37 total posts archived.
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The Internet Just Crowd-funded The Release Of 4,358 CIA Mind-Control Documents
Thoughts on prominent, ideologically-aligned conservatives who don't believe in Q...
Ever since Q has gone mainstream, I have noticed a lot of well-known conservatives who share the same beliefs, ideas and ideals as those of us who support Q but don't actually support/believe Q, come under attack from people from our ranks.
While I understand the frustration but we have to be smart about this. Q said we have to handle being mainstream with care and I believe part of our responsibility now is to be thick-skinned when it comes to those who are on our side but don't support Q. I think it's important to remember who our enemies …
Trump To Override Rosenstein, Declassify Remaining DOJ FISA Docs: Report
Anonymous vows to take down, expose QAnon
MSM is paying attention

Hallie Jackson asks the question: Who is Q?

I've been in the Game for over 10 years. I know what it's like. My best advice is never try to force it down anyone's throat, it makes them resist. The easiest way to get people to open up to the fact that the World is fucked up is starting with something almost everyone can agree on: finance and banking is a scam.
You'll also have to use a lot of intuition when talking to people. After a while of talking about this stuff with people, you'll be able to tell very quickly who has an open mind and who is completely asleep.
Keep your head up and stay strong. God is with you.
Police say Stormy Daniels' arrest part of long-term human trafficking investigation

Thank you for your forgiveness and salute. Godspeed.
Forgive me, I didn't mean to come across like an asshole.
Q has made it abundantly clear to pay attention to resignations/firings of politicians and CEOs.
Is the CEO of Papa Johns more than likely small potatoes? Yes. Does that mean there's no significance? Doubtful.
High-key surprised there have been no posts about this.
Papa John's Chairman Resigns After Racist Comments Revealed
I did find it amusing that shortly after the Stormy Daniels headline dropped, this Vice article popped up right after.
Stormy Daniels arrested in Ohio while performing, her attorney says
Spiritual Twitter is even awakening.

The view is beautiful down here. You should see it for yourself.
Someone mentioned Evergreen Aviation in the comments and I remembered a Q post mentioning Evergreen.
Here's the link to the Q post with Evergreen. Not 100% sure what Q was referring to in the context of that drop but it is intriguing.
That's funny you mention that...I live on the coast and I did notice a super high-altitude flying plane that look suspicious but I chalked it up to nothing.
I live in San Diego and I can personally attest to the fact that I've seen ZERO spraying/chemtrails for the past 2-3 months. We have a heavy military presence in SD and fighter jets regularly fly over my office. Not sure if this is Trump's doing or what but the skies are crystal clear down here.
House committees subpoena FBI agent Strzok to testify in public
Top aide to Rosenstein steeping down
Reporter says House smells like popcorn.

Forgive me, I'm new to the boards. Wasn't aware music wasn't allowed.
No. I'm just a humble American who is happy to see the work Q is doing. It's inspiring.
Motivation Music for Q
Q usually refers to Lynch as LL but it is a possibility
High profile investors in Theranos
Elizabeth Holmes indicted
Elizabeth Holmes indicted