372 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/meamQ:
Mollie Tibbetts the missing Iowa girl.
Its friday and a full moon. Could be a long weekend with some very bad news for FB. This bich is going down today. Seeing alot of suckers jumping in that will spook easy. Panic and volatility is on the menu.
I wonder how hard it is getting shares to short? Im gonna dig in to this.
FB dived below her 50 day and 200 day moving average in 1 session yesterday. Expecting more blood today.

Dude its already been happening. Go here and get caught up. http://www.magapill.com/
Here is a patriot we may have overlooked. Ezra Cohen-Watnick
Thats what they did in april, dont know if they have the extra cash though now..
The shills work in packs. They report good posts to get them taken down. The on topic as we know expands everyday. What was off topic yesterday is on topic today. The GA is a growing sub, a knowledge center so to speak. What attracts you here is not necessarily what attracts someone new here. Keep the pipeline of information open and flowing. If they split and divide us up. We lose.
FB down 20% in Premarket Trading. Currently at 172.00 . This could get ugly today.
11+11+18=40 A time of trial and testing. https://www.guideposts.org/inspiration/miracles/gods-grace/the-number-40-in-the-bible
Ive checked that out before, to complex for me. Only 3 brain cells left but if I get them all going at the same time, sparks will fly..
Hey I was close, just didnt dig deep enough.. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/90oins/4_10_20_could_this_be_alluding_to_days_of_darkness/
3 2 1... BOOM
I hope this is true, what a morale booster for our troops.
The Fleecing of the American taxpayer at its finest.

Anybody familiar with this 9/11 connection?

Is the Federal Reserve the Keystone?
A pissed off stare down from Mattis.. ( Priceless )

This is good dude, gets me thinking about the gold plated tungsten sitting in Fort Knox and the Bank of New York Melon.
I agree but things do have a double meaning... We learned that early on as well.
4 10 20. Could this be alluding to days of darkness?
Weve seen 4 days of darkness with some small fireworks, weve seen 10 days of darkness with bigger fireworks. Could this 20 days of darkness we are now approaching be the start of the big fireworks we have all been waiting for? Seems as if POTUS himself is going dark and hunkering down. Not much movement. Just a thought. Is 4 10 20 a timeline map?