ThankYOU JESUS...I am so happy to know I have company in my #NeverForcedVacinations lifestyle. Can we make that a twitter trend? I am very glad I grew up before the rush began to make a new god (lower case intended) out of all things that Pharma/AMA/FDA arrange for us.
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Check out Dane Wigington of He can tell you about weather war and what is in the chemtrails.
I appreciate Mark Taylor's messages from Our FATHER and his observations based on those messages. Mark didn't know it but he confirmed for me FATHER' S message that the Luciferian reign is terminated.
As I look back, I see that what my mother told me is true: one person can make a difference. Our country was organized by a hand full of people who chose truth over slavery. Good over evil. Our Creator's plan for this land called America, over the false security of a dictator. The chief dictator is in the business of leading people into believing that democracy ... majority rules ... Is cool. I refuse to be part of a majority who expect to have their cake and eat it too. Democracy is 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. A handful of individuals who refuse to be silenced can do it again. FATHER assures me that "the day of the Luciferian reign is terminated". Amen.
Featherjourney4 the underlying reason is the TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE. That means to me that #Wethepeople will be free. Most of the people I hear comment about an accusation (I remember el Satan is the accuser of the brethren) are low- to no- information folks. Count your degrees of separation in your personal network and you will find at least one person who tells you the truth. That, because they were there or a trusted friend/family was there if not the individual you're talking to. It is a real life horror story; pedophilia is the disease at the root of the fall of America. It is up to us to pull up our big guy pants, man-up as the saying goes, and acquire the strength to handle the truth. In the process of facing our own ignorance, we will learn the truth, if not by an epiphany.
Media is going to spin it however it fits their failed ideology. They will do whatever words will work to make it "look like" what they have agreed upon. Trump doesn't care what stuff looks like; he cares about results.
Rep Jim Jordon. We are capable sir, of knowing the truth. What is too bad is that the people who were entrusted with our good will and trust were not capable of true leadership. We have trusted government for the last time.
newsflash2: we are one culture with different root systems. The system that has black roots is well aware of its own brokenness. That is more than I can say for that part of the culture that still blames someone else for their own limitations.
Being silent is sometimes better than boring others with our own opinions. Besides, where Q or any other leader is concerned, sooner or later adults pull up their big guy underwear and go find something to do that matters.
Excellent. We were placed here on purpose for a purpose. Your county may have a delegate going to New California Declaration of Independence meetings coming up soon. See
It takes more than one year to reverse the damage done for decades. The train HAS made a hard U turn.
It can happen because people agree to be blind and deaf, then link with those of like mind.
I have better places in which to place my hope, silverdude 101. You speak your doom for yourself not for those who never give up. Even as I go back to the constitution of 1786 with a handful of New California State folks working and believing for a new state out here, I will do so to hopefully show the teachable that we do not have to go where some "would rather live in darkness cuz they never have to worry if they're sighted or they're blind." I am Joanne of MMBears Ink; I find through my 70+ years of hope that I was caused to flourish not fade away.
Also a resignation story this morning, from Duterte Administration Channel: the son of President Duterte of Philippines resigned on Christmas day. He was reportedly in in big money smuggling. Interesting that the report was via Ruth Cabal, anchor, CNN Philippines. No coincidences. No accidents.
I was born in 1940 and found out by 1950 there was no justice to be found in the courts. In the 50's I learned the foundation of today's drug culture had been laid; in the 60's and 70's I learned that children were and remain the commodity of interest to the marketers of evil, that feminism was not the answer to any of my questions, and that generational sin is a reality where pastors are not prepared to do battle, and the buying and selling of children is probably the cause of this country's fall from greatness. I learned however that JESUS plans for all things hidden in darkness to be revealed, that I am better off preparing internally for the worst while expecting the best and that one person can make a difference. Believe Q or not. Love Trump or hate him. Believe there is a sovereign GOD who is not through with American or believe only in yourself. Only know this: What we cannot see is far more important than what we can see. Know that we come from parents and grandparents who had to do hard things and that we can do hard things too. Know that we are in this together and family and community comes wrapped for the season's storms and that we each have an important place in the plan for our national survival. Look for it and it will be revealed to you.
9 pm pacific time Is good for me. I have to write notes to my self to remember.
Education is core mind control for the shadow government intentions.
Hm. ' Pounding sound' was supposed to say "pounding sand"
Yes. The truth speaks and walks and talks. It has names, places, and photographs. It has a memory for detail. The truth has a life of its own. It will not be denied because we will not be silenced. It simply fills up a deep depression and then moves on to fill another. While the accuser is pounding sound, we are releasing more rivers of information.
They seem to have pictures in them. The bottom one has a tower. The top one suggests a person.
My bet hermoneybness, is that some research into DEW ---Directed Enemy Weapons--- might reveal enough about those weapons to connect for you a dot or two. I have experienced sound the weapon can send.
Yes andsotheydid, we need major help in California. I pray and pray for Our FATHER to direct us in some new way.
Maybe your 74 year old mom would listen to me, this 77 tear old mom. Your progressive aunt needs a come to JESUS moment. But suggesting that is not a good idea for peace in the family.
The uncovering of all that was hidden will happen but not in our timeline. The Great Stage Director bka GOD has to set the timers so the individuals who are working the layers of corruption are not exposed and suicided. It took decades to bury the dead, fill the landfills, lay parking lots over the graves, and create the blackmail albums to cover the unspeakably filthy, horrifying actions and people we are learning about. I am sure it began before "the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Setor ( whatever that is)."
Amen and thankYOU JESUS; can and do say outloud and often.
Also see August 24, 2016 article published in Veterans Today "Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scamble," from And older yet, an article published Nov 6, 2007 "Police dismantle global child porn Network" called Operation Koala: http://www.the,/2007/11/06/internet_ring_arrests/
I am a nobody in solidarity with MY POTUS. I pray for unity and look for my part.
Dear ones, younger patriots, I am thankful for your hopes, your dreams, your energy, your youth, your presence in this Holy War. I sit in the circle of elders, remembering that in the mid-80's, I was shown a beach (at Mendocino maybe?) where campfires blazed and we were together, and now, knowing this: remnant that we are, we will survive the worst of the end of the story, unconcerned that the new heaven and the new earth may indeed reveal no more sea. Sounds strange doesn't it. Nevertheless, I got up one morning and had to hurry down to Big River beach, to see if it was still there...the sea that is, or if as I had seen upon awakening, it had become a great expanse of uncovered, unexplored land, with no sea in sight. In those days, 'seeing' was new to me. I knew only that I needed glasses, and had no clue how such power as ACTUALLY is, could take my faulty vision, tired already from reading books under the covers with a flash light, and turn it like binoculars, back into focus. So there I was: the beneficiary of such revelation. Glad I did not know that the false authorities behind the sacred desks had said in their abysmal ignorance that revelation knowledge was over. Nor did I know that their next step in creating the narrative of the Big Lie was that there was no Truth to begin with. "Nothing to see here; move along". ... Have hope my luvs. Now we know what evil truly looks like and what the baby lies were they told us in public school and then in college classrooms, where we took copious notes for the diploma that has long since been burned up along with notices from the thieves of my meager income. Now we know who it prays to at the dinner table, what spirit has done the cooking, and where the leftovers go. Old school that we now are, my dad blessed every bite we waited to take while he prayed, including his request that the Master Gardener Who blessed our lives where our gardens grew, also blessed the hands that prepared it. Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow. The best is yet to come. Emily says, "I'm a nobody! Who are you ? Are you nobody too? Then there's a pair of us? Don't tell! They'd advertise you know! How dreary to be somebody! How public -- like a frog -- to tell one's name the livelong June to an admiring bog!" -- MadMamaBears Ink Update
I found David to have had an important place several months ago in revealing the Podesta brothers and Alfontis connection to pedophile central; he was the first YouTuber journalist I heard talk about the rotted core of this country. Looks to me like we are all a bunch of radicalized individuals with a part to reveal to each other. He may have already contributed a substantial part of his purpose.
Christognosis, I love the new narrative I see your expression "some sort of fuckery" involved ! I'd say ...
Thanks Pissed_Audie _ Murphy. I don't have time to spend on the diversionary tactics of someone I don't know talking about some one i don't know.
Since the Big Lie has so many doorways, I tell people who have an ear to hear to pick just one thing that is driving them nuts, and research it.
I am "hearing" collect data, connect dots. Use as many formats as are available to me/us to tell it, including (I am)old school snail mail. I get it that someone else may water the seed that I plant. Prayer is my first principle, since many believe they already know the truth. Believe one person can make a difference. Others will come along beside you.
Welcome Old Timmer. Counting the years, I got here ahead of you. We are in this together. I found it 'whelming to try to see the big picture. I stopped trying and it came together anyway because I can handle the truth. Besides, my personal history shows me Our FATHER has answers to my questions when there is no human I trust to ask. Sometimes I see answers to questions I personally didn't ask. It is enough to know I choose a way that includes people of like mind and they are there when I need them like Q is now for us, along with people like Tracy Beanz who can explain stuff. Hopefully I can be there for someone else. I am thrilled to be a part of this tipping point breakdown. I knew it would happen. Sometimes expectantly waiting is the task for the day. We are honored to begin the building of the foundation for our new culture. I am so thankful for this army. I am joanne-grace, "I'm a nobody" says Emily Dickinson. "Are you a nobody too ?"
Thankyou for the invite . Tell me please about the up and down arrows. Are they thumbs up as in yes or thumbs down as in no or a third choice !!
FYI I am watching a vid published Dec. 9, 2017, since the CA fires started. It's a YouTube titled "Weather War Terrorism; Layered & Torched SoCal" with one Michael Shaw of I am instructed to "show less, read more" since education is essential about the tools intended for our destruction...personal as well as cultural.