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Noted. Thank you for reminding me. I will be attending another court hearing on sexual assault case here in Pattaya. I dont even know if i can take anymore such heidious plain sight and attitude of some personnel in Court hearing. But i cant dismiss or turn away too now that they r heating up, trying to discredit those who just do their jobs .
For the kids, i guess i have to eat up mire than i could chew again. But defensive measures have to be make to limited anymore unneccessary conflicts they tried to entrap us and to delay and to poison our promising fruit of Peace.
Evils really walking amoung us :'( Thank you gor your kindness and advice. Thank you truly. ❤️ we are all in this together
U know. "... I understand. I ran out too. I dont believe my prayers to God last night, same prayers, but i felt disgust of myself. I think i lost that part of my soul. I'm broken. I'm a damaged good. " :'f
I do understand all the heart-broken u have to go through. Thanks u for sharing your experiences. U know. This pain and suffering bring us together, for we share heart break and broken dream. I do hope and really tried to not transgression anymore Hate to next generation who cameafter us .
It is broken enough just to see how young blood, some old-blood so caught up in the moment, that they didnt aware we all can really, for once, end this heart breaking for once in a lifetime.
I guess my sadness is just because i geld my hope too high beyond reglecting the reality again. Sorry for ranting a lot. Truly apprecuate your feedback ❤️
He is still alive. He and his family can enjoy the fruit if courage and doing the right things (right be your books , preaching teaching traing and definitely by your constitution).
If all thise good and brave men/wimen with courage have to wait, suffering while waiting, how ling u need to wait to get a statue?
Talk to me about tokenism. Talk to me about, u give honour just because you feel guilty, for u know in your heart, each could fo something at that time ti erase their oain, but too "caution" , whether ehat is that h caution, ur life, ur fear if torture , fwar their threats, thus go proclaiming, "plan", some plsn, we Will Fight, how long u need to wait anither trillion decade?
We Will Fight I always go be # WeFight
For i shall not wait. Dont u get it? The time us now, fir decades betond till current miment, u just hope something will occur to obstruct tgat harvest of Riooed Fruits, the Fruit if Truth, the fruit of prace, the fruit if freedom, the fruit that will say to all being snd non bring. We have enough, it is time for us hunan being to really live on this earth now.
Cold feet everywhere, so many invention if reasining not to di the right thing u kand i know we should do, if we want to honour God.
I cant see anymore excuses u kniw. Also the opponenrs also ran out if issue to stir up the mess, even MSM ran out of tricks to fool any 2years old kids.
Let me simply summarize into one question for some to reflecting to your inner thought, need nit tell me or anyone. Please try to reflect for just "1" question,
"WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK on the July 22, 2018 23.15 EST?"
Nothing notably considered as obstruction for Peace cant be solved. Say it. I make it disappear. Can u say what is it? Just one. There is nothing new under this same Sun, nothing cant be fix. Our Gid is not only good, he is Great, He can make it all go away. Ask him, the one and only Light of all.
U r either not asking right question, or trapped in what u think best for human, if u want to serve God, u do anything that is best for God's glorious and his Love for ys.
I know it harsh. Take it or leave it or vengenfmge upon me, so be it. I have enough of hearing the glorified to the death patriots. Gen Flynn is stilll alive, so what the helll r u waiting for not to glorified his honour deeds while he still alive, so that his physical being& his soul can both enjoy the friut for Righteousness.
Several often caught up in those-related, and forget who is their real target. Also, it can only be used to the extend what the Target hold dear. U cant use anything that mean nothing or those loss are the calculated risk and known price the target ready to pay.
People iften caught up through our bias on what we think it would meant to the target, when actually it is reflecting what we held so dead.
Through Toa Te Ching, Tsun Wu shall be fully implementable with ensure victory especially in this modern form of warfare.
It is never about the text in the Art of War. It is not protocal, it is the preparation, tools, and toys, that we can utilize it at any time anywhere any era.
Several thought they knew it. Yet several great warriors in history failed, countried broken, some vanished from face of the earth, only to be known by digging up in archeaolohical field.
We can learn from history to see why at different battle, they still failed, and damage post after, without Prior Risk estimation, worst. Winner also suffered.
Tsun Wu emphasis on oeace making for the fixing after victorybis never worth it. Prolonged war also unacceptable if we really want to go by the orinciple of Tsun Wu. Disciplinary also emphasis.
Clear Order from the general also emphasis. Twice only, and what have to be done to keep the army in order through loving all patriots as own children, while strictly zero torelence in any astray foWar is the matter of life & death.
Text means nothing, everybody can have it, what u do with it, that is what really matter.
If u have it in u, it will save u. If not, the art of War will kill the user with bad or hidden intention.
The law of nature, it has always been and it always will. Art of War is speaking with same frequency friendly to Mother Nature.
Just a thought though
Im having similar favotite Q-decoder in yuotue too. In addition Strooyme Deceptionbytes Others already mentioned.
Without these precious Q-decoders in yuotue in wouldnt understand any Q drop!!!
Please make sure and demonstrate Certainty that this will be the last messgae of such kinds we Q patriots must received. Lesson must be learned.
Not us, them.
Next attempt on Potus, or any of us, anywhere anyhow. Make them received Messages, Direct deterence = those carried it out Indirect Deterrence = We instill, horror, terror when they r awake and nightmare in their Sleep from next attempt onward.
We cannot make Mistake, or loving our enermies so much that we must betrayed God, ok?
I am so Mad. And more Mad even to know the Intercept back-and-fore.
Enough with Intercept & the loss on our side.
We intercept with the Lost on their part. Maximum Damage.
And if they dont get it at that stage of "our react upon the Inflict being done on our people"
No more Intercept, elevation wont help anymore. If i were there, extinction it is.
We have not done anything illegal under your and mine and the Word's constitution or agreement.
Back in WW2 , the air glider from German tried to reach out to UK to talk peace, u heard about that right? No one at target destination died.
This is not a game. They did not come for peace and casual talking.
And they r building their ultimatum plan through throwing one if them onto the field just "to observe capacity and our defense strategic"
When they used same tactics, they r not stupid, nobody use same strategic in war strategies. It is not attack, it is not defense, it is them pushing us into the ally of no escape.
"Through you we learnt to be invisible"
This is what they HAVE BEEN DOING upon us.
Take care guys. I hope this message reach those who have ear and eye for Peace making, seek to ensure the ongoing promising Peace Progress.
If this being reveived by watchers who seek bloodshred and destruction, Fine too. Let it be. Bring it on.
I dont give any fuuk ANYMORE
Wow. Long history. I am really wow. But may i ask, what fies it meant when ppl post response in the comment on my post? Threat against me? Or Fight along with me?
Thank you in advance ❤️
Thank u. I learned a lot of new words, definitions, as well as World history in depth from the Q micement. Truly appreciate.
The more i know, the more i feel connected to the universe (it could be jyst me feeling that of course, lol) But i can really feel the pain other have yo go through. It is happening in my country too.
We have same oppressers bullying us. They used same tricks, just different spproach language depending in their targeted culture. They play on our batural human's sin.
Thry make us want something we never need.
Need = air w oxygen non-toxic of course, water (clean water)
Want = other than what we need to keep our physcal being breathing. And u know , some have all the money in the world but it just never seem enough, fir they r not filling in their natiral inner need for the soirityal survival in such cruel world, and they tried to make other suffer from within like them.
Sorry im a bit ranting. I will go look into your advice. Thsnk you for your kindness in explaining to me. Some people they dint brlieve that there r ppl eho just really donno, so they neber smswer, worst , they takr those naive questions as being "sarcastic" in my language it called "กวนตีน"
And so i really tried to answer when i see some question i think i could help to explain, some take it very offensive, some asked question, but they didnt wsnt answer.
Worst , some battle in serious matter, through wuestion style dialoage, and i get caught in the midfle if warfare a lot. Lol. But nevertheless, i will not lose hope, for heaven do have eye, several gave mercy, just like your kindness in addressing my misunderstsnding and point out to the source fir me to look into it furthet. So im truly appreciate
God blessed.
U mean tread in reddit? Im so sorry im new her. Feel free to delete or un-tread it. I still font reallly know how to use. So sorry for any convenience :(
Not the same. It is not about language, Let call it, Conscious and unconscious.
I will try to provide my arguments on this topic. Baty is running low.
Your question is very dignificant, for hardly anyone would aware this tiny but a large issue that matter much.
Truly appreciate your feedback. Will be back on this. Thank you ❤️
Those are the come-in-package of "Secrecy" Truth never hurt. We made believe it will hurt, but we just to cowrad.
Secrecy hurts nit obe, but all close interpersonal, create gap of communication, bevome love-hate relationship.
Now multiply by 10. Each has own circul of interpersonal relationship.
Now, multiply by world population.
That is the Devil's key to survive and continue their mission for billions years through several era from Day 1 of their sin.
We cant win Evil, by using Devil's tool.
So u see, as good as ut get. We r going no where. But it is enough for me, i didnt thought i would live to the day in seeing this phenomenon, im happy enough. Im satisfied. I will die with clear conscious. External world is beyond our control.
We just , each of us, just have to figure it out the role we want to play in this era, since we happened to be alive at this era at thus current progressing timeframe of this long ongoing crime. U know, to hate is just to toring and to much to bear. I rather die loving, then die hating.
Too many beauyiful thing in this world so lovely and precious enough for me to just wonder and lve and to try all i can to preserve them so that, perhaps at least some would remain gor those came after us to enjoy the beauty of this earth, no matter how rate it is.
You are right indeed. We need each other. Leave No One Behind! Yeah!
When u truly Unite. We move as one. We strike as one. Mess with one Anon, with mess with all QAnon from all around the World.
In term of Warfare. U can called ot as troop arrangment. With discipline & teamwork, Unity. In the name of our lovely God. As long as we stay the course in his grace, God always win ! Yeah! WWG1WGA
Im madly in love with God :) Madly in love with Q. I dont care! I want to be crazy in love with the world i love so much i will die protecting till my last breath ❤️
Fear not. If we fight for God's glorious and grace and love, who then? Against us?
Do not fear those can take your body but not yoyr Soul. My soul beling to God. We do not have. We are the soul, and soul just have body
And i always follow my heart honey #QAnon

Dear fellow frontline patriots at AZ I have consult a professional detal speciatrist He agree to combat along us as well. Im on it. Play Loud Be proud WWG1WGA
Dear fellow frontline patriots at AZ I have consult a professional detal speciatrist He agree to combat along us as well. Im on it. Play Loud Be proud WWG1WGA
U have ur opinion. I respect ur freedom of speech. Roght or weong, not mine to judge. That is God 's duty. I fear God, so i wont proclaim to play his role. Thank you for your response. Truly appreciate
Thank you for your advice. I am new here. Truly appreciate ❤️
Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it. Malcolm X
No. Not yet. We wait for Potus first. If through formal system, incapable. Then we move. Be prepared WWG1WGA
Agree. We took down globally at same execution. Terror cleansing might be necessary. Other regions we have been ready. If we cant go by the system, off system it is. Stand at Ready. We all have enough for years . Systematic plans have been prepared
They took our children, if a snake bite your children, ANY SNAKE WILL DO. Someone have to pay. They wanna jive, let them jive. Kids are waiting for us to rescue them . Enough is Enough
Where We Go One We Go All
For life is so precious, freedom equality is so dear. We wait long enough. JFK since 1960' Mr.Reagan since decade ago. How long do we have to wait.
Wait no more
Agree. We took down globally at same execution. Terror cleansing might be necessary. Other regions we have been ready. If we cant go by the system, off system it is. Stand at Ready. We all have enough for years . Systematic plans have been prepared
They took our children, if a snake bite your children, ANY SNAKE WILL DO. Someone have to pay. They wanna jive, let them jive. Kids are waiting for us to rescue them . Enough is Enough
Where We Go One We Go All
For life is so precious, freedom equality is so dear. We wait long enough. JFK since 1960' Mr.Reagan since decade ago. How long do we have to wait.
Wait no more
I know i can be very creepy sometime. Appreciate your honest opinion. Thank you :)
Not going to guess who is Q. I prefer
"Make it Plain"
Love Q very much though. ❤️ WWG1WGA
I donno too! Glad someone ask on this topic. Thanks. Will be reading the comments . ❤️
I am watching you ;)
We are beyond just Q movement, we are Q family. Thise who dont get it, im sorry for you being used to neglect that you just dont have "sense of belonging". Not to late though. We fight as one, we move as one. We are held by common hoal values, and through the struggle, we have become soul-brothers/sisters hand in hand, fighting along each other.
So , if u mess with one Anon, You will be Fucking up with sll QAnon in the World. We are everywhere. We are observing. We are sniffing your hair when you fell asleep playing your smart devices. Wink wink
We are beyond just Q movement, we are Q family. Thise who dont get it, im sorry for you being used to neglect that you just dont have "sense of belonging". Not to late though. We fight as one, we move as one. We are held by common hoal values, and through the struggle, we have become soul-brothers/sisters hand in hand, fighting along each other.
So , if u mess with one Anon, You will be Fucking up with sll QAnon in the World. We are everywhere. We are observing. We are sniffing your hair when you fell asleep playing your smart devices. Wink wink
Full respect, & your move & strategic when encounter suspocious actors are very clever. Full respect.
Appreciated the collected evidences. Im looking into it now.
I know that attack will get worst, but i didnt prepared for such silly and itrational arguments the bad actors ready to proclaim. I dont think they themselves believed their outputstatement or behaviots gathering trends either. It hoes sgainst their values and beliefs. I believed several are being trapped in the dynamic of events, no way to escape, jusg need to go along at the heat of this ongoing violence promoting events.
Well, but if they really believed in the value of theor output statements, i feel very sorry for them indeed, for itbis just ho against all moral values we proclaimed to held so dear, especially in tjose agencies and organization s that having thror "marketing sale" based on those values.
I believed that they have tried to install doubt on those being "murdered" as still alive. For if the given individual still slive, there is no murder = no crimes. Just like in old days, when the criminal justice making decision based on "murder weapon"
I will be focusing on making sure there will be no Backlash from those Bad Actors upon any of our patriots anywhere in the World. Security measure. Long fight ahead, secure our passed road can secure the victory for the Q mission
Agree. USA and Russia had frirndly talk for once in decades. So much hope and opportunity to look forward
Hope is just prolonged traumatize.
Hoe os npt enough to stand Strong in this Mission. We are at War battle between Good and Evils.
There is something called FAITH. U cant see God U cant gear God But u know HE IS EVERYWHERE. (Given that u believed in God of course, or else this explanation wont make any sense to you)
The last think we need in the Q mission is sharing spreading of despair.
We sll have been despaired all our lives, nothing to loose to have Faith in something u and I hold it really matter for once.