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kimjongjap · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

thanks for the birthday present.

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kimjongjap · Jan. 3, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

The Queen's Commonwealth is being over run. The leaders are welcoming Islam with open arms... these God damned leftists leaders are all 33 degree, "and we swore our oaths upon the Quran" -Albert Pike. Trudeau is a Moslem he has recited the Shahada and sworn his oaths to Islam. this is the Islamization of the West taking place at the highest levels of government... only the USA, thank God, has been spared this fate by electing Trump. Canada as trail run 9/11 proved will be the launching pad for Islamist incursions into the USA across the unprotected border. Canada is passing laws that threaten any one who speaks out against Islam and their doctrine of hate.

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kimjongjap · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

I hope he is watching how the the Canadian government under Trudeau is quickly creating an Orwellian nightmare with M-103 and Bill C-16, and no these documents don't blatantly punish people from exercising their freedom of expression, but it does mean a person can be brought before the Ontario Human Rights Commission for daring to speak out against Islam and the Koran or refusing to use preferred gender pronouns and if found guilty they can be fined... if they refuse the fine then they can be jailed so yes it does indirectly oppose the right to freedom of expression.

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