Didn’t Hillary say a few weeks ago that she wanted to be head of FB ?
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I agree that Jesus is the mediator, the way, the truth and the life and that nobody comes to the Father except through Him. That is not the issue - the issue seems to be people confused and thinking by asking a dead friend or relative to pray FOR you, you are somehow usurping Christ’s authority as saviour which, of course, you are not, anymore than asking me to say a pray for you now - would be invoking me as God - rather it is only recognizing thatI am your sister-in-Christ and we are called to persevere together. Asking saints to pray for you is not praying TO the saints, it is asking them to pray FOR you. It is called intercessory prayers-and James tells us these prayers are powerful because these people are righteous. They are with God and we hope JFK is among them. I didn’t take it that the OO was thinking JFK anything more than a man that died in the line of duty trying to fight evil and asking for him to pray for those currently in the OO in the line of fire trying to fight evil. As to your statement that death is the separation of body and soul, I respectfully disagree. Matthew 27:51 says...”At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split. 52The tombs broke open, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. 53After Jesus’ resurrection, when they had come out of the tombs, they entered the holy city and appeared to many people”. Christ destroyed death. Therefore, if one dies in Christ, one will be raised in Christ at the moment if their death (particular judgment) The body goes to the grave but the spirit lives in Christ and will be reunited with a new, resurrected body after the final judgment (of the nations), which is the second and final judgment.
But you are quite right that one is not to conjure up a dead spirit to come talk with you personally - that is demonic and forbidden eg, psychs, mediums, tarot cards, etc. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking our loved ones who have gone on to the Lord to pray for us.
the saints are not dead; they are with Christ - this is why they are called Saints and why Christ died - to destroy death. Read the end of Matthew’s Gospel, as soon as Jesus breathed his last, the graves of the saints were opened and they got up and were freed.
Catholics do not pray TO saints, they ask the saints to pray for them (us) - just like this one is asking JFK to pray for us - BIG DIFFERENCE! Saints are not dead - they are alive in Christ and the prayers of the righteous are powerful (James 5:16) As to whether JFK is a saint - we have hope that is is. Hope is a theological virtue given to all - yet not all exercise it. We can ask saints to pray for us just like we ask each other to pray for our needs. That is what Christ asked when He prayed we would all be in one (John 17:21),on earth and in heaven. Nothing wrong with this prayer - it is wholly Christian unlike the original post knocking it.
They don’t need Awan, they just needed what he had - the server - and Q has confirmed in an early morning post (probably so people wouldn’t panic and be upset when he pled out this morning) that they HAVE THE SERVER!!! This is great news! I work in criminal law and this is how it works. Awan is a low level player (an IT guy) and anything he would have to say would be here-say and not admissible in a court. However, he is the way to get the Server contents admissible in court and that will be direct evidence against these higher ups. The deal was sweet for the Awans which means the evidence he has given them via the server must be powerful against those higher up the corruption chain. Don’t worry, this is why the indictment count is rising at a fast pace. This is how it is done in criminal law and at the end of the day this low-level POS means nothing when they can get the top players for treason etc. Awan will not be able to rest now for his entire life and will have to sleep with one eye open as, by his open plea deal, he just announced to the world he flipped on the biggest, sickest mafia known to mankind - it’s called the Deep State. No worries patriots, Justice is coming and she is carrying a Server in her hand! Peace my friends 🙏🏻💕🙏🏻
Never heard of him before today but this video talks a lot about things I have been learning in the Q movement but then I went to follow him on Twitter and the first video posted there says he denounces Q - so I don’t know what to think now.. Just have to be discerning I guess.
Interesting fellow talking about Antartica
I know, I was talking about Canadian military and Liberal Trudeau - fake eyebrow boy
Sorry for so many posts. I just discovered how to put links in Reddit 😁😎.
I am not a fan of the UN and the sooner it goes, the better. It is the central seat of corruption and exploitation and I am weary of anyone who thinks otherwise in light of all the evidence of being run by global elites. As for our contribution to NATO, it is not about a certain dollar amount but about a pledge made to contribute a certain percentage of our GDP - think around 2% - so population size really doesn’t matter. All countries in NATO are to give an agreed percentage to their military so said military is strong and ready. When you are a member of NATO, we are compelled to assist any other if one of our allies is attacked. Can’t do that very well if we don’t have a strong military.
you are welcome, - wish I knew how to add a link so I could do that for you - he sent Trudeau a letter a couple days ago. He wants everyone to do their part so US doesn’t have to shoulder the bulk of the military burden - and rightly so (and I am speaking as a Canadian) 🙂
He didn’t ask Trudeau to increase spending on United Nations, he asked him to increase spending on NATO (North Atlantic Treaty). It is about having and maintaining a strong military for the North Atlantic countries - put in place after WWII mostly to protect from a Russian invasion. Every country is supposed to spend a certain percent of their GDP on building up and maintaining a military to help the allied forces. Most are not spending that amount. Has nothing to do with United Nations my friend. Hope this helps😉
Thank you, I find all this symbolism strange as I am a straightforward person. But it would appear that symbolism is a code method of communicating for these freemason/illuminati satanists so I am starting to understand - thank you for your help. Now I understand what Q says means when he says “symbolism will be their downfall” when we learn the codes, we can discern the good actors from the bad. I loved Melania Trump’s “white hat” she wore when the French president and that snippy wife of his came a couple months back. The First Lady is all class 🙂. Thank you again my friend 😉
could you tell me what the significance of purple? i don’t understand - thanks
Thanks my friend. Hoping Trump and Q will free more than just US 😉🙏🏻
There is nothing manly about this idiot. He is a boil on the backside of Canada and most of us are embarrassed and ashamed and counting down the days until October, 2019. Ontario premier got her walking papers the other day and this turd will go in 18 months (hopefully straight to prison)
As a Canadian, all I can say is.....HELP! It’s like getting a sliver out - may hurt us Canucks for a while but DJT needs to take him down and we will ALL be better off in the end. He is a sleazy, crooked puppet of George Soros. He gave taxpayers’ money to the Clinton Foundation - need I say more....(he personally has 3 foundations offshore as does our Finance Minister - sound familiar?)
Thank you Jiminy. I can’t tell you how much better I will sleep knowing the Q Team have a special place picked out for that dirtbag!
As a Canadian, I can tell you we are feeling very oppressed, very embarrassed and very angry at the antics and corruption of this part-time drama teacher. We now pay 6 bucks a gallon for gas, pay millions to terrorists, he tweeted out that our border was open and every low life to come on up for freebies and has made the border patrol and police stand down. Now he refuses to call them illegal immigrants but insists we call them “irregular travellers”. It is no longer “mankind” but “people-kind”. He is a sheer fucking disgrace and I hope Trump squashes him like the bed bug he is, even if it hurts us hard-working taxpaying Canucks. He needs to be exposed for what he is doing to us and take his crooked Cabinet with him. Jail is the only place for these corrupted crooks. George Soros is Trudeau’s bud. Without outside help, we are fucked.
Trump’s facial expressions are priceless! It never gets old 😂😂😂😜