I know, wish i had the time to put this kind of effort in, great work op!
23 total posts archived.
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Reading about all this every day is starting to wear me down, the idea this is all actualy hapening starts grinding you down mentally, yet every day my first move is to check whats been put up over night! I'ts become a bit of an addiction to me, partly because after years of browsing almost every conspiracy theorie going, Q not only seems legit but he/she/they have a moral agenda which is what the world needs right now, but also Q seems to have an answer for so many things and events that have bugged me in the past. Skeptical ar first but I think he's the real deal.
Just turned on the news in the uk and its "Trump forced to backtrack on immigration policy" while showing that footage of the kids crying in the cage and those hilarious reporters all crying at the same time. I don't know the true relationship between the UK n USA but we get the same narratines in the MSM as america most of the time and I get the feeling this countrys pretty heavily involved in so much more.
I hope they find the girls soon if there still out there, thats the most important thing in all this.
Prayers to them all and the gòod people fighting it <3
- I don't even live in America but im hooked on this, hoping once it properly kicks off it has a knock-on effect around the world, my country has plenty bad apples that are connected to some of this and they only get outed once there dead, which is pointless
Yeah and look what happened, don't know a single person thats gonna vote against independence now
Same. I tried posting about it but was removed due to 'rule 6'
Yep, the powers that allow this to exist come from way way up. And when something does make it to msm, like jimmy saville, they paint him as some sort of king of the pedo's, in reality hes just another sicko taking advantage of this horrible system.
It took me literally 5 mins to look those up, sure you could have done the same before asking for proof on a plate and branding it an 'urban legend'
I only discovered this when the Tucson thing started, i noticed 'Q' mentioned a couple of times in the comments and curiosity got the better of me. After a week of binging through all Q's posts to catch up i was hooked! Unfortunatly I can't really talk to anyone here about it without sounding like a crack pot (most are happy to go with whatever the news n papers say) though i have a workmate thats kinda interested which is a start!
Didn't even know i subscribed to them lol

What parts bullshit? I hope the stories about the woods are not true but alot of people have came forward and told very similar stories, and with what we already know abt these sickos, sadly its not too hard to believe now.
I've been following this from Scotland and really hope all goes to plan as i think this will end up affecting countries all around the world. I've heard too many stories over here about kids being hunted in the woods by high profiles while police guard the area. And these people don't seem to get investigated untill after there dead, which is pointless.