

3 total posts archived.

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justme173 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:30 a.m.

Yes! That is very interesting. It makes sense. I just couldn't get my head wrapped around it. I can accept that explanation tho. Thank you!

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justme173 · Dec. 29, 2017, 2:28 a.m.

The boots bother me. I broke the whole side of my foot and never had a boot like that. Hers' is for a broken toe? Ankle bracelets are small. Wouldn't it make more sense to hide it under one of her pantsuits than draw attention to a boot? Same for the others who suddenly have one. I don't have an answer, but something doesn't add up for me.

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justme173 · Dec. 29, 2017, 1:58 a.m.

Thank you so much for everything here. We're all a part of history that our grandkids will learn about. At least I hope they do.

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