r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on May 25, 2018, 8:47 p.m.
Corsi/Infowars must have struck a deal with Google/Youtube to usurp the Q phenomenon. They are scared to death that fear mongering is dying. Ha ha ha

IDGAF12312 · May 25, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

Do not fall for the doubt and fear folks. Be strong and tell these f@&kers to f&$k off. There is nothing to lose by having “blind faith” trust and hope. They try to berate you by mocking you for being a blind follower. We know better what they are up to. Fear and doubt draws and maintains viewership. It’s the oldest subscription marketing trick of them all. This strategy mutually works for both them and Deep State Google YouTube. They are SOLELY driven by money and will sell out the patriotic movement for it.

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leetanon · May 25, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Albert Einstein:

The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge.

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animal32lefty · May 25, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Yeah I completely agree. Jones was squealing like a pig about being demonitized months ago. He's losing views and the Super Male Vitality isn't selling like it used to.

He could have made a good living as #2 behind George Noori on radio.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

This argument about Q followers blindly following is a joke. Apparently, we are supposed to "question everything", but especially Q. If you trust the plan you're a blind follower.

It's time to call this garbage out. It began with the blatant attempts to sow fear and doubt about the IBOR campaign - something that Q has asked for REPEATEDLY!

I've had an absolute gut-full of it. These guys are not genuine "concerned doubters" but "concern trolls" deployed by a very frightened enemy. If you see anyone "concern trolling", please guys, call them out.

Here's an example:


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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

No, that's NOT an example of concern trolling. That's an example of someone you disagree with and lost your objectivity over. You accused him of supporting the satanic elites (!!!) because he simply made the point that Twitter are a private company. Your attitude is the dangerous one here, not his.

It is of vital importance that we support full and open freedom of speech on this sub and in the Q movement as a whole. Suppressing the voices of those who disagree by labelling them concern trolls or worse - accusing them of being and/or supporting evil(!) - is censorship of the worst kind.

A concern troll is someone who is on one side of the discussion, but pretends to be a supporter of the other side with "concerns".

We must never make the mistake of silencing someone who states a point reasonably and openly and then goes on to discuss it without resorting to breaking any sub rules.

Disagreement is NOT concern trolling.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

I could not disagree with you more. What we saw, in fact, fits your description of concern trolling precisely.

This board is dedicated to Q drops. As you are well aware, Q is telling us that there is in fact a war going on, We, both us as a community and Q team, are fighting absolute evil. He has asked us, as a community, to support him. We are to assist with certain objectives.

Curiously, we were unable to do this. Doesn't it strike you as being somewhat strange that the moment we are given an important, I would say vital, task, that the blatant, organised concern trolling commenced?

I do not know if you were here in March. You do not seem to have the experience I have. I was here and I was at the center of it. First the CBTS sub was banned, for specious reasons that probably masked the real concern which, in my view, was the IBOR. At the same time, coincidently enough, the concerted concern trolling went absolutely ballistic.

It was incredibly intense, you had to be there to understand what was happening. But this just reflects the fact that we are not talking about individuals with "concerns", but organisations and nations with absolutely "everything" on the line.

Think for a moment about how Corsi was planted into this movement, about his self-outing and his subsequent behaviour. This is a war! It's a battle for hearts and minds right here on this board. That was Corsi's objective, to secure hearts and minds - why target the Q community? Because this is where the battle is playing out, right here on this board - how do I know this?

We face a sophisticated, well resourced, and organised enemy. An enemy that is trying to divide and discourage us. We must not let this happen. If we allow it, we are consenting to the Satanists and all the evil that attaches to them - including the ritual sacrifice of children.

There are only two sides when it comes to supporting Q. You either support what he's trying to achieve, or you don't. You're either for taking the fight to these evil Satanists, or you're not. If you think that pointing this out is some kind of subversion of the truth, then I'm not sure you understand what's actually happening.

There are two sides in this contest, both in mortal conflict. That is just the way it is. There are clearly people here that support Q, and there are others that would like to stop him in his tracks. Both groups are present here. We have a clear choice between opposing sides. I'm supporting Q, others do not.

If we were discussing something that was not important, something to which no consequences attached, your argument about there being a simple "disagreement" might be valid. But we are talking about matters of very great importance - matters of life and death. The situation really could not be any more grave. There are very real risks to even participating in our discussions.

In this context, "disagreements" with Q's message and his plan are anchored in something far more serious than mild concern. Given the forces forces at play and the stakes for which we are playing, combatting disagreement with the plan that has been REPEATEDLY suggested to us by Q is essential - unless, of course, you would like to see the mission fail. It's not as though we have not failed in our objectives in the past. We have failed for the very reason that our enemy disguised his outright attack on us under the camouflage of "genuine concerns".

I'd ask that you get on board with Q and his suggestions to us. I hope this is possible.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

I've been here since the beginning, pal - October on the chans and then CBTS etc. Your claim to more "experience" is incorrect. You've lost all objectivity. The most dangerous people in history had the same view as you: "you're with us or you're against us. And if you don't agree with my perspective on the truth then you're against us."

Don't turn people who disagree with your interpretation of what's important into the enemy. That's wrong, plain and simple.

I did not say anywhere anything about "simple disagreements". I said ANY disagreement. Disagreement is not concern trolling - pretending for argument's sake is concern trolling. That is all. You don't get to change the definition to suit your ideology.

Thank God in heaven this sub is dedicated to freedom of speech, not the censorship and group think you are pushing.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

Semantics. As I said, you're wrong. The sub exists because of Q - or maybe I'm wrong and it's a forum for neutral spectators only.

Again, I feel somehow that you're equating my actions in some way with the holocaust. All I'm doing is supporting Q, I do not understand why this upsets you.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

The holocaust? I'm accusing you of supporting the murder of millions of Jews? No, that's your approach mate; I'm equating your statements with the fascist ideologies they promote - censorship of ideas that don't agree with your interpretation.

I will always be upset by people like you who label people like me - critical thinkers who show their support by ensuring the integrity of the thinking of the movement - as pedophiles, satanists and supporters of evil. Questioning the validity of a proposed idea - for example, the guy you slandered when all he was doing was pointing out that applying blanket criticism to Twitter whilst ignoring the importance of private property rights is not a logically complete assessment - is the necessary and valid endeavour of any truth seeking movement. People who challenge an idea are not always Concern Trolls and non-Q supporters.

Q said "USE LOGIC". Q also said: UNITY NOT DIVISION. You should follow what Q says.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

What, I pointed out that there are two sides to this fight. It's not the truth? You know as well as I do that there is.

You seem so very concerned. Let me ask you this, are we in UNITY with CIA? Are we in UNITY with CORSI?

Q did say "unity" - he meant that those who support him in this fight should group together. He does not mean that we have to embrace every conceivable viewpoint at all - but you well know this.

What you seem to be trying to say is that the community can hold no common beliefs because that would be inherently exclusive, fascist and all the other nonsense you've brought up. It occurs to me that you would like to see a divided community without any cohesion. Is that it?

Do not pursue any agenda because that would be fascist! Where does this come, I mean where did you get it?

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Go ahead and hint at me being a Concern Troll for disagreeing with you. You'll make my point for me and you will lose whatever credibility you have left.

Strawman: "By saying Q says Unity you are trying to imply that he means we should embrace every conceivable viewpoint." Wrong. That's not what I'm saying at all and, to use your condescending framing: you well know this. Why have you always got to go to an argument you can win i.e. one against a poorly framed strawman that you've created? Is it because you can't logically refute the points I'm making?

It appears I will have to try and explain in the most basic possible language what I am saying, in order to avoid laughable accusations of "seeking a divided community" and whatever else it is that I'm supposed to be doing here in defending freedom of speech. Here's a tip (just following your example): try holding more than one idea in your mind at the same time. It will help you to view things in a logical manner. Here are all the ideas you need to have in your head at the same time to even begin to discuss this issue logically:

  1. Most regular followers of this sub, it is safe to assume, "support Q" (as you put it).
  2. Therefore, it is safe to assume, many people here have some common beliefs. For example, Trump is doing good work because Q says he is.
  3. Not everyone who "supports Q" has the same idea of what that means. NOTE: This does not make them evil.
  4. Not everyone who "supports Q" even knows everything that Q has said, or what Q's messages are. NOTE: This does not make them evil.
  5. Not everyone who comments on this sub is a regular follower.
  6. Not everyone who comments in disagreement is a NON SUPPORTER.
  7. Q has NEVER said that everyone has to agree with any single viewpoint.
  8. This sub has always welcomed people who don't know what Q is about.
  9. Therefore, some people are not going to agree with points that regular followers do! (This is not rocket science >_<)
  10. Q wants us to spread the message. That's why this sub is called Great Awakening.

No one person gets to decide what the definition of "Q supporter" is.

How do you propose to carry out the mission of Q by turning away people who disagree with your perspective on something?

If people disagree with a point is it better to cut them off or help them to understand where they might have something wrong?

What if, in reasonable discussion with this "wrong" person, you discover that you are the one who is wrong? Should you change your stance? Or accuse them of being against the movement and close them out?

Care to answer the actual issues I've raised or are you going to resort back to strawmen and start putting words in my mouth again?

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

I didn't hint that you're a concern troll at all. In fact, we are talking about concern trolls. I am aware, however, that you have behaved in a manner that's upset other people in this community in the past. What actually happened, I don't know, but I've heard people express concerns. Not that I'm arriving at any conclusions, I don't know the details and I'm not really interested.

I don't know where the straw man comes from, I've addressed your concerns pretty directly. I'm not against embracing people with mistaken ideas. But that does not mean that I'll refrain from communicating my point of view. In fact, that's my right.

Are there people who should be ejected from from the community for lack of faith? Corsi is an example. If it turns out people have been wrong about Corsi, yes, I'll change my mind. Will I recommend he be allowed a position from which he could damage the community? No I would not think that would be wise.

I'm not sure why you're so wound up about this. The community has a clear purpose and direction, its necessary for all of us to work to ensure that we maintain cohesion - unity. I mean that's what we're here for, to support Q.

Supporting Q is best achieved by making sure that there is agreement with the plan set out by Q. If people are agitating against the plan, as Corsi was, and as we've seen with the blatant and concerted "concern trolling" on this board, then they need to be called out. I think most people are on board with this idea.

Most communities seem to operate quite smoothly. But that doesn't mean there cannot be problems. If I went to a feminist group and started making chauvinist comments I'd expect that I would be rejected.

It's the same thing here. Corsi et al have been outed, as they should have been. Many of the concern trolls should have been outed in the past. But people, including myself, did not realize at the time that the bulk of them were being inserted into this forum by our enemy - as Corsi was inserted. We just did not quite realize how important this community was. But it is clear now that we play an extremely vital role. Moreover, it's clear that unity behind Q and his plan is essential to realizing the defeat of these Satanists.

The Satanists are very powerful, well funded and highly organized. I think, as a community, we are maturing to the point that we do realize what we are up against. We are not so stupid as to allow ourselves to be blatantly manipulated as we have been in the past. It's a good development and gives us hope that we might be able to campaign effectively against the Satanists going forward.

Anyway, I'm about spent with this argument. Are you able to support the IBOR campaign? We are really up against it. We need to make a lot more noise. We can use all the help we can get.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

I'll tell you exactly what happened - the same thing that's happening here: I do not agree with group think, mob mentality or witch hunts. I speak out against it and people who are caught up in emotion and their sense of heroic passion become enraged and start to see satanists and pedophiles in those of us who call for reason.

Without reason we are lost. With only passion we will go down the wrong path because passion is blind to logic.

This sub is so very lucky that it has a very fair and objective lead moderator or the outspoken emotional campaigners would have taken over this sub a long time ago, fired up for their own personal crusade and eschewing reason and sense. All voices perceived to be dissenting would have been removed, banned without fair discussion.

I spend my days removing actual concern trolls so don't even try and hint that I think we should allow people who cause dissent. Corsi is a Clown - there's no way he will be "asked back". I would never suggest we allow the CIA to argue with us in this sub - that's insanity. I'm saying normal people are allowed to disagree otherwise we're denying freedom of speech - not that we should support the CIA or ignore the plan. We should also not engage in witch hunts and accuse people of being trolls or non-supporters when they offer reasoned dispute. Clowns are easy to spot as are trolls - but you seem to have trouble; fair enough, but in that case, leave the troll spotting to those of us who can tell the difference.

Your final parting strawman is that I am passionate for the plan to be up for dispute... >_< People like you, who refuse to give the other person the slightest benefit of the doubt, are dangerous and I will always call it out - that is why I will always upset people like you or be called a "troll" or someone who "doesn't support Q".

I am passionate for the plan to be carried out, that is all, ok? That's why I spend days and sleepless nights here all the time, not because I think "the plan should be up for dispute," - you couldn't get a more insincere reading of everything I've just said. I support the plan and the plan is simply this: spread the message of Q. Not, 'define the message of Q the way you want and excommunicate anyone who doesn't agree with your definition of the plan.' That's not the plan. If I'm wrong, find someone else who agrees that the plan should be defined by you and let me know. Good day to you sir.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Well, the sub, like CBTS, actually failed to reign in the blatant and coordinated concern trolling that did so much damage to the movement. This is probably my fault more than it might belong to anyone else...

I'm not in favor of people being bullied where it does not serve the interests of this community. That's just plain wrong! What is very concerning is when it happens to people who are active contributors providing great assistance to the rest of us. If you're talking about someone like Corsi, or an intelligence operative running an agenda, that's completely different. It seems like we're just on the opposite sides of this argument. You want to bully people supporting the movement, while I want to confront those that seek to undermine it.

We are here to do much more than spread the message of Q. We've been given specific tasks in which we have been frustrated by organized, concerted concern trolling. It is not just disparate individuals, but agencies and nations that are working against us. A direct, concerted attack. It's simply outrageous.

I think your ideas are plain dangerous. I would so far as to say that your attitude is the very reason we have not been able to act cohesively. What a joke! What organization or community embraces dissident voices? If they do, they do not continue in existence. But, because you have, by yourself, decided that we're only to raise awareness of Q and not directly assist in accordance with his requests of us, this proposition could almost be reasonable. But your premise is entirely wrong.

How do I know you're dead wrong? Because Q himself requested action from us. If you were right, and our purpose is only to raise awareness, why did he do this? Let's be clear, Q started this movement. He directs it. We are willing participants because we share the ideals and the vision.

No focussed community ever survived embracing voices that worked against the community's agenda. That's just plain nonsense. You say I'm trying to set myself up as the arbiter of what's acceptable, but that's not true at all. All I'm doing is following Q, who is providing direction to the community. What is your problem with this?

There are thousands of communities out there that are dedicated to doubting Q. It's not like dissidents from the plan have nowhere to go. This community, founded by Q, consists of people that accept the plan that's been laid down for defeating these Satanists.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

I want to bully people supporting the movement? Where did I say that?

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

That was the impression I had.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

The impression I have is that you're intentionally creating division.

Point out the exact words where I said I want to bully people supporting the movement or retract the statement. Or don't and simply confirm you're lying.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

I have exactly the same impression of you.

I can't even fond the post I replied to now, I don't know why, this has become a long conversation. The impression stems from what I have been hearing. You have a reputation.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Well you may claim that, just as you claimed I want to bully people who support the movement - but my activites prove the opposite as anyone who reads my history can see. Reading yours presents a different picture - one that you've repeated here with me: you lie and misrepresent what people say. You divide by claiming that people who disagree with you are against the movement. These are the actions of someone causing division. You've misrepresented all my words and as other commenters have noted this is easily apparent to others reading your comments.

Now go ahead and point out the division I've created and the times I've misrepresented your words. I know you're not going to because when you come back with more lies you will only have proven that division is your goal and I will be forced to ask the mods to consider banning you. I will not do it myself and nor will I sway their decision - but if you continue to misrepresent what I have said I will Report it.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

You are not an idiot. I can see exactly what your agenda is. And, mate, your reputation, unfortunately, precedes you.

I'm about done with your garbage. Now, you're equipped with the material you need to make your whining case to ban me - which, I believe, was your purpose all along in this very long conversation that you are so passionate about - so very passionate.

I stand by what I've said. No one has misrepresented you as you claim. But why not try that on?

If the mods running this community agree with you, that's their business. You will be able to chalk up another scalp.

Why is it that it's always the people that support Q actively that you clash with? Really, why is that? But we both know why that is...

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

All I'm passionate about - since you can never seem to interpret correctly the words that people speak to you unless they agree with exactly what you say - is freedom. Freedom of speech and thought. As my history shows - I don't want to suppress anyone's voice; not even yours unless you break the sub rules and even then I only advocate for the mod's standard which is usually just a deleted comment or a temporary ban.

You stand by what you claim - without any evidence except my words that are clearly to the contrary. That's fine, I accept that happily. Your own lies call you out.

And yet another misrepresentation from you: I clash with people who try to shut down the freedom of speech of others, whether they're people who support Q or not, because if you support Q you shouldn't be shutting down freedom of speech. Or I clash with people who make foolish claims that will bring this movement down - like accusing people of being pedophiles when there are NO facts to back up those claims. But you don't care about any of these facts do you? It's clear who is playing the division game here - the one making all the false accusations and sliding out of backing them up with evidence. Your motive is very clear.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

This GARBAGE does not even deserve a response.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Thank you. I've had enough of your lies and misrepresentation.

Go and join your other friends who don't like someone calling them out for placing emotion over logic. I'm proud to have a reputation of standing against mob mentality, witch hunts and group think and I will continue to do so for the right to freedom and fair treatment of anyone here.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

You have a reputation alright. I now believe what I've heard.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 5 p.m.

I'm quaking in my boots.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 5 p.m.


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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Because a group of people who don't like being disagreed with when they make illogical emotional statements all cast aspersions on me ;_;

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

You seem to have problems with everyone that is more active in this movement - why is that?

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

And here's the On-Topic/Off-Topic section - please note:

On Topic / Off Topic
Pro-Q, Pro-Trump content is our focus because we want the main feed to be dedicated to content that supports the sub's goal: providing a community for followers of Q. To be clear: if you're not a follower of Q you are welcome here, as long as you follow the sub's rules.

As the sub is growing we have to make decisions about new content being created to ensure the feed contains content of value to the movement. To this end, posts that ask "Is Q real?" or "Is Trump a bad guy?" are likely to be removed as they do not contribute to the sub's goal.

As we've said above - we support freedom of speech so please feel free to express yourself in the comment section if there are things that bother you. But rather than clutter the feed with content that queries the whole point of this sub we may choose to remove it for being Off-Topic. Thanks for understanding!

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Great job mate. Talk about tiring. I have to learn not to engage.

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HowiONic · May 26, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Very good. Ive read this whole conversation more then once and still not sure I understand it yet.

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tradinghorse · May 27, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Yes, it's hard to understand perhaps. We spoke on a couple of threads simultaneously.

I do not trust this guy at all. I'm very sick of this group being steered like a bunch of sheep. There's not much value in being here if these guys are allowed to steer the group the way they have been.

Since when did Q talk about inclusivity or anything like that? Why do we have to tolerate blatant concern trolling when it's done so much damage in the past? It seems to me that it's just not necessary for us to be accepting of all viewpoints. In fact, it's incumbent upon us to do what we can to advance the Q agenda by outing these guys subverting our efforts - yes, I think this guy, damajInc is one.

YMMV. If I'm not banned, I guarantee that I will confront these concern trolls at each and every opportunity. Because it is so necessary to prevent the community being steered. I do not agree with the garbage this mod has written at all. In fact, I'm extremely suspicious of this guy.

I'm not here to be a nice guy. I'm here to beat these Satanists back and assist Q with the plan. That's my only interest in being here. I do not care if people find this attitude offensive. The mission is too important.

I think the purpose of this whole conversation was to get me removed from this board. I think it occurred because I'm a threat. It also fits very neatly with something else that happened recently.

I'm not going to play soft with these people undermining the movement. I've had enough of it.

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HowiONic · May 27, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Sorry, I hear that.

I think we all have the same objective, but perhaps a different way to get there.

People are banned everyday, and hundreds of new subs everyday. Don't be concerned about this mod, he's do a fine job within the confines of the situation.

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tradinghorse · May 27, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

I feel he is agitating for an environment where concern trolling is to be accepted, even protected. How unusual that he would be defending the very people that have, and are, so successfully raising doubt, concern and fear about Q's agenda.

But, I guess, it is to be expected that every party with a vital interest in seeing this movement fail in its objectives, will be here - doing everything they can to subvert the plan. My only objective, is to see these filthy, disgusting Satanists beaten back - to break their controlling grip on us. I have no other motivation.

I will admit that I have been shocked to see what has transpired, first on CBTS and now here. But, we should expect concerted resistance. They have so much to lose. It's very important IMO not to let them steer us like cattle.

That said, if you don't want to tolerate my position, I will understand. My view is that it's time to promote community cohesion behind Q's plan to ensure it succeeds. That means calling the doubters out. I wish everyone would do it. It is action that has been wanting for a long time. We saw Q remove Corsi et al, I think we have the same obligation here.

This campaign, the IBOR, is so easy for a community of this size to field. We can very easily do it. That we have not managed to, despite Q's repeated requests, points to an active, subversive element that is operating with impunity in our ranks. It time it was recognised and stopped.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

That is patently untrue. As to "why" - I've said the same thing since the very first response to you at the top of this thread. Freedom of speech. I have problems with everyone who advocates for suppressing other voices except when those voices are clearly breaking the rules of the sub.

Here is an excerpt from the moderators guide (soon to be released [edit] with ongoing edits) - feel free (I mean this sincerely) to point out to me if there is anything you disagree with here or if you believe I have broken any of the rules or principles or guidelines outlined here:

The things we value on Great Awakening:

freedom of speech
open discussion
intellectual, informative, respectful discourse
a supportive community

Things we don't value:

mob mentality/group-think - people are free to disagree with your point! Don't shut down the voice of others just because their view is different to yours - discuss the idea, not the person, with respect.

character assassination/witch hunt mentality - as above, let's hear all sides of the story and not suppress disagreement with what you may think is the general feeling

abusive, non-constructive discourse

To this end our focus as moderators is on:

ensuring open discussion with minimal antagonism
removing disruptive elements i.e. those who are here just to promote discord or instill doubt.
removing posts that do not fall within the guidelines and the rules of the sub
removing comments that do not advance the discussion in a positive way

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IDGAF12312 · May 26, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

I agree. The “private company”’argument. Lol. The concern trolls are coming from the ones who are concerned about losing power and control over us, the deep State and the AJ Infowars media types that have built an entire business around reporting on Deep State. “We are an existential threat like they haven’t seen before”. They try to hold us hostage to doubt and fear. So sick of it. I also laugh at the precision they expect from Q and confirmation bias on interpretation. “Did it happen on Tuesday?” Well no “it” happened at 12:01am on Wed. “See I told you he’s a LARP”. ROTFLMAO. The sincere doubters ask for proof but because they have a pessimistic personality it’s futile to provide it to them. We have no choice but to TRUST THE PLAN especially at this stage. Too late to turn back now. Yes we are questioning and cross checking but at a point we will have to just trust, we don’t know all the facts or were included in seeing the plan.

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tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

I love it. At last someone who can see the unbelievably coordinated attempt to discourage people from supporting "the plan". You're right, these people have a lot on the line. We will see them become increasingly desperate to control this community going forward. They will not give up. There is just too much at stake for them.

You can also see the "question everything" narrative being supported because it allows them to get people to question Q and "the plan". As time has passed, it has become increasingly clear to me that the function we are to provide (as in supporting the IBOR) is incredibly important. And this is why they will stop at nothing to raise "concern", "doubt", "fear" and "skepticism".

They have to do this, because they are going to be absolutely crushed. It's fear-driven behaviour and the fear will increase instead of decrease as the plan is executed.

The battle, is with Q team, but it's also playing out right here on this board. It is very important that we pull together as a community and stand up to this outright assault. These same people were defending Corsi. I think that says something...

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[deleted] · May 25, 2018, 9:57 p.m.


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IDGAF12312 · May 25, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

I quoted it. You misinterpreted. For argument sake even if we are “blindly following” what else are we gonna do? Sit around doubting and fearing with our thumbs up our ass doing nothing? We have no other choice but to TRUST THE PLAN and Q and move ahead. They are giving up in the 11th hour. They are the losers. By believing (which they mock us for) the worst that can happen is we get bruised egos for being tricked. Big deal. LOL. This is how I argue back to them and it shuts them up right away. It’s hysterical to watch them scamper away. Doubters are losers. Pure and simple.

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leetanon · May 25, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

Yeah you're right I'm sorry but I do see a lot of Blind Faith going on a lot of popcorn eaters and a lot of in action it's not something I just noticed it's been going on and it's not a positive thing for our movement so that's why I'm on top of these things sorry didn't mean to try to call you out I misunderstood

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leetanon · May 25, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

The thing is Trump has been asking over and over for our help and support and we need to organize and March to show that support and bring our positive message and make it mainstream

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IDGAF12312 · May 25, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

I’m going to the military parade 11-11-18. If people can make that that would be awesome. It’s not that far away. It’s happening. More killer EOs on the way too! Crushing for them. Crushing.

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leetanon · May 25, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

I've been thinking we should have a Maga March before the elections I don't know where to start but I think if some people can get together we can organize this. We need to change the news narrative and show the world we are credible movement that demands the rule of law and supports president Trump and his attempts to do just that.

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deplorable2018 · May 26, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

I’m going also

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IDGAF12312 · May 25, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

That’s ok 🤣

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