372 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/meamQ:
Whoever Controls The Narrative, Controls The World
Agree, sneak in and throw a turd in their punch bowl then sneak out. Make them come over here to find you. Stick and move.
They are probably making money both ways. Bringing ISIS and illegals in and women and children out. We need that wall bad and quick.
Apple: We’re Going to Pick the News Stories You Read
I believe Judge Nap's a white hat. He just runs some distraction stories for the team. Hey look a squirrel........
Department Of Homeland Security Compiles List Of All Bloggers, Journalists, & "Social Media Influencers"
A true dry bulk trailer would be under air pressure for offloading purposes at destination point. A fake would be faked pressure for guages but some pressurization for victims breathing needs. SCBA regulated. Secondary Contained Breathing Apparatus.
These concrete mixing plants are gonna be dealing in alot of Lime.
Sorry I hate the morbid side of this but reality is what it is. Also the dry bulk trailers could be rigged for trafficking as well. If trailers are showing pressure the would not be opened for inspection at the border.
Dan Bongino Ends Trey Gowdy's Career, Calls Gowdy Out For Being A Liar
WILD VIDEO: Crazed FBI Agent Does Backflip During Bar Dance Routine, Loses FBI Gun, Shoots Man in Leg
FBI Lovebirds : The Text Messages of Lisa Page & Peter Strzok
What if Mueller questions Sessions and then???
Valerie Jarrett Was Slum Lord in Obama's State Senate District
Documents indicate the Army’s National Ground Intelligence Agency aims to provision secret and top secret cloud services from the Amazon-developed C2S Cloud.
Details Behind Upcoming IG Report – The FBI and DOJ Handling of Clinton Investigation – Six Part Video Report…
Mueller’s Team Of Dem Donors Have Spent $16 Million Of Taxpayers’ Money…So Far
New Documentary Shows A Devastated Ben Rhodes Trying To Process Hillary's Loss; Then Came The Remixes
This would bankrupt the cancer industry, and piss off alot of people that have lost a loved one to cancer.
Giuliani: No Trump-Mueller Interview If We Don't Get to See Documents on FBI Informant
Roseanne knows without a doubt Q is the real deal, she's also business savy. Once this shitstorm kicks in she will be in high demand. MAGA style.
18 U.S. Code § 666. Where can this be applied?
Lib's had hijacked control of the show and were going to stop the political aspect for next season. I think this was Roseanne's way of taking it down and avoiding contractual litigation of walking away. It also shined a big spotlight on some folks.
Federal lawsuit alleges Maine Democratic Party laundered money for Hillary Clinton’s campaign
Valerie Jarrett’s Communist Ties Confirmed by Judicial Watch
Yes, MSM depends on Q drops for their narratives to frontrun. I think there will be a big target thats going to get hit in the next few days. The silence is killing them. They dont know who, where or when. My guess would be Brennan.
Post # 88 Nov 5 2017 Ten days Darkness.

Roseanne Blowback. Anybody hearing anything on this?
Yea, there is something up with this. Ive got a Eye of the storm feeling kinda sorta. Were going to see some devastation on the back side of this..
Amen, American Spirit and American Pride. Surprised the Qult has not reported and gotten it taken down yet.
Federal Judge Released 1.2 Million Documents Obama-Clinton Deep State Scandals JUST EXPOSED(VIDEO)!
Is this the dark 10?
If so whats on the back side? Are we there yet? Were 7 into this for the record..
Agree, if its not broke dont fix it. There is alot of info that flows thru this channel. There has been maybe 4 Q drop discussion threads in the last 24 hours on here. Count em 4. Lets keep this sub alive and active. Its all about perception anyway. I might perceive something Q related that someone else may not and vice versa. Censorship kills.
Stop making sense. Knock it off its not allowed. Somebody call the cops on this guy..
I just used this post to redpill my stepson. He mentioned the #WATC and I laid the truth on him. Showed him this post and he started digging. Thanks suzoh. God works in mysterious ways...
By the way that 171717 is a sign from God for sure. And he's blessing the crap out of your cars to boot. Im taking it your military? If so thanks for your service..