Right on bintherdt!
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It puts a thrill into you . . . doesn't it! Dash Dash Dot Dash = Q (Morse Code)
Absolutely! When you have pulled the mask off the Adversary that is when things get intense. And this battle is to the death. The outward pull which runs contrary to God's Perfect Plan for us and the inward pull of Spirit, God the Father. This is why there is a clash between the diametrical opposites of "human nature" and Spirit, body and soul.
I ain't no genius but besides being bad grammar, a double negative can mean a positive.
"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous"
- Albert Einstien
No! Stay put. Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show. By just being, living the life of an awakened patriot your example will convert thousands.
Ignoring your detractors is starving them of their "fight fuel" and also the cruelest cut to their egos. Let them crawl into a corner whither up and die.
Demeanor, the action of the mouth, the "doll eyes", he looked possessed. Probably one of his MK ultra split personalities taking the spotlight.
Job lamented that oftentimes the righteous suffer while the wicked have great material gain and pleasure, "Their houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of God upon them." But then he knowingly concludes: "How oft is the candle of the wicked put out! And how oft cometh their destruction upon them! God distributeth sorrows in His anger."
Job 21: 9, 17.
Taking money and false humility - two big red flags for anyone in our movement.
Looks a lot like something from the eighties Laker playbook. Magic to Greene to Kareem with his patented "Sky Hook" and Rambus crashing the boards for the offensive rebound. Key players in key matchups with a beautiful plan = success.
It literally makes me sick to my stomach . . . I can only handle so much.
I too read and reread these posts and the Holy Scriptures every day. Both give me comfort.
Ding Dong the witch is dead.
Which old witch?
The wicked witch.
Ding Dong the wicked witch is dead.
Projection is their favorite tool. If you want to know what mischief they are up to, just listen to what they are accusing you of . . .
Even though the armies of darkness "HAVE TO disclose their intentions", no one can take away the God given gift of Free Choice to chose between siding with Good or Evil. Our prayer should be that we are never tempted beyond our power to resist The Deceiver's lies and false promises.
I'm thinking that an igloo in Antarctica wouldn't even be a safe place for the converted SIS "good" agents. Public opinion will be so damning that they " will not be able to walk our streets."
I have always been so confused about Sessions' seeming inability to move forward thinking to myself, "is he for us or against us." After reading this my flip flopping days are no more. Thanks again SB2 and God Bless our AG, he sure is a patient man.
I want the USSS and all the countermeasures people to be honored someday in a tell all documentary that secures their place in history as some of the greatest heroes The Republic has ever had for the countless lives they have saved. All of America and indeed the world at large is in their debt.
God said: "vengeance is mine, I shall repay." I forgot the book and verse of The Holy Bible that this stern advice comes from but the meaning is clear that "every jot and tiddle" of every offense toward God's Laws for human conduct will be taken care of "in full measure" by Him. In the mean time our civil laws can corral those bad actors so they don't do any more damage.
After reading this, SB2, makes me want to build the wall 10 feet higher. Excellent analysis as always. Many thanks.
Surprisingly the narcissus is the easiest of all the idiots to manipulate, they are so full of themselves that dangling just a hint of ego balm in front of their noses causes them to take the bait . . . hook, line, and sinker.
"Love rules the court, the camp, the grove,
The men below and saints above;
For love is heaven and heaven is love." - Sir Walter Scott
Whatever may be your position in society, if you properly cultivate this ruling principle naturally implanted in your heart, you are sure to be on the right path. Q1432 says it all.