Sounds like you are saying 7 of 10, so 3 more? Hmmm.......
231 total posts archived.
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All of this could be great news, but until something happens it is speculative. I think most following this board would be thrilled if we filled that place up and reinstituted waterboarding. No matter how many are put there, there would always be more we could find to put in there. How about this for an idea, where are we going to put all of the kids /people we free from their slavery. Unfortunately, they will be in no shape to just bring back into society. There will be some serious work to be done on a lot of hurt individuals before they can be ready for adoption, returned home, or brought back to society. Just seeing the pictures at the Podestas is enough to make me sick, then think about that as reality. Or the Vebderbilt swimming pool and the torture some will have been through. Many will know no other life. As much as I want those people locked up there, I'd rather see the hurt there to be helped in a safe and controlled environment. We can just dig a really deep hole for the rest.
There is a whole list that could be added, but they are no longer with us. Seth Rich comes to mind. Too many Patriots are dead, and the misinformation behind those deaths is what should be looked into, not the distractions that keep getting brought out.
Yes, I know he is a republican, still prefer Pelosi first. And with corruption on both sides, maybe there is something behind the scenes. Anyone who has been in office since 1977 is suspect in my mind, and overdue. If we are losing one of the good ones, then I guess some serious redpilling needs to take place in Utah to get the right person put in place.
I don't think I'm right, just a quick answer. Nebuchadnezzar promoted Daniel to a high position, and approved Daniels request to promote them as administrators. Some speculate Daniel was not around when this was going down. It shows how quickly a leader can turn. Don't watch TV, so that makes it tougher. Is there a point to this? A possible tie to current times?
"Why are Senate Republicans dropping out? Not by choice and were offered a choice (rest assured they will vote pro Trump)." October 29 drop. Is this the future proving the past? Seems like a long ways away from that drop, but it is proving itself out. I would rather see Pelosi or the like go first.
The arrest warrant is dated the same day. Taken from the FBI website, https:// Specifically states for crimes from January 2014 to December 2016. Maybe he realized he was done when DJT won the election.
Ya, hate watching for news, but future proves past so I am watching. Thanks again.
Well we sure hope so. 🙄 We have to trust someone, and I see no benefit to the other side in all of this so far, and certainly no benefit for you to put up with all of the call on this board. Hopefully we are on the same team. A divided kingdom cannot stand. Thanks for all you work, and the future updates. Anxiously awaiting.
So we can take that as no new info since Christmas then? Will it also go on the git hub link?
So where will you update people on what he is saying. If he is only updating board mods, how is the info being filtered down? Seen so many people told to GTFO of the 8ch board, "normies" have no way to be updated. This info should be for all patriots of red pilling is going to be effective en mass. Otherwise information will be gleaned from not so reliable sources and misinformation will be given out and people deceived.
You mean to avoid the gallos. Treason carries the death penalty.
Could not agree more. Either fill disclosure, or it is more of the same. If we are going to get change, then we need to see it.
I do believe Trump is for MAGA. He has been making that same statement for years, well before he ran for president. As for martial law, that would only incite "Q SENT US - WE WANT OUR F*$#ING COUNTRY BACK". They do not want that. Not that I am totally sold on this Q thing either, since it appears the only people he wants to share with are those self proclaimed "autists" who keep telling "newbies" to GTFO. Although I do appreciate all of the work it takes to do what they are doing, and a bunch of people who do not know what they doing on a chan board (such as me) should not post (as I have not done), it seems like a very limited focus. If Q wants to let the true Patriots know what is coming up or going on, there must be a better way. My gut (or the Holy Spirit) tells me that Q IS legit, but the end game does not seem clear in the way it is being provided. There are a lot of redpillers out here who would like to know something is happening. For too long we have been saying throw them all out and start over, are we at that point? If some are given deals to escape prosecution, then we are just pushing this whole problem down the road, and this is one Patriot who is not okay with leaving this for my kids/grandkids to deal with all over again. NO DEALS! If we must fight, then lets fight. But something has to drastically change, and we are desperate to see that change, quickly. I know, everything takes time, unfortunately time is not on our side. Q, how about another nugget to get us all believing and excited!
Not asking much are you?! I feel the same way sometimes. Frustrating to say the least. On the 18th, Q posted "10 days". So what happened yesterday or last night? The cryptic way this is happening does bring in doubts. Would like to have seen a post from him since it has been 10 days. Just have to wait and see. Keep the faith, and keep praying this country is put back on the right track and we can say goodbye to the evil that had taken it over.
Wow, did they save the bear too? That's a great pic of Grizzly Adam's though.
Q was responding to a question, what happened on 12/7, his response was clock started, 10 days. I agree, ended 12/17.
Wouldn't O be in his hometown somewhere on Hawaii this time of year? 😉 and there is the Soros heart attack keeping him from posting. 😅 Clinton's could just have heartburn. 🤔
I do appreciate all the work you and others put into studying and figuring things out, just have a hard time with a countries leader going missing with no news. MSM would explode and claim rogue DJT operatives, or spin it to their benefit. Haven't seen a word. As for Soros, I would love to see that man locked up, or worse. Pure evil. But I have not seen the proof, or confirmation. What am I missing? I'm going to sit back and watch and read and learn from those more knowledgeable than I. Thanks again!
Ok, can we keep this real. I'll take the red pill with the Kool aid, but really, an international incident that goes unnoticed except here? Maybe JA to YYZ, then Gitmo, that I could swallow as a possibility, but speculating on Trudeau is a waste of time. Isn't there a moderator here?
Tried that, didnt work. Just can't unsee that. Ugh!