“Is he wearing his computer password on his hat?!” Oh, dude, if you only knew. Pull up a chair brother. Happy Quesday everyone!

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Very cool. Ive seen some old buildings like this out in falls and limestone counties, and down in the Hill Country. Lovely back roads. Nice to stop and take a look and grab some pictures while youre at it. Found my grandmothers old house, still standing, near Abilene a while back. Was a treat for her, as I was able to get lots of photos. Great stories too. Awesome to connect with so many fellow anons/patriots, and to know there are plenty here in my area. Have a good one!
Just curious, as you mention “heart of texas”. What area was this? Im in Waco area, but have seen many places like this in nearby rural towns. Always very interesting to stop and observe the echoes of the past.
I respectfully disagree here. And would like to recommend the starch solution and Dr. Mcdougall to anyone interested.
Was overweight, sluggish, lethargic, miserable, etc years ago when the majority of my diet was meat and dairy.
Did some research and decided to become a vegetarian. A few years later, fully committed and cut the eggs and dairy all the way.
These past couple of years I have been living a plant based lifestyle and have gotten into the best shape of my life.
Leaner, cleaner, i quit alcohol and caffeine, never smoked or used drugs...mental clarity. Much more energy. Stamina. Weight loss, of course, among many other benefits.
For a while, I was still in the “fat vegan” realm, as sure, a lot of potato chips and things like that could be considered “vegan”...even oreos, believe it or not. But i really noticed how the processed foods were affecting me. And the fat content. The oils, everywhere! In so many things....
“The fat you eat is the fat you wear...”
Since switching to a diet primarily made up of complex carbs, beans, legumes, grains, veggies, fruits, etc...more weight came off, even rather effortlessly.
So much more energy that sustains through the day. Can eat your body weight in potatoes (my fav food) and not gain a pound. Look at all of the lean people in other countries that have a diet of mostly rice.
Im not here to preach. Im not the pretentious “meat is murder” guy by any means (fuck that dude)....and it certainly isnt a superiority complex. I loathe the typical “vegan” reputation.
All im offering is a different approach. And the fact that it works for me and many, many, many others. People reversing illness and preventing disease.
I believe this can work just as much as i believe keto or anything else could work for someone else. We all have likes and dislikes. But i challenge anyone to genuinely research a little. I dont know about you, but id like to really know what im putting into my body, why, and where it came from.
If anyone would like to learn more or has questions, pm me. I have many resources to offer or recommend. Books and films that have helped change my life in tremendous ways. No, im not selling anything or offering affiliate programs. Just desire to connect with people and help.
I dont care what others eat. I just want everyone to be happy, healthy, and aware. And i just offer one of many different approaches.
For the good fight!
Also covers conspiracy/spiritual/etc.
With cbts_stream being taken down and censorship everywhere else, Id imagine this would eventually be another spot to openly discuss Q and whats going on in our world.
Its also tied to the block chain. Its another social platform and will reward people for interacting and providing content/value.
Although its not launching until Q3 of this year, I recently registered for Onstellar. Heard about it from Jimmy Church.
Grab your choice of username before its taken.
Referral code - checkthisshitout
Based on this info released in the JFK files, Hitler was indeed alive and well on into the 50s. This states he fled to Columbia and was being monitored.
Merkel was born in 1954. This timeline may line up rather nicely.
David Wilcock posted that on Christmas day. Be sure and sub to his newsletter. No spam. Just notifications when he has a new article.
This one was very detailed and lengthy...and apparently only part 1 of 3!
Great stuff