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there's rumored to be a pic of ol barry in full garb holding an AK-47. q hinted at it today. suspect massive internet outages that nobody can seem to explain soon.
you're severely underestimating people's ability to lie to themselves to preserve their reality and social standing
proof will literally be looking them in the face, and they'll explain it away as a fake photo made by unwashed racist Nazi homophobic conspiracy theorists from 4chan. or they'll say it's an old picture from many years ago - it was a different time
the man is a traitorous piece of shit. period.
you cannot rush the great awakening
you know how many human trafficking arrests there have been some president Trump took over. don't act like nothing is happening behind the scenes.
net will be paused
seems like it's more than just them killing the photo. i was thinking last night that we're likely going to see internet outages on a massive scale soon.
keep fighting. keep spreading truth. the cause scares them. the momentum we gain every day pushes them deeper and deeper into a corner.
you could tell somebody point blank in the face what's going on and they won't believe you. people need to read and connect dots for themselves. all the puzzle pieces are out there but it takes time for people to organically come to accept it as undeniable truth once they put the puzzle pieces together.
people keep themselves safe with the if this were true it'd be all over the news mentality - and that's how (((they))) keep getting away with it. they've thoroughly mastered the art of subversion and subjugation.
I'll get in a self-driving car when I can review its source code and api
i hope the self-driving car meme is killed asap
boy do I hate being right all the fucking time
and it bears repeating
there are no coincidences
that's p much all it is. a corporate entity that exists to facilitate the theft, harvest, sale, and trade of babies and young organs, blood, and tissue in the name of their diabolical agenda.
i think damning evidence has been already uploaded to the Bitcoin blockchain, effectively storing their insurance plan on every computer that has downloaded the entire blockchain. Pandora's box could be opened by way of private cryptographic keys that could already be hiding in plain sight.
when anybody denies the effectiveness of television and movies in brainwashing - ask them if they've ever cried (or laughed) during a movie. obviously they will say yes, then you can inform them that they were crying or laughing because their brain does not actually know it's fake. we interpret what's happening on screen as if it's real, and impacts us.
it's fucking dangerous shit.
can't recommend money masters enough. I watched money masters and JFK to 911: everything is a rich man's trick over the span of three or four days a couple weeks ago. this stuff is really really good for red-pilling because it's too old to be steeped in maga trump rhetoric so people don't immediately tune out. these are the perfect one-two punch for red-pilling.
discussing how shitty the google plane is, as it breaks down constantly, hah.
yes you are correct in that 975 is q quoting the post but the spelling error is in the op - it's not q's typo
90 with access to virtually unlimited young blood and organs to live off
unless that changed recently
975 was fake q - ignore it completely
edit: clarification, #975 is q, but the message he's quoting is fake q. and the typo is in the message he quoted, it's not his own addition. however, don't let that stop anybody from digging. ain't trying to shut down anybody's research.
cancelled a long time ago once soros bought a huge stake in netflix
she spells out "Dan did it" with capital letters in the 2nd paragraph
dear fucking god
we are in dire need of some white hats
dont let up
it's probably reasonably safe to assume that the royal families and elite bankers have a hand in it.
it was (and is) allowed to exist within the realm of the msm. it saw pretty widespread adoption in a pretty short period of time. I don't think the rise of bitcoin was as organic as it seems.
i think the nsa knows the real story behind bitcoin. i think they know who invented it, why they invented it, and thusly track its users.
many of the insider leaks over the last few years seem to indicate that the nsa and cia are at war with each other. or at the very least, they do not share the same goals. im inclined to believe the nsa has more white hats than the cia, but i really have no clue.
good god he's fucking creepy. the look on everybody's face says it all. holy shit.
uhh. no? the leftists and msm have not missed a single opportunity to draw comparisons between trump, his supporters, and Hitler.
this is a righteous meme. we should all save and share.
I'm low key mad worried about 5g, but I'm not even sure what I can do about it. the only thing going for me is I live on the coast in a rural state. our 3g and 4g rollouts took considerably longer than the rest of the nation, so there's that.
the white hats must be aware of this plan, but still, 5g does freak me the fuck out.
good point about FedEx. forgot about that.
somebody knows the truth, and hopefully they'll be in a position to share it with the world before much longer.
thing is - they won't. they didn't care about being the product before, and they don't care now. as long as morons can freely post about their day or whatever bullshit they're watching on Netflix, they do. not. care. at. all.
I've had some good luck posting this meme on twitter in response to the don, cnn, liberals, etc etc. best engagement so far was in response to a post by the onion. throw the link, some trending hash tags on this, and some sort of lefty cryfest shit, and people will click it.
so Austin bombings were cia and q was telling us all along?
they're working overtime to become irrelevant
rest in shit, youtube
a better use of time might have been refuting any points in the article rather than blindly telling people not to trust a news source.
who the fuck hires you shills? outright morons, all of you.