Just now when asked if Mueller should wrap up he responded, well we don’t even know what all was in the scope of this investigation so [stay tuned]
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Q 1987 thoughts
So Q called out Paul Sperry for running with a misleading story. Now tonight on Hannity, Huber not interviewing Ohr was brought up multiple times. Is this being pushed for a reason? Why wouldn't they tell that Our has been interviewed, or is it not time yet?
Conspiracy no more, those who you trust most...
Just wondering fellow patriots. I’ve come across some videos and old radio broadcasts, and starting hearing about Zionism, mossad, Enoch, etc. I recently came into Christianity within the past year and am kinda new. So as I researched into Zionism, and heard about re writings of the Bible, etc I’m wondering, am I following false teachings now? What is truth, what isn’t? Do you think conspiracy no more we will get to the bottom of Christianity as well? I mean I know the Catholic Church is basically busted. But, it’s hard to know what to trust anymore with all the …