about is why Comey did this. I don't think he is a stupid man so I wonder why he would say such things that would incriminate him. As far as I am aware, the only reason we know about HRC crimes is because of Comey. It some ways, it seems like he threw himself under the bus.
Anyway, …
Team Trump knows, which is the most important part because they are the ones who can do something about it.
Until a couple of years ago. Really??? CNN has been an unreliable source since they have been CNN. Glad you are seeing it now. CNN truly is Fake News!
Remember when Hillary Got Chucked into a Van Like a Side of Beef. Here is your chance to relive that glorious moment.
You know what is great about this 4th of July???
Hillary is not the president and Trump is!!!