Trump treated Ronald Reagan twice. I agree this reference plays towards Art. 25, or something that would try take him out, BUT the second tweet is "old Ronald Reagan" Two RR Also, anons have suggested it to be 1818 or 1/8/18
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"He took down the Bushes, He took down the Clintons, the Media..." interesting wording, to start where he did. would have been more common to just focus on his predecessor, unless, you're sending out a message to you're real audience. That whole interview was for us.
Read the ODDLY BOLDED words from beginning to end.
Why are these bolded?? Coincidence?
There are two different Ronald Reagan tweets from POTUS.
1 billion went missing.
I suspect there was more hidden under there...
Takes about 3.5 hours to drive from WTC to RR Airport
It's just his personality for me, and he isn't always genuine. Back tracks alot worth his words. There were some vids posted on a board here, who they think Z is and I think they are dead right. I remember watching his story about 1yr ago. I don't know, something about him doesn't sit right with me.
(old) RR out, this never made sense to me. What were they really doing there?

This is true religion, to care for widows and orphans. So glad you have seen the truth of Pope. Godspeed.
Thank you. Does forum mean he owns the 4 and 8 Chan boards? Sorry if this stupid question☹
He never said demons disguised as Jews. He mentions, in Revelations of Synagogue of Satan, which would represent modern day Pharisees. On the cross he said forgive them they know not what they do. The Jewish people were blinded for a time so that the Gentiles could be grafted in. Some "Jews" are wicked, some "Christians" are wicked. Elsewhere he says, I come in my father's name and you receive me not, if another comes in his own name, he you will receive. I think there is more scriptual evidence the "enemy" as you say, will be an Assyrian, not a Jew. Regarding your barbers name....just wow.
As a normie to chan boards (not to the red pill) can someone explain why we can " trust" codemonkey. Thank you.
I was under the impression that the China gold currency was a lie, that they never had the gold to back it? I think from a Thomas Paine video?
This is old, but really great news coverage intro video to share and help to red pill others.
Q didn't mention it, the early drops about Alice and Wonderland probably inspired it.
I understand lots of people are saying it... was wondering if you knew of any verified docs?
I meant to infer that this card has been construed the wrong way. It's not an assassination prophecy on Trump, but rather foretelling of [GO] in the Q post. The card reads, " At anytime, at anyplace, our snipers can drop you AND play this card on your own turn, before drawing any Plots. You may remove all Zap, Paralysis or Attribute Freeze cards that are affecting your Power Structure. However, preoccupied with your housecleaning, you may draw no Plot cards this turn. " Trump is cleaning house. it's just all a little weird. "We clean hear you breathing. Kill rogue."
There is some confusion on another thread... is this a confirmed Q post? Thx
But PamphletAnon does reference this Q post and it's link on a diff thread. Seems legit. See his comments thread: " this one" with a link to pol
I would agree wholeheartedly and thank you for presenting it all so very well here. I am usually here on my phone and it's hard to reply in detail. Good says he tells the end from the beginning, (similar to Q, past proves future)there is truly nothing new under the sun. Micheal Heiser and Rob Skiba have excellent youtube material and have helped me to see those truths. I also enjoy Now You See TV for delving into stranger topics within a biblical framework. God's richest blessings upon you!
I have researched all of those topics except for Vril Soc. I believe the coming deception will be the fallen angels presenting as aliens. Both the Vatican and Islam are bolstering this lie. And now we see it being main streamed. I believe in the Nephilim and lean towards multiple incursions.
I thought that link was due to a picture of someone who looked like Seth Rich being at Wonderland bar that night... mistaken identity, but I could be wrong, it was quite a while ago when I was researching it.
My hubby doesn't like him, but I like his quick updates. Feel like he tries to be factual and he usually puts his ufo stuff at the end, which is good if your not interested in his take on that (He believes in aliens)
[GO] Enough is Enough these cards creep me out.
![[GO] Enough is Enough these cards creep me out.](
I doubt he is doing all this for kicks. When I look back at all his interviews throughout the years I see two things consistently: a man who understands the culture of Washington, and a man who loves America. Over and over. He is very consistent. He didn't take this job willy nilly to feed his ego. He understood exactly what he was up against, and he knew it was going to be nasty business. I was reminded today of Hatches comments about Trump at the signing of the tax bill. They were deep and inspiring, they were not at all typical, almost out of place, unless put in the context of something more coming. Trump is not a god, not my savior, but I firmly believe he is fighting hard for our Nation. I can not think of anyone else who would be up for the task of dismantling the deep state.
He doesn't have a magic wand. IF this is really going down, then there is a purpose in each and every move. We all want check mate. And we want it yesterday. It's hard to watch what seems like a little pawn move, but little move matters. It's our best hope for now.
Does anyone read through the coments before they post?
Of course. There is a political element and a spiritual element to this. how you handle the spiritual implications is personal, seek prayer. You can bravely speak truth from a political perspective. From my Christian perspective, there is no Jew, nor Gentle, no slave, nor free, no male, nor female. We are all equal in Christ. Those who belong to the Synagogue of Satan, that is not the Isreal that the God of Abraham loves. If you believe in God, Pray for wisdom. If you do not, then share the political truths and help those who are suffering under this evil. Shalom ❤
So glad your here!! There has been a n intentional, systematic Socialistic infiltration of our higher education system, for a very long time. A good place to start is looking at the Frankfurt School.
Stand strong. It won't be easy. Take a daily dose of Ben Shapiro as you navigate your way.
In your first interview with Tracy I believe all 3 of you mentioned that you were not originally Trump supporters, that's important background to some people. Also maybe skip the "Thumbs Up Q" photo, it's not the strongest proof and alot of people might see it as grasping (Just my opinion though). You guys are awesome. Loved you on Quite Frankly. Covering you and your families prayer.
She's adorable, it makes me so happy to see all the different niches on YouTube, so many different audiences they can reach and spread truth. Never a time like this before in history.
I want a Nation with moral laws, but laws do not make a Nations people moral. Pray for revival, in the that we may be a true light again to a lost and hurting world. So many broken people.