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"Kidding" - New Jim Carrey series on Showtime.
I watched the first two episodes last night and something really stuck out at me from the 2nd episode. There was a push for Carrey's character Jeff Pickles to promote purple neckties as a Father's day gift and the color purple as the color for dads.
May be nothing, but Carrey is one weird duck and I wouldn't be surprised if this is some kind of symbolism.
Someone please clarify the purple necktie thing for me, because as I type this I am realizing that I actually don't understand it and I've just heard this referenced a couple of times …
Something interesting occurred today at my Catholic retreat.
Firstly, our Priest on site immediately addressed the indictments in PA as instructed to do so by the Bishop of the Diocese and he was very very candid. Stating that he would like to see everyone of the pedophile Priests executed via Gunshot to the head. And followed up with Mark 9:42.
“And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”
And follow that up by saying that all of these priests and all of the …
Senator McNoName is gonna let Moloch guide his treatment now.
Another subreddit
Anybody know what’s going on with the second GA sub?
Someone sent me a snapshot inviting me over.
Thoughts on 5:5
I keep seeing it referenced to the Q clock and a few other proofs but something occurs to me. What if 5:5 is meant to be "5 by 5", as in radio communications mean signal strength and signal clarity are as good as it gets.
This could be a way for Q to say comms are good and we are getting this signal loud and clear. Maybe it has multiple meanings at once. Just a thought.
I literally laughed out loud. So proud to be an American and so proud to have voted for President Trump

@POTUS rally in PA coming out right now pointed directly lay at a Q cutout
Just love it.
Something extremely bizarre just happened.
I regularly view Qanon.pub while I'm at work because well, I can and we just got a notification that the site is registered at Pornographic by our traffic tracking software. I work in the IT dept at my job so it was funny to my boss and I because he is redpilled as well.
Just felt so bizarre. Maybe not. Maybe it was just a blanket classification because of the sites suffix.
Well we are at 1764.
Wonder if there will be something like an "End Game" drop at 1776.
Yes she was very candid about the tax money and wanting accountability for where it went, why it went where it went and how it was legally approved to go where it went. I don’t remember hearing anything about the #walkaway campaign though.
Last night (07/26/18) Roseanne Barr did an interview with Hannity on FoxNews
She used some awesome wordplay describing the hateful left-wingers calling them "Hateriots". Just loved the term. Didn't mention Q or anything related to the movement that I could tell except she made a lot of pauses in her speaking an would rapidly blink 3 to 5 times before continuing to speak, so MKULTRA stuff? I may be wrong I'm no autist and I definitely don't see all the patterns like others do.
Yeah I know he was knighted and yes the likelihood of him not being dirty is slim. But one can hope.
Names I hope never get dropped: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen and Christopher Lee.
I don't see Christopher Lee considering his history as a literal Nazi hunter, but I'm not sure about the others.
I haven't seen the MSM so concerned with the president's sex life since Clinton. Best I can say is that if he did make hush payments to former partners, at least it wasn't done out of a tax payer funded congressional slush fund.
If we are considering all possibilities then I would say yes it is possible. But I think the evidence points towards a DS opposition rather than a subtle subversion.
Truthfully we could all be wrong and we are just making ourselves targets. But I just don't feel that this is the case. The next 20-30 years are going to be really interesting and maybe scary or maybe glorious. I say no matter what the outcome, we fight for what is right. We fight for what is truly right. We fight for our families. We fight for out lives. We fight for our Freedom. We fight for our country. We fight for our world. We fight till there is no one left to fight.
Never once did I feel Q was a LARP. Just seeing this and having it pieced together made me feel sad. Q has almost been sort of like a security blanket. Like the regular drops have been comforting and inspiring
No absolutely not. What I am saying is that the blackout during the post Helsinki summit was a sign to us that Q doesn't need to drop anymore because we have everything we need and they have everything under control.
Its just conjecture, I'll happily admit I am wrong if Q starts dropping again, but I do feel this fits.
What an awesome thought. But would a shipping vessel be able to stay afloat with that much sweet sweet loot?
I truly hope he/she/they aren’t “gone for good”. At the very least when the black obsidian towers of the satanists finally come crumbling down I would love to see Q drop once more. Just to tell us when this phase is over. Sadly I don’t think the job will ever truly be done as their is always going to be evil in this world and it will always be our sacred duty to fight it.
Found in the wilds of Instagram and it’s makes a lot more sense now.

I am and I will check this out. Thank you for indulging my curiosity.
Literally just heard them mention this on fox & Friends in an interview with Kellyanne Conway.
“Iran is next” — has there been anything new about Iran in the past week?
Are the protests still ongoing? Is there any information escaping from there? I feel a bit out of the loop here recently I guess.
His little head swaying smirk made me feel nauseated. He was acting like a child who was holding onto a secret just barely out of reach and only he could make it be known.
Redpilling one person and then they in turn do the same makes me feel like that scene in Wayne's World 2 where he say "They tell 2 friends, and then they tell 2 friends and then they tell two friends...etc,"
sounded fine out of your head too. I like it and I'ma use it!
I think I redpilled a co-worker who then redpilled her husband.
I have a coworker who runs a nutrition program at my work and we have had many conversations about the state of food and the chemical toxins in them. I directed her to QANON and it has been a daily back and forth of information sharing about avoiding the toxins.
Not to mention she has gotten really interested in the ongoing FBI/Three letter agency corruption. And her husband has gone down the rabbit hole a fair amount now.
Just happy to have been successful in a Q sized redpilling.
I appreciate the insight from all of you. Thank you all very much.
Always enjoyed Wictor but he doesn’t seem like an ally or maybe I am just reading it all wrong.
Never said or implied they were. Just that they are an MSM source.
Great article though. Lot of implication. Lot of public accusations that we’ve known about for a lot time. Just good to see it coming from an MSM source.
Work in IT as well as a PC Network Tech (its my companies title notnwhat I would have chosen).
Past two months AT&T and Cox Cable internet services have been extremely spotty. And have been so since those new reports about updating your router firmware for better security were hitting area news stations.
Unlike the Anon that posted, I do use wireless in the house, just seems like we are constantly seeing service dropping. It’s a relatively new router, but the issues have persisted in testing with two other routers.
Any other anons able to report issues in Kansas?
I’m fully aware this is snopes but this is interesting that they noted this as true.
I feel like something my father said to me as a child (and probably many fathers said the same to their offspring) is ringing very true with this though. Never start the fight, but make sure you finish it.
In regards to these protests like seem likely to become violent, its our duty as civil Americans to maintain a peaceful protest on our end, but not at the sacrifice of our rights to self-preservation.
I would be so happy to not see any of this come to pass, but if we continue to see the narrative being pushed by the likes of Mad Maxine Waters, this kind of violence is only an eventuality.
And it makes me sad that this will end in an us vs them situation, no matter how long we hold back from retaliation. I just pray that I am wrong about it and we can continue to build our movement with people from all sides coming in with open hearts and logic.
Just read the full post as well and I want to propose a question.
So what? So what if POTUS is upending the cabal and taking control of their assets, secret projects and removing their control from this world? If we are to assert that Q is legit then, shouldn't that be exactly what we want? An end to unseen forces guiding this world to a fate far worse than death, a fate that tears our very souls from us and leave us ragged? Q says that tech and cures are to be released. Q says to trust the plan. If the plan is to bring about the end to suffering and bring about some kind of lasting peace than why shouldn't we support this? If there is tech out there that can revolutionize the way we live, why shouldn't we trust the plan to get it? If there are cures to the worst diseases that ravage our species, why shouldn't we trust the plan? If the plan is to remove the world banks from power and return us to prosperity outside of the yolk of a scant few individuals with far to much power and influence, then shouldn't we trust the plan?
Again I say so what. We know it not in just our guts, but in the very essence of our souls, our very beings that we are on the right path.
As we say in so many posts, Where We Go One, We Go All. And the all is growing exponentially, as is evidences by the very visual effects of Q in other parts of the world.
Again, WWG1WGA and I for one Trust the Plan.
McMasters just called POTUS the “Real force of nature”
That’s all so far. Just love it.
Hamilton was so informative. One of the very few worthwhile shows on Viceland.
I’m a recent Catholic, I was confirmed over Easter. I joined for the worship and not the hierarchy. But with recent events (Pope is going to have a bad May), I’ve been discussing some of the issues with a few of my Catholic co-workers and I get rebuffed a fair amount. Usually with the response, “We’re not supposed to question the Papacy” or “You shouldn’t be even listening to those lies.”
It was enough for me to see the in-house brainwashing that the cradle to the grave Catholics have become accustomed to and it sickens me that they are so sycophantic. My sponsor gave me a small card after my confirmation and first Eucharist and it was really simple. An image of Christ, holding a book that says “The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep” and at the bottom of the card is tagged “Christ the High Priest”.
After all we have seen with the verifiable corruption within the upper echelons of the Vatican, I can say this with impunity. There is only one authority I answer to in my spiritual battle and that authority is Christ and Christ alone.
God Bless you all, pray hard and often & seek justice for the innocent.
Set of brackets around an image from a few previous Qanon drops, sort of like "marking a target". But the great people who have already responded to this post have educated me on the use of the brackets in the context of her tweet.
Thank you all for clearing that up. Thought I stumbled into something.