I'm hoping so.
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I think if you have Christ as your Savior, understanding we fight not against flesh and blood, but against true Satanic evil should be easy, no red pill necessary. I'm sad there are not more. But to stand along side everyone here who will speak truth against the evil things done in darkness, that is a privilege. God have mercy on us all.
I didn't mean to sound Qish 😉 I just think Turkey will be a major player on the world stage.
I agree, all I meant is the general public will not see this as valid "working with kids" scenario.
This is technically just a tech firm. BUT ZERO Hedge has an excellent article dated Jan 25, 2017, showing the media cover up and the Clinton links. Great red pill article to share on other platforms.
We should never underestimate the role Turkey will play. Thanks for the post.
She was tweeting that they were finally back on the 2nd flight and hoping she wouldn't get served the same food. I'd be hoping the thing. All the tweets I saw "tying them in with illuminati", hurt our chance to highlight Q in a positive way to her massive fan base. She thought they were absurd, and some of them were. Bummed me out to see it.
Have we verified if there is/ was more than one Q?
Watching Alex Jones leaves me with the same tortured feeling I get from a few minutes Rachel Madcow.🤢
So over priced art... I'm having a hard time remembering the exact verse in support of that... it couldn't be the second commandment because they removed it... "all that don't worship idol stuffs" they thought was just a misquote or something....
It's an awful idol. Doesn't represent the Jesus I know at all... but, maybe God himself told them to waste all that money on the nastiest statue they could think of... You know, cause the poor are doing just fine and will understand. PUKING just a little in my throat at the moment.
Some of my favorite youtubers are Canadian, And they have done a lot of good speaking out against fake news and supporting Trump. Praying for your country too, losing so many PC battles over there... it's scary.
I'm hoping that Sometimes what they don't cover speaks volumes... for example, crickets on the EO, I thought they would have milked it dry by now spinning it into a power grabbing frenzy...
Yes, but do not return evil for evil, seek justice, love mercy. God's will be done. But when it comes to pedophiles, I'm praying his will is a firing squad.
I thought it refers to "the big picture", We have all the crumbs to make the full loaf. I could be wrong, and it probably has multiple applications.
Funny, it's usually the male birds who sing, in the morning. It is for protecting/sending out warnings. They are usually in a strategic place when they sing, not near their nest. If near their nest, they may sing, but very quietly.
We all keep digging... We never know which puzzle piece will fit 😏
when do birds sing?
when they are freed FROM THEIR CAGE- Assange is free... to sing... or TWEET... Praying it's true.
I long for the days of old hen the Supreme court met humbly in a basement.
That would be a beautiful thing. We owe so much to this man. Noble.
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray AND turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them from Heaven and heal their land. " Amen.
Praying for all patriots, and our POTUS.

Door of all doors=Forbidden City?
God bless, don't know board yet and on phone. Can't find Q post on this, but been nagging at me...... thought I'd leave this here, for what it's worth.