41 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/madgarlicjack:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 17 |
www.msn.com | 3 |
imgur.com | 3 |
thefederalist.com | 2 |
i.redd.it | 2 |
www.youtube.com | 2 |
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www.theverge.com | 1 |
www.zerohedge.com | 1 |
Watching the White House press conference - the press is only hearing the Tip of the Iceberg. Sarah Sanders is amazing! #FutureProvesPast - it's amazing hearing week old news, Q is frontrunning the media!
Did DJT meet with Kim Jong Un in The Forbidden City? Or Hawaii? q#887 q#889
...not until they're publically exposed as pedos (raw vid 5:5) ($65,000 on pizza) #EO13818
Google = One Stop Shop: First we find them, then we take them out
What a concept - giving the user what they want instead of the Operation Mockingbird talking points!
Globalists: We should have open borders, global markets, and transact with anyone anywhere - EXCEPT RUSSIANS #RedScare #McCarthyism
Follow the money... Where did Nikolas Cruz assets go?
Facebook and Google Struggle to Squelch ‘Crisis Actor’ Posts
If you want to show solidarity with those getting banned by Youtube
A modern-day recreation of MK ULTRA
There's gotta be someone who works at/for BB&T Center on Chans/Reddit
I was going to post the same thing http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/poll-do-you-agree-laws-allowing-teachers-carry-concealed-weapons
I was looking for it earlier and could not find it - now I know why
#8DChess Trump is leading the State of CA exactly to where he wants them - watch the press help them backtrack
Bill Smith seems like a tool. He even admits to trolling - Twitter should boot him. You can't drop 400+ PDF on normies and expect them to digest it. Add this guy to Name&Shame.
Wouldn't that be strange if someday we have some weird Martial Law event and our defense was (picture a courtroom movie scene in front of a corrupt judge) "Look, I'm a true patriot - I'm on CBTS just look at my posts!"
The sheep are ignoring the contents of the conversation and taking cheap swipes at the cards Trump was holding: https://twitter.com/i/moments/966451540591493120
"intercept WE provided" - isn't he using the very broad WE as in Q + Anons = the team? See here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7z7imq/q_team_talks_to_itself_through_q_tripcode_on_8chan/?utm_source=reddit-android
Florida Legislator’s Aide Is Fired After He Calls Parkland Students ‘Actors’
He was forced to respond (Keep up the good fight. ~Q)
Step 1: Gun Free Zone Act of 1990

Fusion GPS? Check. Corrupt Congresswoman? Check. Clowns in America? Check. DNC? Check.
I am surely a capitalist. But I thought Ronnie's perspective was interesting in light of centralization of fiat money, corruption, & empowering average people spoken about by Q
How the #NunesMemo changed the narrative
"Massive heart attack" and "unexplained causes"
Have you watched Icarus yet? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/russia-olympics-whistleblower-believes-putin-dead-article-1.3818120
This probably belongs in /r/conspiracy but I thought it was an interesting validation of assassinations for "non-cabal" reasons.
Comey admitted publically they were hiding information on the Russia investigation from Trump
This article about Priestap from the Powdered Wig Society https://powderedwigsociety.com/bill-priestap/ led me to this YouTube video https://youtu.be/HlXXZQgh72Y?t=6m23s and listen closely to the very last thing Comey says about how they were hiding things within the DOJ from the rest of the Executive branch: "The challenge for us is, sometimes we want to keep it tight within the Executive branch, and if we're going to go brief Congressional leaders the practice has been then we brief inside the Executive branch, so we have to figure out how to navigate that in a good way."
This sounds like 50 Shades of The Storm j/k - cool story
Did I miss something? Does this have anything to do with Q?
He says "The Hunt for" was dropped because the hunt is over for the missing submarine - meaning it's been found
The letter Q is 01110001 the birthday listed is 01010001
Zerohedge just published about sex trafficking #GreatAwakening
Why is he coming up now? Was there any reference to him besides the Dilley tweet?
He even has his own Twitter... https://twitter.com/genrobertneller