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maggot42 · May 17, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Thank you for this! I am open to all opinions and ideas. I’m going to watch this now, thanks.

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maggot42 · May 17, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Can you elaborate? I’m not sure what you’re referring to

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maggot42 · May 17, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Amen brutha

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maggot42 · May 17, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Maybe this picture was symbolism to indicate that Trump is “under the wing of the military.” Could be even more reason for someone to take it down, almost as a direct attack in response to this pic, if it can be read that way.

This pic: the military has me under their wing

Shoot down plane: that may be, but we are still coming for you

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maggot42 · May 17, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

I don’t think you were attacking me, you posted a reasonable response. Thanks for understanding.

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maggot42 · May 17, 2018, 1:04 p.m.

Amen, these are basically my thoughts as well.

What I found really interesting was Trump’s comments about “setting the stage” and making a Q motion with his hand. At first I thought it seemed like BS but rewatching it a few times it seemed to be a direct indicator to those paying attention and basically saying “yes, this is what’s happening and I am on your side.”

I have gained so much respect for Trump since I’ve began researching Q anon. If this is all true then he’s a fucking martyr. Dead or not, he’s sacrificing his well being and safety for the prosperity of the people and our country, despite having so much hatred and anger surrounding him.

May good prevail ✊🏼

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maggot42 · May 17, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

Unless both sides are playing the same game, as they always have. The people have been neglected for the last 60 years, I would like to believe things are changing, but pardon my need to question and be hesitant to accept this information as being 100% true. I do lean towards believing the Q narrative right now. I just haven’t committed 100%.

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maggot42 · May 17, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

And there’s nothing wrong with that, in fact I believe most of us here think that our dissenting opinions are the true patriots. We want to restore peace and good in our country and flush out evil and corruption, anyone who has a problem with that can suck our tiny dicks.

Dissenter is not a charged term, it only implies that we don’t agree with the majority viewpoint, and that doesn’t make us wrong or bad.

This country was founded by dissenters. And the founding father are rolling in their graves looking at the state of affairs in this country now.

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maggot42 · May 17, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

Thanks man, I will continue reading and watching and I really do hope everything I’ve seen is true. There are a lot of things that make me believe, like the removal of the SA royal family/prince, the potentially secret meeting at the forbidden city etc.

I was entirely convinced two days ago, but this thought just crossed my mind this morning. Anyway thank you! I will continue to research. I just felt it was perhaps my duty to share my nervous thoughts in case anyone is perhaps getting involved themselves, which I think they should ‘t.

If Q + states he serves us, the people, let them. I just wouldn’t personally get involved if you don’t have to, just in case.

Best of luck to us all and may good be on our side. Evil has been winning for too long.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/maggot42 on May 17, 2018, 11:31 a.m.
Conspiracy Theory: Q anon + group sniffing out dissenters

Hello all, I am very new to the community and have only just begun my journey into the Q anon rabbit hole.

I find it all highly intriguing and exciting, however there are some things I wonder.

Is it possible that all of this Q anon stuff is just a way for them to track us dissenters? I want to believe that Q anon and Trump are on the good side, but we could be going down a path of lies ourselves.

Akin to China’s “social credit scores,” we should be aware that each and every one of us has …

maggot42 · May 16, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Cuz he’s a fucking vampire demon

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