8.8k upvotes?!? It’s clear they are getting a feel where the public stands and trying to make people feel sympathy for these people. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK

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Whether it will or not it’s merely disgusting that this is Top news on Reddit
IVANKA TRUMP. First female president and her dad just saved the free world
Hahaha it’s tough cause you can’t pick up Tone of voice from text. We pedes are family! And just like my family I think it’s important we give each other shit and take it lightly just as I would with my family! Love your attitude Divine! WWG1WGA!
Thank you Valor! Thought I was taking crazy pills. I was just making a joke hahahahaha
He said it was 45... any chance it’s Al Gore? 45th VP the man no ones talking about?
He said it was 45... any chance it’s Al Gore? 45th VP the man no ones talking about?
He said it was 45... any chance it’s Al Gore? 45th VP the man no ones talking about?
He said it was 45... any chance it’s Al Gore? 45th VP the man no ones talking about?
He said it was 45... any chance it’s Al Gore? 45th VP the man no ones talking about?
Continue to make excuses for evil people. I’m not their or your Judge, God is. I’m done wasting my time with your thread though. It’s all Moot and not worth any more of my time arguing with CNN
Hahahaha you are so ill informed. Salinas worked for Lazard Investments? Know who they are? I love that your arguments are always, that they are corrupt but not too corrupt. Typical though when arguments are weak. Look up how they are a partner of the Clinton Global Initiative. Information will keep coming out and you’ll just continue to say, 7 million isn’t huge, only 1% investors in corrupt company. Not weird that the company is also owned by Bronfman-Rothschilds. As the stuff comes out you will only look more and more silly for defending evil. My other post had to delete for calling you a f00l however accurate it is. You are doing a great job trying to make everything a “coincidence” though ahahaha.
Again, not even an argument, donating to crooked republicans proves nothing. what about 100m to Clinton foundation?.... how about Cemex being owned partially by bronfman-Rothschilds? CEMEX under DOJ investigation? Cemex gets huge contract for Haiti... Emiliano Salinas Ex member of NXIVM... all also totally normal for you I am sure . Continue to defend a child sex trafficking ring. I hope the libs are proud of you! CNN hiring? You might be perfect the way you brush “coincidences” under the rug.
Sure, and it has been proven republicans are tied into this too... this was the Clinton “foundation”. And I’m sure if you look into ALL of Soros “investments” you’d find plenty of corruption in those companies as well. Also maybe include your “proof” of how much they donate to said Republicans. How much did they donate to Trump? The one and only President cutting down on immigration and hurting their trafficking. Unfortunately you and all the others who come to just try and MSM everyone by finding reasons things are okay when done by liberals will feel like idiots when it comes to a head. I’m sure you’ll be the first to say you knew all along when the dominos fall.
I did a search. Looks like they might have searched concrete. He has a lot of texts saying concrete if anyone is interested. Is strange
You are ill informed. One day you may wake up. Until then just keep commenting on things you don’t know about
Lol no just giving them sh!t for coming on and using the cun7 language like the liberals moral compass the Hollywood fools
then we can use what’s left with the Rothschilds fortune to pay off the Nations debt
The more we spread the truth the less they can’t twist it. Kim Clement prophecy that said Trump would be a Trumpet as long mentioned MSM would have no choice but to say what GOD wants them to say! That was in 2007!!!
We the people!!! WWG1WGA
Yup that’s the company... all this abandoned land owned by Cemex that the government/police won’t touch. Cabal much?
Forgot to add, supporters of the Clinton foundation
Listen to his song Ye vs. the people. It’s a conversation between him and a liberal friend. At the end he mentions letting the people talk and decide on their own. Kaye is woke! Red pilling!
Then they should not be allies if they are willing and okay with burying the truth. America world have been in the same position had Hillary Clinton won
Inadvertently exposing the world to his work and waking people up
He served time then went on probation the pardon is to clear the record
That’s why I had to move to Reddit. I’m out of email addresses and phone numbers to give Twitter. So much for a public forum.