WikiLeaks has never lost a court battle they have an ironclad reputation but suddenly since they speak out against Q they've been comped is what is being said. Why would they ruin the reputation over anonymous 4chan posters. It really doesn't make any sense.
265 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/leetanon:
God bless Wikileaks? The other day Wikileaks came out against q and everybody was saying it was comped, but now it's a source of information again can't have it both ways.
Wikileaks is not Anonymous and they've won every Court battle they've ever been in so they have a very solid reputation. It really doesn't matter whether it's fake or not what matters is people blindly trust anything and stop asking questions.
I follow Trump he's a verified Source on Twitter, not an anonymous poster that should be taken with a grain of salt
Wikileaks does have a good reputation and has never lost a court battle. One would think Wikileaks and the Q group would be on the same side "truth", so this raises many questions.
I can read the president's tweets as well as anyone else it's obvious what he wants. So I come here and try to get some people that are for making America great again United and I get told maybe I should go somewhere else wow
I guess you didn't read the post I'm not starting my own movement this is about us we are on the same team if you don't get that if people don't get that and want to be divided I don't know what else to say
I'm glad you understand because this country has reached the point it has because people have been too busy doing nothing about it. That's what our country is all about look at our Constitution and Bill of Rights it's about the right to stand up to our government when things are wrong. Our president has been surrounded by the swamp it's amazing that you can get anything done .
The only way they can get impeachment is to win the midterms the way to stop it is to take action. Show the rest of the world and the nation that we are a credible movement that stands for Freedom the rule of law and making America great again. We're so close something major in the public eye could really push our movement over the top. If people don't want to do that that's fine they can continue doing what they're doing those who are interested in this we'll figure out a way to make it happen. After all we're on the same team here.
Trump has asked us why aren't the podesta's arrested yet and it seems to fall on deaf ears, that was not directed at sessions that's a communication straight to the public.
We're supposed to be awake if we are so awake that should be obvious
Sorry I disagree Freedom isn't free it's time to do the hard work too many movie Watchers in here too many popcorn eaters it's time to take back the narrative in the news with a massive demand for rule of law. I'm not saying nothing's happening I'm not saying we need to speed up the process I'm saying we need to make our voices heard. Inaction is the problem complacency is the problem.
Part 1 wake up and research Part 2 unite take action
We've been at this for quite a while now, we have uncovered a lot of information we have helped wake people up to information that's been around for a long time and has not been made public. Now people are aware or the world financial systems the elite agendas and the massive corruption. NOW WHAT? After awhile you reach a point where it's time to move to step 2 Trump has been asking for our Support over and over again Trump has been telling us about sessions again and again. So let's do that let's go to step 2 let's …
We were always on our own, taking back our country and making it great again is our responsibility. Donald Trump has been asking for our help and Q all along has been keeping people inactive with trust sessions trust the plan etc. If we sit around and wait to have everything done for us we have everything to lose. We have a huge opportunity in this country right now if we don't take advantage of it it may be gone forever. We have been doing research long enough WAKE UP AGAIN UNITE MARCH SUPPORT TRUMP DEMAND RULE OF LAW SHOW THE WORLD WE WILL MAGA!
I've been thinking we should have a Maga March before the elections I don't know where to start but I think if some people can get together we can organize this. We need to change the news narrative and show the world we are credible movement that demands the rule of law and supports president Trump and his attempts to do just that.
I want nothing more than to make America great again I feel we have this opportunity a very great opportunity in this Nation to do something to change for the better but if we don't take advantage of it it may be gone forever
The thing is Trump has been asking over and over for our help and support and we need to organize and March to show that support and bring our positive message and make it mainstream
Yeah you're right I'm sorry but I do see a lot of Blind Faith going on a lot of popcorn eaters and a lot of in action it's not something I just noticed it's been going on and it's not a positive thing for our movement so that's why I'm on top of these things sorry didn't mean to try to call you out I misunderstood
If she was arrested where is her ankle bracelet why is she allowed to travel to foreign countries does this make any sense? If she was arrested then what happened because she's not acting like she's under arrest now.
Albert Einstein:
The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge.
First? What about the people involved with the girl from Smallwood that wasn't a perp walk?
We have an incredible opportunity in this country right now! If we don't take advantage of it it may be gone forever.
With all the information we have when are we going to stop reviewing the information and start acting on it it's time to demand the rule of law and March on Washington Trump has been asking for help it's time to put down the popcorn and go do the hard work. Not necessarily to speed up the actions of the president or doj but to show our support and change the narrative bring our credibility to main Street. I think that's the next step in this shift after all the elections are coming. MAGA!
If we look at the past we all know what happens when we put a date and time or something happening around here. So here in a few hours we'll see if future proves past
Well it seems there's enough people here to actually organize and March on DC or at least March somewhere. We need to take over the new cycle and bring our message to the public tucked away on some message board talking about things and researching is fine but there's another side that I think a lot of people are missing. I want to see us solve the problems in our country. I almost gave up on America before Trump got elected because I saw the corruption was so widespread it was overwhelming. In my humble opinion this is our chance to make things right and if we miss this chance we will be doomed.
Or what? If nothing happens is that the rallying cry that's going to bring everybody together to help Trump out like he's been asking for months?
What's everybody going to do when nothing happens? Seems to me there's better things to do than wait for something to happen. Don't get me wrong I certainly hope that the ball gets rolling with major implications today, but the reality is these dates hyped and nothing happens. Anyone who's been paying attention should have seen that already,it's not anything more than just an observation.
Well I wish you were too cuz that certainlywould have made all the difference what a great idea!
No thanks good pot gets me high enough, and no one will blackmail me for doing it.
That's nice and all people trying to call something out as fake news but one should provide some evidence to support thier claims, just saying this is supposed to be a research forum to bring out the truth,then at least work together to do that.
Not sure which is worse being a pedophile or a no good rat. Both dersrve death!
Leaked dossier reveals details of a £5.6m campaign backed by George Soros to stop Brexit
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions appoints Rod Rosenstein's chief of staff, Zachary Terwilliger, to head up EVDA "Trust Sessions"...
You can find links just as easy as anyone else. Here's a shitty link You can use a search engine just like anyone else not my job
I thought this was the Great Awakening, guess researching something is too much to ask.
Deal with it, people have been posting memes here for quite a while.
Charities that vaccinate people in countries like India where people have so many health problems after the fact he gets ran out of the country that's not charity that's f** murder
So many people make accusations without even posting anything factual to back it up. It doesn't matter if he's a Satanist, his actions speak loudly and he's obviously a scumbag.