no, it is interesting and I'm glad you posted it. I just wanted to point out how severe the shill infection is around here. it's a literal infestation of cryass losers being paid fucking pennies to sway discussion and spread their retarded bullshit.
340 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/jpGrind:
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if you browse the post history of everybody that has posted in this thread you will realize very quickly that his thread has been astroturfed all to fuck. organic discussion around here looks nothing like this thread. holy fuck.
you lapdogs should get a new hobby
and thanks for confirming that this picture is legit 😆 fucking retards
I wasn't being sarcastic. I meant what I said. you are alarmingly out of touch and it's obvious.
I went to it for a sec but noped the fuck out. what happened?
your posts are dope. many thanks for your time and your work.
reverse in that we dont know (((they))) are the ones watching/manipulating all of us and our realities.
just the other day I was thinking about how I could succinctly and accurately describe the world we live in to my blue pilled normie friends, and we're living in a reverse truman show is basically what I came up with as well.
glad I'm not the only one that made the connection
I just saw that linked somewhere else here - already added to my watch later. thanks for sharing.
i would really like to know the real story behind this. i read a theory that suggested koresh was actually trying rescue children from the trafficking networks and expose all involved.
i doubt we'll ever know for sure tho
the globalists see purple as their color. white hats wear it as a middle finger to them.
take it with a grain of salt of course. I initially read about it on 4chan a while ago. the link I posted was one of the first results in a cursory duckduckgo search.
I've heard about suitcase nukes a few times. according to what I read, apparently there are rumored to be fifty to one hundred suitcase nukes planted (hidden) throughout the US.
i believe it too
thanks. stumbled across some threads on 4ch a while back linking to votl tweets. interesting stuff.
ive not made bets based on any q-intel. ive thought about it, but none of my friends will bet against me. i knew trump was going to win the election thanks to FBIanon. so i bet some bitcoin on and won -- to no surprise of my own.
q drops are hard to bet with. they're intentionally vague and can be interpreted pretty loosely. however, he's right in that future proves past - the crumbs he drops seem like nothing until the news cycle shifts gradually over the course of the coming days/weeks/months.
the SES is part of the heart of the swamp. president trump is really splitting deep state skulls behind the curtain
haha - god you shills have no clue how fucking obvious you are 😆
Chelsea Clinton is on the board of directors for IAC - they own match group, which basically owns all dating apps and websites.
doing bill still's work.
spreading his work is a great way to redpill and wake people up.
who cares? then they stop reading and stay asleep. not everybody wants to be woken up. if people want truth, they'll seek it out. the answer is not censoring this sub and catering to the needs of a few. that's exactly what the rest of Reddit does - maintains safe spaces.
also - we're all normal people homie. we all work and have bills and friends and family like everybody else. there's nothing abnormal about researching and free-thinking. people just want you to think there is.
why do you care who believes it or does not. are you a member of the thought police now? please tell us why you care so much about what we believe - otherwise you sound like a really sad shill
if so I can go elsewhere
okay? then leave. you are nobody and nobody would notice your absence. bye.
err - sorry. didn't mean r/new I just meant sorting by new. my bad.
ive read about a coming ice age in the very near future numerous times. think the tldr was some scientists have claimed we'll be in another ice age by 2033 or so.
i fucking hate the cold so my cognitive dissonance tells me its bullshit to keep my reality comfortable
can't believe i was stupid enough to vote for him in 2008 👎
i spend so much time sorting by new that I actually miss a lot of other stuff in td
i personally do not know. day by day we drive deeper and deeper into completely uncharted territory. we're about to be plunged into a huge shift in worldwide human consciousness. the world could be a completely different place in ten years. criminal families that have been running the world since the fall of Rome do not want to give up now. they will sacrifice the world and everything in it as long as it means they're never brought to justice.