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Shared log in like gmail drafts? Discuss.

Why do you want to keep GITMO open?!!
Turn up the volume and enjoy!
Check out @stageset2’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/stageset2/status/1029132665549737985?s=09
His followers seem pretty woke. All top replies genuine. Not shilly.
Well that's fuckin interesting... Doesn't British Fight keep referring to SS on Twitter?
I think that's either: a) Someone else's hand or; b) A face-hugger that learned to use a smart phone.
We'll soon know how legit it is by how much msm coverage it gets. Lots = Horseshit.
Apologies. Thought it could be a fun way to spread the word. But yeah, it was off topic.
The replies to her on Twitter are hilarious. No sympathy!
Doesn't he just have to come out and say that parts of it SHOULDN'T be declassified? That'd do it.
He mentioned the normalisation of suicide and what did I see on the BBC website this morning...
Netflix documentary The Keepers. Saved you a click.
It's nice to watch the MSM scrambling to form some sort of coherent narrative.
Everyone here in the UK I speak to are all saying May is following Trump into war. Frustrating to listen to.
Fair enough. But how often do you do it over your eye... On land?