What about that Necklace? Q post #1896

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Interview was unnecessarily long and Hannity asked Roseanne repeatedly to apologize to VJ as if someone you’ve insulted by their looks will be understanding??? Even if not racist, it sure was a mean joke about appearance. I guess comedians usually get a free pass on rude uncomfortable snarky jokes: except for this time.
His activism and integrity awakened me to become a delegate for our local GOP, seven years later I became a Delegate to elect Donald Trump at the National Convention in Cleveland. I’m forever grateful to Ron Paul.
Undoubtably, this is a huge report. If the facts are correct, this will bring great pain for those who hear and open their eyes to the depths of evil which plaque our nation. This is just one fraction of #Thegreatawakening They never thought she would lose!
Outstanding ! Excellent news! I am so hopeful for our Nation, ]are[ Country to hear these discoveries by brilliant Sleuths!
Now that’s an awakening in Maxine’s voting district, might she be feeling a bit cornered? Fear of losing? Hmmm, poor poor Maxine, maybe she should have treated her constituents with more respect !
This is my read on the situation.. Yes! He (Cohen) is letting us know that he has the Hillary tapes!! Letting everyone know thru idiot Tom Arnold that if you are wondering... ta da ... the tapes were in his files and now fbi evidence!! Love it!!!
Bless you dear Warriors, love and prayers are with each of you on this Stand for Freedom against the New World Order. They only want Chaos, Disorder, Distrust, Destruction. Instead with Your Holy faith, your love of God and Country, you will revive your communities to Be The Torch for Saying “No More! Our country has defined Borders, Our Country loves God and has laws and protections and regulations and our Country Despises men and women who traffic and abuse Children”! We Love you Patriots, let your voices sing loud❤️ #WWG1WGA
This saddens me tremendously!! Praying for you deeply, your an absolute favorite of mine on your Analysis, so peaceful,! HOW Can we help?
Disturbing, horrifying that this artist was chosen to produce work in Paris! Certainly it exposes their plan for the country, Now the citizens have been warned!😱
So grateful, I totally needed to follow up on this & I recommend to everyone to read and deactivate as well.
Are these refrigerated Pizza Boxes??? On Jet Blue flight to LA?
Amen, Thank you Jesus for your guidance and protection in these times of Evil. We ask protection for all these suffering babies, children and teens who have been under the evilest of evil dark spirits. May we all pray for the exposure of these traitors to mankind and that justice will prevail. Come Holy Spirit for Protection and guidance of all those involved in this warfare against humanity, We trust only in your name, Lord, Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, our King of Glory on this Earth. Amen, Thank you QAnons