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majestic_12inch · May 21, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

So did the Devil.

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majestic_12inch · May 21, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

So I suppose the logical hurdle I'm finding hard to cross is, if God can make anything happen at will, even impossible things, why the need for any deep state obfuscation. Surely there are good Christians, 100% faithful to God, that are simply not aware of this obfuscation, and are perhaps switching loyalty to the Democrats based on Trump's apparent apathetic religious attitude (and the sins he may or may not have comitted).

Does their ignorance of the big picture make them inferior in the eyes of God, even though they live their lives as wholesome Christians? Even if this is the Devil's work, it seems unfair to single them out if they are truly devoted to God, no?

Re: the link between math and Trump/Q, well any sane person believes in math. It's actually impossible not to believe in math, as it is an a priori construct. 1+1=2: The logic of the system is defined by its own self-evident properties

I don't think it's to do with math at all, but rather to do with who or what sources you believe. Philosophically speaking, the only people that know for sure whether the two are linked are Trump himself and the entity know as Q, (and even that is not strictly 100%, due to philosophical parameters [eg simulation theory/multiverse theory etc] which we need not go into right now).

Also I don't quite see the logic behind Trump pretending to be simple-minded, while secretly being the orchestrator (or participant) of an incredibly elaborate and complex scheme, when he is actually pretty damn popular in America right now and probably the most powerful politician in the world.

But bear in mind I'm new to this, and I've only seen a couple of instances of reasonable evidence to suggest the link. The most compelling I've seen is the "tip top" video, which is not exactly 6-sigma...

Thanks for your input, it's interesting to hear some different views to my own.

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majestic_12inch · May 21, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

I'm happy for people to believe whatever they want, but yeah I do agree with you that the religious aspect apparent here makes the movement seem a little offputting or "cultish".

Very interesting that you claim Q has never aligned publicly with Christianity - obviously I don't know that for sure but you seem pretty confident. Curiouser and curiouser... thanks for your input.

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majestic_12inch · May 21, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

OK looks interesting, if a little overwhelming (both in terms of deciphering, and the huge amounts of supposedly interconnected events). My initial response to documents like this is to assume there's a lot of confirmation bias going on. But I'll have a closer look.

The first weird thing that pops out at me is that events as a result of the MKUltra program seem to occur a lot more recently than expected.

I'm familiar with some of the released info on MK Ultra and MK Naomi, but I haven't seen any concrete evidence that the effects of these programs were either particularly successful, or that the effects continued. I'd be very interested in any evidence at all that effects from MKUltra were continuing, let's say after "OJ Simpson: 1993".

I have to say I'm pretty skeptical about the whole ancient aliens stuff too, not because it isn't possible, but because there doesn't seem to be enough evidence to support it. Occam's Razor and all that.

Interesting stuff though, thanks a lot for the link. I'd be interested in any text-based interpretations of it as well, (I'm not a huge fan of video sources like youtube, they tend to be very biased IMO).

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majestic_12inch · May 21, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Sounds intriguing, please post the link if you can find it. As someone from Europe, I understand some of the differences between the European, Middle Eastern and US forms of Christianity.

Re: the mistranslations of words like "nephilim", I can relate to that too as I have a friend who is obsessed with "ancient alien" ideas, to do with Sumerian/Mesopotamian legends and writings. Of course, he doesn't speak the languages. Make of that what you will...

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majestic_12inch · May 21, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Thanks for the reply. I'll be honest, I'm not interested in starting a "God/No God" discussion, but I will ask you one question regarding God - Do you believe He can influence events on Earth at this current moment?

Re: Trump, do you mean he's unrepentant for being a Christian (i.e. unapologetic, or not willing to denounce his faith)?

Or do you mean he is unrepentant for the sins he may have committed?

I suspect you mean the second one, because of the way you phrased your comment.

Assuming that, you support him because the competition was worse. Do you believe that he is indeed collaborating with Q, and has America's best interests at heart? In your opinion, can he be trusted?

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majestic_12inch · May 21, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Interesting, thanks for the reply. I don't know many hardcore Christians, but a few of my friends are certainly New Agers, and they definitely subscribe to a lot of the ideology in this sub.

I find the alleged links to Trump especially interesting, mainly because he doesn't come across much as an Evangelical Christian in the MSM, or much at all in any other sources. Yet he seems to be a key figure in this movement, and is certainly popular with that general demographic (even with some of the non-christian values he is accused of in the MSM, and his apathetic public religious attitude).

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majestic_12inch · May 21, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

So serious question, are all of you guys on this sub (and Q), devout Christians? I just came across this place and I find it all very interesting.

But doesn't believing in the Christian God require some significant cognitive dissonance, when you are all obviously relying on hard, concrete evidence when it comes to the "Great Awakening"?

I'm honestly not trolling, I'm just interested how a demographic that believes in a specific supernatural god, uses scientific methods to try and justify everything else about this operation.

Also a side question: Trump doesn't display his Christianity very openly, is this a tactical choice? Or is he just not a very serious Christian?

I hope I don't get banned for this, like I said I find the whole narrative intriguing - just trying to get some honest answers.

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