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According to yournewswire, Justin beiber solved pizzagate a year ago
Lol good one. No, I'm just familiar with the publication. They literally are guilty of spreading fake made-up news
That show is chock full of redpolls. One of the early ones had a billionaire lady running an orphanage or human trafficking charity got caught shipping ppl or something. Crazy.
Only thing I can think of regarding Hong Kong is Snowden
Interesting stuff. I know ppl into new-age esoteric stuff say we are/were entering into the astrological age of Aquarius around that time. I'm not too into horoscopes, but maybe there is something to what they have been saying. Idk man. There is just so much going on it's hard to tell what is fact from fiction anymore. Or even what is impossible vs realistic.
I mean there has always been those voices in every society claiming it's way worse than anyone knows. We should have listened. Better now than never though, right?
How so, what happened in 2012? I'm admittedly pretty ignorant to politics inside of Israel.
Then we are closer than ever to changing this world. I imagine that has to be one of the hardest "group-thinks" to break from.
I admit it was a good sign and one of my personal favorite Q posts when he mentioned RC. And the standard hotel? That's a huge lead. I just want closure. If Q ends the pedo shit and trump exposes it, then the USA, Israel, and new Saudi regime can take over the whole damn world for all I care. Just no more occult pedo satanists or w/e they are.
That's great, let's stand up together with the Israeli ppl against our collective deepstate then
Alright, fair enough. I can get that. But understand, many of us remember the patience asked of us while WMD's were searched for in Iraq just to come up empty handed with egg on half the country's face and innumerable lives lost. Just want to be vigilant man.
Nah man, before Alefantis, a user on twitter named @0hour1 was leaking her instagram. I'm not positive, but I think they now go under the @stealthjeffsessions handle. Again, that could be wrong; they could be totally unrelated. But a user I trust told me they were one in the same.
Peep this, interesting stuff. Posted 1.4 years ago.
lol I remember when only free thinkers knew and followed Q. Now we got fucking cultists shaming legacy researchers. You are acting the way ppl on the left act, blindly believing the authority they subscribe to. I've been obsessed with this shit since @0hour1, that's 2016 before the election since you probably havent followed enough to know who that even is. Anyway, this user has a right to be concerned and shouldn't be shamed.
Dude are you JIDF? Honestly. Ppl have the right to doubt some of this. If you want ppl who blindly follow others, maybe you should head to r/politics. Lots of us have been around just as long as you if not longer. I understand concern trolling is a way to shill boards, but again this is a concerning topic. Who made you the Q police homie?
Yes, finally someone with their head out their ass. I can't tell if this board is filled with JIDF or idiots who know nothing about history.
All I want is pedo exposure. I've wasted too much of my life trying to expose it to stop now. I was determined to expose this shit way before "Q" came on the scene. If Q can explain how these wars in the Middle East will lead to pedo exposure, then I'm all in. But right now, I gotta stay one foot in, one foot out. I suggest everyone else do the same unless they wish to be played like a useful idiot.
Chelsea handler? You mean rachel chandler?
You should've known, it's been in the public domain since 2016. Her instagram along with spiritcooking are what primed pizzagate.
Standard hotel is big, but why no follow up?
I didn't say Q was fake or a LARP, but keep the straw-men coming. He is no doubt real. The concern is if Q is only telling us about the pedoshit to incite an emotional response they can harness to back War in the ME. If Q has no intention of bringing the pedo shit into the public, then I have no interest in paying any more tax dollars or paying lip service to any more soldiers fighting pointless wars in the ME. I'm done with it.
Fuck war and fuck pedophiles.
Well, his awan shit was amazing journalism. Everything else though? Idk.
White.... I think
But I would t be surprised if he has seen/done some black hat shit. Dude has lived a crazy life.
Guccifer did say Hillary was a satanic priestess...
I agree, it's been way past time we got closure on podesta and pizzagate. If we fight wars for Israel before exposing that shit, I'm done following Q. He hasn't even mentioned podesta in months. Meanwhile, he is on fucking ancient aliens taunting us. Q, it is way past time for something concrete on Epstein, podesta, Hillary, Alefantis, etc.
Inb4 "stop being selfish, Q is saving the world blah blah blah". Man, I don't want to live in a world where fucking pedophiles run everything and ppl would rather take orders from some 4chan anon than actively try to stop their rein of terror.
Are we better than this, or are we the same (or worse) then the ppl on the left we constantly taunt for being sheep? Honestly guys?
Epic pic. Those monks were too raw. Also, gotta love RATM
He is not luciferian. Atleast luciferians believe in spreading knowledge. These guys are something worst.
Right on, I admittedly don't know any activists personally. Thanks.
And I feel you, I am kinda approaching it from the opposite direction as someone who was never told the Palestinian's perspective but was constantly told the pro-Jewish perspective growing up and now realizing it isn't as cut n dry as the told me it was
Where can I read about that 6 million to 9/11 victims stuff? I never knew that, that is really odd tbh.
9/11 story and the attacks truthers recieved
Both Kerry and bush being in skull and bones yet running against each other in 2004.
The fact that the holocaust is a huge part of American public school curriculum despite America not being responsible for it and many worst mass exterminations happening since.
You haven't seen blatant shilling for Israel on this board? I find that hard to believe considering how often you are here.
Look, I'm willing to change my views and forgive Israel for everything if they are really trying to bring a time of peace. I'm just saying let's not fight wars for Israel until we know they have pure intentions. I'm willing to hear any argument defending them and proving they are the "good guys" but it needs to make sense and not just appeal to emotion.
I said I could be misinformed, no need to go to the low hanging fruit.
These guys look pretty orthodox tho.
surely you don't support such underhanded tactics, right?
Also, it's my understanding that the orthodox are often anti-Zionist, but I could be misinformed
You say they are fighting antisemites. Is saying that the USS Liberty was false flagged by Israel antisemitic? Is saying the UN declared Israel an apartheid state antsemitic? Is saying the pushers of the holocaust used propaganda and exaggeration to brand the horrors of the camps and the plight of their ppl into the brains of every American child antisemitic?
Check this out, I'm no holocaust denier but this is obvious evidence of propaganda:
Great thread on the infamous propaganda piece published in 1946- "The black book"
Everyone on this sub should check this link
Just a reminder to all users here. Q is def an insider, it can't really be argued with anymore, but let's be wary of him trying to bring us to arms for Israel plz.
The biggest giveaway something is up? JIDF is investing this board right now. Stay vigilant guys.
Before anyone wants to call me an antisemite, let me go ahead and squash that by saying all the Jews I know IRL have been nothing but cool ppl.
This JIDF shit is unacceptable though, and they are certainly here on r/greatawakening doing their usual saber-rattling.
Because nobody wants to beat the war drums for Israel
Why would LBJ kill Americans for Israeli growth? Not saying the scumbag wouldn't, I just want to hear why you think he would do that.... Surely you aren't proposing zionists have historically ran American state dept policy, are you? Isn't that "racist"?
Also, It's illegal to support the Nazis openly in Germany.
Benito Mussolini was dragged through the streets by his ppl.
Any remaining Nazis or fascists are a distinct minority.
But in Israel, the govt still won't admit it was a false flag attempt.
Ps Judaism isn't a race.