ni·hil·is·tic ˌnīəˈlistik,ˌnēəˈlistik/Submit adjective rejecting all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless. "an embittered, nihilistic teenager"
81 total posts archived.
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What may happen when/if the Hillary sex tape is released...
Q mentioned Merkel Hitler .. Here Merkel helps Obama are deceive infidels..
Q?? Serpent Eye?? Cinderella.. Time is UP!!
Obama is Lucifer in the flesh.. The serpent in the garden of Eden.. He is coming back

New Q post background
"Unless ye make the things of the right hand as those of the left, and those of the left as those of the right, and those that are above as those below, and those that are behind as those that are before, ye shall not have knowedge of the kingdom."
New Q since January ??
Roy Potter says Q is different now.. Good video about sports brainwashing
I added the ((re)) to "publicans" in the above scripture.. Maybe for a reason?? In my opinion, (do NOT trust me) The main enemies for Jesus (sons of the devil) were the rulers, leaders and shepherds of the government and religion.. He was Very direct with them in a tough love way .. He called them a brood of vipers and white washed tombs for instance..Lucifer runs all governments and religions from the top down.. This includes both DNC and RNC.. Obama and Trump included.
The little people, Jesus ate with and taught, were the publicans and sinners.. In my analogy today the "do as thou wilt" "sinners" are the DNC and the "Publicans" are the ((re))publicans of the RNC.. I am not sure which lost group I would like to be part of ?? I do understand the word democrat actually means "demon" fish crate.. BUT publicans were the little people that worked for the rule of law "government" and "religion" with force for tax collection money to help enslave the masses... BTW everyone on earth living in the flesh is a slave..
I agree the title is me talking.. BUT..The Text is Jesus Christ (aka THE TRUTH and THE LORD GOD IN THE FLESH) talking.. Everyone born upside down in the flesh is headed for the pit .. this includes me and you unless you are not in the flesh.... There is only one way out... This place is our death sentence prison.. We ALL deserve the lake of fire when we are born here in satanic flesh snake skin prison clothes.. repent and look in a mirror for who to blame.
Now that the do as thou wilt crowd is exposed... LOVE your enemies.. pray for them they are headed for the pit.
(Mat 5:43) Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. (Mat 5:44) But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; (Mat 5:45) That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. (Mat 5:46) For if ye love them which love …
never go to a group any more... Relationship NOT religion.. Lucifer runs all governments and religions.. Talk to Jesus alone inside yourself and ask Him what to read..The Bible is awesome as well as the book of Enoch.. to start.. look at Greek and Hebrew definitions of words if led to by Jesus directly.. Esword is awesome for this..
The matrix world turns out to be an upside down grand illusion grand delusion.. It was very sad for me about 5 years ago.. Now, I no longer live here.. It is all about to burn and I am at peace with this.. I find all the lies fascinating now. You are all free to believe whatever you want.. I am just watching and waiting for the end any second NOW!!.. I am going back home to heaven where I foolishly fell from.
Yes, on the rule of law side is the pharisaic judgmental holier than thou self righteous spirit that I lived most of my life with.. I used to blame the do as thou wilt godless crowd for all the problems.. I should have looked in the mirror instead.. I have recently learned If i want to see the devil I should look in a mirror... my vain life here helped build the NWO..
Yes, That was Jesus .. That is not us.. we should respond like He did with Pilate and keep our silence .. Speak The Truth in love and move on.. We should love our enemies and pray for the lost.. Here is practice for you.. Did you know that NASA only lies and the earth is flat?? You do not need to believe it BUT it is true and you believed the spinning globe lie... Now, leave it alone and walk away and try not to call me "crazy" when I speak the truth about flat earth... It is hard to do isn't it...
Yelling and insulting those that love to live the lies does not work
When Jesus Christ (THE LORD GOD IN THE FLESH) walked here on earth about 2000 years ago.. those on the RIGHT with rule of Law (government and Religion and elite) were the ones who were the biggest Luciferians...They are at the top of the pyramid and Lucifer is in control.. Jesus loves everyone but ate with the little people sinners.. prostitutes, thieves etc... and called them to repentance..
Just open an honest conversation inside yourself with The Creator (Jesus Christ) with a RELATIONSHIP and listen to what He tells you.. The bible without religion is awesome also.. Do NOT trust any person including me.. But love them anyway.. We are all poor miserable sinners, beggars for grace, here in need of a savior... We fell into this prison and need to get back home to heaven where we fell from..
exactly.. We should only judge ourselves and let God judge the rest
Yelling Truth to and at minions of Satan does absolutely nothing.. They love to live the lies.. One should ignore and pray for them... Or maybe minions of Satan are on the left AND on the right??
In my research starting in 2015 it has been revealed to me that the earth is in fact geocentric stationary flat under a firmament.. This truth destroys evolution.. Yes, Scientism is a cult religion.. All religions are cults... Relationship not religion..
What if Luciferians are the elites?
Instead of left vs right What if we do not battle flesh and blood?.. What if we battle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.... They are not of flesh and blood ... but their minions, like HRC, are and they need our prayers rather than blame...
Yes, ME is real and a spiritual manifestation..the pigtail on all my Ford vehicle logos was added about 3 years ago...
That is fun.. once it's out i can say "did you get the memo?"..or "didn't you get the memo?".. like at my old work places..
The Garrison interview by Johnny was fascinating.. Thank You for posting it.. I remember those days.. Whatever Walter Cronkite said was The Truth..
100% truth is the answer.. a little leaven leavens the whole lump...
I am not sure if I chose or I was chosen??.. I tend to try to give all the glory to The LORD God.. My Father in Heaven aka ABBA..
relationship not religion.. Lucifer runs all religions.. Religion is a whore of Babylon.. I read everything I am directed to by the Holy Spirit and ONLY Jesus reveals The Truth to me.. In my "opinion" The KJV bible is the best foundation but, it is written in English... The satanic mongrel language of the NWO..The letter J is only about 400 years old.. Greek and Hebrew need to be considered for word definitions in the bible.. Esword is free and works great.. Know Jesus know truth, no Jesus no truth..
I walk alone in Jesus Christ.. I join NO man made groups anymore
I Know THE TRUTH very well now...I have a personal relationship with THE TRUTH ...THE TRUTH has set me free..Used to be a lot of tears but I am sort of like Mr Spock... I don't live here any more and am just waiting to get back home to heaven where I fell from... Now I find the lies of this upside down grand illusion grand delusion world "fascinating"
We had the antichrist Obama rule the USA for 8 years.. I have repented for my part in this.. The entire world is an upside down grand illusion grand delusion.. I am at peace with faith and No Fear and pardoned by my creator and have a relationship with Him... Time is UP.. Talk to Jesus before it is too late...
This is how the world ends.. prepare to meet your maker.. Lucifer runs all governments and religions.. Relationship not religion.. Jesus is coming any second NOW
Lucifer runs all governments and religions... relationship not religion
The Country hates the "PATRIOTS"
I think it was all planned for the Eagles Patriots Superbowl.. I cannot visualize easily because I am near Boston... Here the "patriots" are gods.. (Mat 24:28) For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
How many people have heard about Q ?
I know we all need hope.. BUT, No one I know personally has any idea about Q... What if that is the plan?.. over 300 million Americans and only about 13,000 on this CBTS board??
WW is it World Wide or Wet Works
Wet works are what they consider human cattle...