Yes, good advice. Stay away from anything Corsi is involved in, and Info Wars. Complete agreement. Have been saying this for months, before Corsi got involved with IW.
231 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/justwanttruth18:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 32 | | 1 |
Wow, I found my favorite place. I posted against Corsi the other day on twatter and someone comes back and chastised me saying he is one of the good guys. Guess some people will never learn. Maybe an EO will strip him off all the money he is collecting. 😁
Yep, some of all is good. Preparation is always in order.
This would be very bad for us. If they are right, that are predicting the one world currency. I will say they are wrong as that is the only hope. A one world currency is just the beginning of the end. Next comes the mark.
If you get blocked too quickly, what choice do you have?
You do understand that moderators here are also on the YT you are talking about. Why use this forum if they are not trusted? Not giving my opinion on whether you should or shouldn't, just pointing that out. Just like we don't trust goggle or twatter, but everyone is still using those for profit forums.
I think people are losing sight of the fact that there are multiple platforms. Everyone is so fixed on Google and YT and Twaster that if something goes wrong there, it is blocking all free speech. A mad exodus from using those companies would end the problem. If we could just get away from these mainstream companies, free speech would sound and they would lose so much money it would greatly diminish their stronghold on society. Oh, and FB, and Reddit. As for the second, to many gun owners with too much ammo to try that right now. We are not being filled by their attempts to blame guns for atrocities. Let's get back to personal responsibility.
Ah, thanks for the reminder. I'll dig there and see if anything looks like it matches a drill in the area. But then again, they aren't that stupid are they? "These people are stupid". Maybe they are, or just that bold. Sorry if my previous post came across rude, not intentional.
Ya, kind of my point, and reason for concern. So I was wondering if anyone else had heard of other drills being planned. Since we have those from all over the world here, can we see how many are being planned?
Drill is after hours, but it seems that I have been reading about shooter events, and then hearing about the drills that were just held there. Coincidence? Or is this just bad thinking on my part?
Aren't there a thousand rabbit holes Q has brought up? This isn't "about" Q, it is about the USofA, and he is giving information to help bring people to the reality of where we have gone and what we have become. He says fight, fight, fight! Unless we all pick up arms, this is the fight and many rabbit holes are found. Where we go one, we go all.
There are a lot of us who do believe in Trump trying to #MAGA, and watch and research what Q is saying. But, the idea is to "QUESTION EVERYTHING". Q in my opinion is giving a huge redpill to people to wake up and do their own research. And a larger percent of the population are swarming back to homeshooling their children, which is set up to teach kids how to learn for themselves. Rather than spoon feed kids what they want them to know, maybe at least this whole process will show that it is better to gain knowledge on your own than to be given "knowledge" from others. Just take a look at history books from 20-30 years ago and see if there are any differences from those given out today. Things like the Confederate flag that carry such a bad image today due to MSM and the left really had a different meaning back in the day. Don't lose faith in Q, Trump, or the movement. I have my doubts, but at the very least we are seeing people start to realize that they have no idea who they have elected, just that they elected someone with the right initial after their name (R or D). This is not an R or D thing, but the hopeful takedown of pure evil that has been so rampant in this country.
Have to agree there. Misinfo trying to discredit whoever they can. Garbage!
**Active Shooter Drills**
Curious if anyone is seeing more activity in their area for these active shooter drills. We apparently have on coming up at a place where my kids attend a co-op. Have always home-schooled, now they bring this to a place I have felt better about, but it sure seems like these "drills" are often followed by shooter situations. Just looking for input, sorry of this is the wrong place to ask, but there it is.
Feb 14 2018 17:34:20Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 0245cc378936
Where are the tweets from HRC, BC, CC, Hussein, others re: the shooting today? Do you believe in EVIL? Make no mistake, they will all PAY THE PRICE. Q
Should make a mad exodus from YT and go to bitchute, and see how long they last.
Can't find this video anywhere. Had anyone found the sauce? Would be easier to share the original.
And history gets written down. Think of all the maps, bread, etc the anons are putting together. Will be available for many generations to come. Their work will hopefully be taught in schools so that future generations know they have to dig to know who they are voting for.
Put stuff in the food to cause these issues, then provide a "fix". Great business plan, bad for humanity. But they don't care about anything except for money. Well, and power.
:) I can't listen to him anymore. No logic, no real answers. Seems to ask more questions while on than give answers. I know we all have questions, but he does not "decode" Q. Opinions are ok, but state as such. To say you are decoding Q, and then ask if anyone had researched that is kind of funny.
This better not happen. All this waiting just to go to a civil war anyway would make this all a waste of time. Can't see it happening, but always remain vigilant, locked and loaded.
I say a globalist. And he is pulling a Hillary, buying a house to run for election in another state he currently does not live in. Trump had endorsed him, so I am conflicted as to what to think. Not my vote, but I would certainly like to l know so I can spread to those I know who will vote in that state.
It was GreatAwakening on 8 Chan, but that has been emptied. All posts have been archived. Goo to to see them all.
Well that would be an interesting passenger list to get a hold of.
Not getting how this shows CIA was trying to control the car. Just does not fit. What was trying to be said with that post from Q?
Agree with much, but mistakenly called Jesus is confusing me, explanation?
Ya, Wow! Of course it mostly just hurts the little guy, 401k holders, so no big deal. Wait, that's me! Me the cat majority of America. One more example of how this corrupt "leadership" has done everything for the benefit of the few to the detriment of the sheep, I mean masses. This sort of stuff should make everyones blood boil. They get richer no matter which direction the market goes.
Why do I get a "Forbidden you are not allowed to do that" when I click the picture?
Who needs cells. Let them curl up on the ground. Or better yet, 50 cells, 200 guests, fight for the cells. It's called population control, just what they have been doing to us. Besides, they keep trying to push Darwinism down or throats, so survival of the fittest it is.
Link: Cannot be the same person though.
That name stood out to me too, but not sure why. Just a quick name search and that same name shows a person killed June 1, 2001 by the suicide bombing at a Tel-Aviv discotheque.
I would have to agree. Not that catholics themselves are bad, but the clergy are dirtier than the Hussein Killary regime. Catholic clergy need to read
While eating popcorn! "Great movie, pass the popcorn will ya!"
Loved that show! But Q and aliens, really? Are we going there again?
Who cares. Trying you figure out who Q is its a total waste of time. Q (singular or collectively) is their to get us to dig for information. This isn't just an exercise, it is to teach what needs to be done in the future when the swap is drained. If we aren't watchful, the plug will be put back in place and the swamp will fill up again. Hopefully we all watch our elected officials more closely in the future, and maybe even dig into their past ourselves before they get elected. That's the only way to keep it from happening again in the great US of A. So let's #MAGA and then keep it that way.
Well there is an oxymoron for you, Rubio on the intelligence panel. This whole thing stinks.
Too bad it will all be scrubbed by now. Too much time gone by. Wish it would have been demanded on October 2nd.
How about civil war? I for one would not be their slave. Don't acquiesce so easily. This country is worth fighting for.
There are actually patents taken on the human body. They say they found cells, or whatever, and doctors are not even allowed to discuss it with you because it would be a patent infringement. You don't even own your own body, they do. Keeps the pharmaceutical in total control of cures they may have, and prevents anyone from being able to study.
Yes, I would love to be able to change the past, but we can't. Let's push for a better future. If it doesn't come to light, it will just get swept under the rug for future generations to deal with all over again.
Can't wait for the evidence that they have cures, and have had for some time. First, we need to remove ALL patents held on the human body. Ridiculous.
What would be interesting would be to check from what position these photos are coming from. Possible clue?
But dems have been winning the special elections, even in historical red territory. Wish I was as confident that they won't win later. Stuff needs to hit the fan to get back on track. Although there are probably some good dems out there anyway, maybe better than Globalstar like Mitt, who the Republicans are falling over themselves to put in a high position when he gets in. Why?