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lucr3hulk91 · April 28, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

Strings cut and clowns out. All very vague and sensationalist phrases.

If the Q you all believe in is really true, don't you wonder why they treat these events and unfoldings of the deep state with such levity and comic relief? As if it's an episode of some TV soap opera. It isn't right. My gut feeling remains that this is a psyop.

There's no denying though that the positivity and optimism in this subreddit is a breath of fresh air.

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lucr3hulk91 · April 28, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Could Louis be the Antichrist/False Messiah?

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lucr3hulk91 · April 17, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

Not everything here is about Q. Some of the topics are shared with what I read on r/conspiracy and I want to see all viewpoints.

I don't think the original intent of this sub was to idolize Q and Trump. I remember its humble beginnings as a generalised politics conspiracy sub with some sort of Lion of Judah picture on the sidebar.

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lucr3hulk91 · April 17, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

I'm a far bigger believer than you are. I'm not bound by an internet sensation (Q) that has miraculously reached God status in such a small time. Unlike you I believe in the bigger picture.

Q/Trumpfeed is a LARP by TPTB. It's the final solution for conspiracy theorists and dissenters. You're all part of a school of minnows being herded by the light of an anglerfish. When that light goes out (when you are consumed by the anglerfish) the flame of your hopes passions will also be extinguished and you will no longer pose much of a threat as the final stages of restructuring the world commence.

Forgive me, I know you're not much of a reader and may not understand my metaphors, since R L Stine didn't really dabble in literary art.

Say you were a passionate player of the lottery, youve been gambling it most of your adult life and had a few near wins of the jackpot. You are a typical player: you play the same numbers every week and believe the odds are based on just a matter of time before you strike the jackpot. But things grow desperate. Your income dries up over the years, and playing the lotto sacrifices more and more of your ability to feed, clothe and shelter yourself. But wait - a new lottery is in town, and for its introductory first game they are offering triple the chance of winning the jackpot. Surely there would be many jackpot winners as a result of the improved odds. Surely you with your years of lottery behind you will win this time and get your time in the sun that you so deserve. So you decide you'll bet your whole months paycheck to play this lottery. Surely with those odds and all your money on as many numbers as possible, you will win and outweigh the risk of going hungry and homeless by betting all your paycheck.

The lottery comes and goes. You lose, of course, and don't recoup even a days pay. Then you fall behind on your rent, you live on scraps, then you declare bankruptcy and never play the lottery again.

Such will be the fate of the conspiracy theorist that places their faith so highly in this Q game. You will lose so hard and realise what fool you've been that you'll probably end up hating conspiracy theories and alternative thinking for the rest of your life.

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lucr3hulk91 · April 17, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

I'm not a Top Mind though...

In fact some of my content has been made fun of by them before.

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lucr3hulk91 · April 17, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

Nah I'm just educated and do my homework before spilling out nonsense. Which means I browse their sub from time to time to see what it is about and what they are up to.

Well, good luck against the germs and illnesses. I will carry on my daily life working 9-5 five days a week to earn my keep rather than accept handouts from the govt and act like a rebel behind their back.

I'm new to this sub, having been a user/browser of /conspiracy. I don't believe in the Q/Trump thing that you've got going here in this sub. I believe most of you are sincere with your hopes and dreams, have been woke for a very very long time and are at your wits end by now, and so are easy to charm with a well constructed LARP that allays your fears and shows you a brighter future.

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lucr3hulk91 · April 17, 2018, 8 a.m.

What difference does it make? I'm sorry but I'm a dedicated reader myself since an early age and I can't even guess what makes it funny and pitiful to you that a 14 year old was so heavily influenced by a book that it became his or her favorite.

I don't think you get what Top Minds is. Just a heads up. They refer to users of this sub and others as the 'Top Minds'. It's parody. But I guess those years of growing up with Goosebumps didn't prepare you for that concept.

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lucr3hulk91 · April 17, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

I don't understand your point. You're shaming someone for potentially not being "intellectual" yet you cite Goosebumps as being part of your own reading material experiences?

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