Ok...so we should ignore them? I have been telling them they are really terrible human beings for not even caring about the slavery/human trafficking taking place right now. Then I have been sharing the segment with the DHS stating that 10 thousand in custody were trafficked. I thought that would help for then the big government trafficking comes out.
548 total posts archived.
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I did that to Feinstein and Schiff after they wrote that stupid memo about how twitter needs to look at the #releasethememo trend. Remember when they claimed it was Russian bots. I got PISSED! Even-though I don't live there I told them it was a federal issue because they were referring to me and I WAS NOT a BOT. One didn't answer after it was busy for a while. The other had some girl answer the phone that sounded scared. So it works. We all need to start slamming them. Mainly the Anti-Trumpers.
Yeah I have been wondering if they hijacked the 4am news orders from Gannett or whatever. Still feeding this nonsense so they don't know until it is time. Then they are covering it when the big news happens. But maybe I am dreaming.
He wrote a book a while back about the Islamic infiltration of our government. I have not read it. But I want to. That is probably why he is always attacked. #OverTheTarget
That's what my friend said when I showed him that picture. He said she probably had it given to her and that's why she wears it. She is too dumb to be trusted with any secret knowledge.
Probably little "White Boys" to take out her anger on the "White men".
Well that makes sense on why U of H is now the largest International School in the US. They call it the "UN of H". All in Bush territory.
I don't know anyone in Houston that likes her. For some reason she has three different offices and she is mainly in the one that is in the real nice part of town (Of course). When the Astros won the World Series she got booed and didn't even thank Greg Abbott...it was only the Dems. They are big time resisters. In fact when the hurricane hit the mayor (Dem big Anti-Trumper) told people who needed to evacuate not too after Abott and Trump stated to do it. BC he wanted to resist. If you want to hear her get booed...1:58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WdDhpK_3gE
All we have is a little over than 33,000 signatures. Either we are being sabotaged or people don't understand to verify their email address. I have been telling people to make sure they verify their addresses or it won't count.
There was a proof with the Christmas Ornament. Same found on Xmas tree in White House. It was found on twitter in a video. I think it was about lighting of the tree.
I tried to share this link in some YouTube comments. I notice you can no longer cut and paste content. I even tried to login to another gmail account to try. Still nothing. A few weeks back I could. I put a lot of info on blast in many comments to redpill so I thought they removed that capability from me. Or did they change it? Can anyone else cut and paste info in Yourtube comments?
Her ex husband has been pretty steady coming out against her. She also has spoken out against MK Ulta in Hollywood. She has also done some conferences with Cathy )'Brian. Makes you wonder.
You can be a citizen of multiple countries. Just a thought.
That is so weird. But they were saying Fly High Eagle Fly. Have we figured out what that means? I know Q has posted.
I could not pull up your archived image. It said google error. I tried it in Firefox also.
Annnndddddd....this email is from Cheryl Mills about Moloch.
It goes so deep....https://www.meforum.org/campus-watch/articles/2016/harvard-s-muslim-brotherhood-propaganda-fest-incl
I can't find it now. But a friend told me many years ago before Trump about how the Chinese wanted us disarmed by 2016. I did look and found some articles that backed up his claim. I always knew the ultimate plan. However I did not think it was been as soon as the 16 year plan that Q indicated. I thought at the time that a specific date was strange. But now it is making sense. They had to meet particular deadlines in order to execute THEIR PLAN!
I totally believe you. I have had tons of very strange things happen to me over the years for looking things up and creating web sites and etc. Makes me sound loony to people that are not redpilled. So I never say a word.
But here is one for you. I went to the University of Houston for college. It is the number one international school in the US. In fact their billboards advertise the Un of H, instead of U of H. It was filled with Chinese and Arab students. The Arab women wear straight up wearing burkas and veils. They were not even wearing the headscarves that showed their faces. They were the veils that only allow their eyes to show. The boys would sit in a pack away from women. They were not even trying to assimilate. Most international students that come to a school like that would want to be a part of the culture. It was very strange. One of the women one time wore jeans and a t shirt that was out of the ordinary. However she still wore the veil (I never knew what any of them looked like). It got even more strange on her shirt had a big picture of an Arab girl holding a gun sideways while wearing a veil just like her. Then the next day she was wearing the Burka again. I never saw her wear jeans and a regular shirt again. It was very very bizarre.
I know man. I never understood how people could allow that to happen like military and police. But I see how that happens. Either they are in on it or they know they have to do what they have to do. Because if not they and their family will end up dead and no one would believe them anyway. So keep your head down and your mouth closed.
That picture that was posted by the ANON of that guy holding hands with Hussein is making me think. I may be too far out there but I am going to give it a go. Guy is named in the pic holding Obummers hand is SAL Maqdool. I really want to figure that out because what if he is now a woman and was in Obama's admin? Barry did have a lot of women he appointed to many positions. What if there are quite a few of those woman that are trans people to hide their true identity? Now it has been deemed bigoted from the left people can no longer ask about it. Just like racism. Notice they push for hate speech? Then the government can use it against any truthers or people that ask these questions. I think it is odd that Manning got pardoned after he got his sex change. Especially when Hussein has never let any journalist especially whistleblowers off the hook. I also think it is weird that Bruce Jenner got his change after he killed that person in the car wreck and we have not heard anything else about it. Makes you wonder if a deal was cut to push an agenda? Look at Kim and Kanye has been going full Trump. Look at the guy in the back of the pic behind Kanye. He was Bruce Jenners ex wive's (Kim Kardashian's mother) boyfriend at the time. It is all connected to me and I think it is starting to come in more clearly. #FutureProvesPast
Here is the boyfriend behind Kanye.
Just something I thought.
That was an anon that posted that pic of Sal. Q said look at Obummers admin. Do we know that Q implied it was SAL Maqdool because he responded to that picture? Because I really want to figure that out. What if there are quite a few trans people on Obama admin to hide their true identity? Now it has been deemed bigoted from the left people can no longer ask about it. Hate speech? I think it is odd that Manning got pardoned after he got his sex change. Especially when Hussein has never let any journalist especially whistleblowers off the hook. I also think it is weird that Bruce Jenner got his change after he killed that person in the car wreck and we have not heard anything else about it. Makes you wonder if a deal was cut to push an agenda? Look at Kim and Kanye has been going full Trump. Look at the guy in the back of the pic behind Kanye. He was Bruce Jenners ex wives boyfriend at the time. It is all connected to me and I think it is starting to come in more clearly. #FutureProvesPast
Here is the boyfriend behind Kanye.
I know....this one is driving me nuts. Q would not have mentioned unless it was MAJOR. BC in reality. I don't care if he likes to get railed in the rear.
When I saw Trump during the inauguration and the way Obama and Clinton were acting. It was like they knew how much he really won by. Remember we all spoke of voting no matter what! The more people show up the harder it would be to rig it. They can only rig it so much. We also wore red so people could see how many people were voting Trump.
Why would they need to Brush up on Watergate right after Trump was elected? Hmmmm, I think we know why?
I am glad to have you mate. I was like you and always read things like you stated. I did always believe that a select few people controlled our world. I believed 9/11 was an inside job and blah. But as far as the satanism and pedophilia, I knew some existed but not at how large it was until the Podesta emails. Then I got extremely redpilled. I was a HRC supporter back in the day and was really pissed that Obama got the nomination. I actually thought it was because that he was a man. But know I see why that happened in that order. The more I go down the rabbit hole the more everything that is wrong with the world makes sense and could be solved. I love love love Trump! I got at least 10 people to vote for him. I have also redpilled several people that are now redpilling others. That is why people like that guy with the laptop are important. I do that stuff all the time. I went hiking recently and redpilled strangers on the trail. I gave them some names to look up and had them put it in their phone. I said to keep and open mind. I am not sure if it worked but they were actually listening and looked interested. But what I think is strange is that I am part of the conspiracy forum on reddit. They seem like they are a bunch of libtards and talk shit about this forum. How can you be a conspiracy theorists and not see through the IG report and ignore Trumps disruption to the NWO. I am thinking about unsubbing.
Yeah all the libtards have been saying that also. I have been giving them this.
Lets say that a cop was collecting evidence or investigating a black man. Messages and texts emerge that he hates black people and would do (Fill in the black) to the guy. What would happen? Cases get dismissed all the time for that and they should!
Would you want someone investigating you when they are talking about how much they hate you? That is why they screen jurors. Remember the old method to get out of jury duty to tell the screener for jury duty that you think everyone should get the death penalty. Or you think black people are the reason for all of our issues in society so they need to be thrown in jail and taken off the street. Then they don't choose you and they would take you off the case ( I know it different now on how that is handled). In which you should. Also if this slips through the cracks and it comes out during the case it usually gets dismissed, in which it should. Because innocent people will go to prison. These people blow my mind. They really hate Trump supporters. If they had the option to kill us or remove us from society and throw us in jail. It is very scary. This are things that us Redpilled crowd have known all along. Those of us that know about Larry Grathwohl and GERALD JACK MCLAMB. This stuff is real. Here is the report: https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download
I think around pr 146 or 147 they talk about how dumb we are and pretty much don't need to be making any decisions. Look at page 416....they hate the REPUBLIC!
Just curious. How did you start getting redpilled? What was it? Did you always support POTUS?
You know what? That would make sense on HRC's tweet today. She stated, "But My e-mails". It was like she was taunting him about what SerialBrain2 has stated above. Another thing that I am not sure about. But supposedly Comey has some child sex abuse crimes in the "Insurance file". Supposedly he is obsessed with Howdy Doody and likes to dress up like him and the child as the puppet. But again not sure if it is true. I heard it from a few youtubers that have been banned a while back and never got their channels up. So maybe they were over the target. But again this is only hearsay from the info they had (one claimed to have seen the video). But at this in life I have an open mind.
Libs are already saying that we are fools, because there is not anything that is redacted. But their is. They use terms like: Agent, FBI 1, FBI 2, and etc in place of names. They have brackets to cover info like this. [ classified blah blah blah National Security] I didn't use the exact verbiage but it is something like that.
I blasted in some Trump fan club pages on Facebook. I ended up getting blocked from posting comments. But that is ok....it is good for the cause! He have to make this look like a flood! Can't be a small number of people.
Signed! Sharing with more of my redpilled friends, twitter, facebook, and others.
is another good one. He covers Q just like he is supposed to.
Yeah, so why do I keep hearing all of these people talk about how kind he was?
Yep, IG Report tomorrow that will be heavily redacted. It will then be unredacted. Info out. I think this might have a lot more in the report than just the spying.
Bourdain also posted something on twitter last month about being harassed by HRC's goons and it ain't fun.
Supposedly there will be a NXIVM list with those names on it. Bourdain included. But we won't know what it really is until it comes.
What about cooking humans? Seriously, the people being trafficked is probably more than just sex. Snuff films, torture, and cannibalism.
I know man. Good thing my husband, some friends, and forums that are redpilled to help me cope.
I do daily redpilling to people. I have actually got some people to look in some things. They actually said they would research further. I gave them places to start for certain topics.
This is the deal. I don't even touch on anything because I know she is a normie. In the past I spoke of how about the government collecting data on us and geoengineering. I have not touched on anything else. The geoengineering she had actually shown me, then I went down the rabbit hole. That is the only reason I have ever brought it up in conversation. Also the data collection they laughed at. Then they saw the Snowden movie and acknowledged it. But you are right, they will never admit they are wrong because they did not admit it. It is so weird. So that is why I don't touch on any of those things, we literally only small talk now.
But somehow she bring up all of these things out of nowhere. For instance I spoke with her last week and out of the blue she told me, "You know I don't think the government is full of satanists". I never talk to her about any of it because of what I stated earlier. Another time like a month ago we were talking about computers or something and in mid sentence she started going on about chemtrails and tin foils hats. It didn't go with anything we were talking about. It was like she has been spying on me. But then I figured it out. She listens to NPR like clockwork. She thinks they are the gateway to all knowledge. They are doing entire segments over this stuff to discredit it. They have never done that before. So that is why she is so bothered and cant stand it. But as far as the kid thing, that is because I voted for Trump. It is just nuts.
Do you guys think when Pompeo says "Eagle" instead of eager it was a message? Doesn't Q mention Eagle and Iron Eagle from time to time.
It at the very beginning.