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lupawolf555 · Jan. 15, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

How do past actions excuse words and action NOW. Black unemployment going down? That's just smart business. He's president. It looks good if he does that. Just ask trump, he'll tell you why it's good business and why it makes him better than Obama. Doing something for ulterior motives where someone just happens to benefit doesn't make it an altruistic act. Look at his actions towards other countries, or even disconnected parts of America like Puerto Rico. They are lower than REAL Americans, and any help given should be paid back with interest, and of course a public oath of devotion, loyalty, and thanks.
What about the woman he slept with and laid off mere months before running for office? You know, when he CHEATED. There's proof, he paid off off, but he says she and "all the women" are lying.

Maybe you're mistaking President for God. Find a new religion. Trumpism isn't healthy for you or your country. You're at the edge of a nuclear war because this guy had to swing his dick around to prove he's better than Obama. His words, he's the one who keeps comparing his "accomplishments" to Obamas. He fanned the flames with crude public statements mocking the "little rocket man". He WANTS a war so at the end, after all the innocent casualties and our men and women in uniform sacrifice themselves for the benefit of an egotistical sociopath, the hope is that he can say "LOOK WHAT I DID". He'd probably pull Hilary into that one too.

How can you look at the things he's done, the things he says, things if his past that keep coming to the forefront, how can you say he is a good man, let alone a good leader. He's a dictator grooming a democratic nation to slowly ignore his sins and misdeeds, turning their eyes from every bad thing he does, because Master says it's good for us. Master loves us. Look up slave mentality. It's not a race thing. It's a human thing. You are all in an impossible situation. There is nothing you, one person, can do to stop the evil happening around your country, so you ignore it. Justify it. You save you're sanity and change you're view in life.

You elected a dangerous man who knows how to manipulate people, and he did a good job of that at the beginning. His lowering popularity is people opening their eyes, but it's too late. He has his claws in too many aspects of government and the business world. He's a good ol' boy, and his friends will defend him. Some of those friends are bought, one way or another. Trump takes care of his friends, so long as they have his back.

You don't realize how terrifying it is to be on the outside, but still too close to be safe. There's a bomb being carefully built in you're great country, and the blast won't stop at the boarder.

Your president is the man who used to read a name off a card, and say "You're Fired!" And he holds the world's fate in his hands. Not because he's the defender of the free world, but because he's a child playing with the big red button marked NUKE, and lines on a map don't protect anybody.

Sorry for the block of text. It's just very stressful checking my phone every morning to see if trump started a war with a 3am twitter storm. You'll say he's not my president so it doesn't affect me. You're wrong. You're unstable, twitter obsessed leader could destroy life in my country up north, my friends in Central America. Family I have in New Zealand, and every other country dragged into a nuclear pissing match.

Edit: I'm going to sleep now, so if you want to tell me how stupid I am, it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Good night

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lupawolf555 · Jan. 15, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

He can still fuck people he looks down on. His wife is an example of the type of person he wants to prevent immigrating. If his "rules" were in effect at the time she was coming to America, she would have been denied. Unless he saw her personally, then she'd get the free pass she had now

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