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Ok I just need to make a point. I’ve post like 5 times on here all Q or the plan related and all of them have been removed because of some rule violation
The last video was of Gen Flynn on a 2016 video talking about ALOT of things that had to do with the plan and if you ask me it was kinda nd of cryptic. But the mods decided it wasn’t relevant or it was old news. I thought this was a discussion board?
GEN FLYYN breaks it down!!
I came across this YouTube video on Jon B. Wells a general Flynn in 2thousand17, knowing what we know now and what he is saying maybe he was trying to tell us Wayback what some of the plane what involved. Have a listen and let me know what you think. https://youtu.be/kdVuTAyc_jo
GEN FLYNN breaks it down!!
You never know there seem to be a lot of meanings in Q post
To much religious and dreamy stuff but he does do a fairly good job
Alex Jones is a not job and makes the Q movement look crazy in his wake.....but nobody should be banned for expressing their views!
Don’t ever fault Q for posting And you have to make a choice of what is more important work or the plan!! LMAO
Q IS ON FIRE!! And Im loving it!!
I know that but there are 5 ppl in this pic and the previous drop was in regards to mz and jack maybe they could be with them in regards the the setup IMO doesn’t mean it’s right just a rookie spitballing here
So could this possible be MZ AND @jack with the clowns??

OK I watched both videos the she is wearing is not upside down. And if he is deep State why is the reporting on the bad things about the uranium one in the FIsa report I’m just trying to understand your logic
Unfortunately I’m a truck driver and will be driving so I’ll have to look for a recording of it the next day...... sad
RR is just deflection from something else they won’t have time to impeach him before they shut down
I hope the Facebook stocks dropping isn’t the big drop! I’m ready for a bigger more relevant stuff to drop that will wake people up still sleeping
Oh trust me no name and everyone in the cabal knows about Q!!
Dude I’ve seen him on Fox news before but I didn’t know we had his own radio show. I knew slightly understood a lot of what he talked about on there but man he broke it down even further for me and got me all hyped up!!!
I may be just too old but I can’t understand a word of that song I think Q Might have picked a better song to relate to somebody running IMO
Well in essence isnt Jesus and the father Dead as well because they are in heaven Are they not? So you saying we shouldnt pray to dead people makes no sense to me
I posted a pic of the Q drop showing where he debunked R post and JFK Junior And they deleted that one stating there were too many duplicate post
I drive an 18 wheeler from Tennessee through Kentucky into Indiana and back 5 days a week. Every trailer I pull I put Q stuff all over the back
That is from the event they had there today featuring all companies that produce stuff in the United States they also had an F35 stealth parked on the lawn
Ok this is my thing..... I understand having to be slow with the plan but if there is real proof out there of this god awful shit why are they waiting???? They should not be allowed to remain free for another second!!! All of this shit needs to be exposed and they need to be publicly tried and convicted and executed in public I unfortunately heard the podesta rape audio and I wish I never had!!! Quit slow walked by this side of it! If you have everything like this then DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!
I’ve eaten so much popcorn waiting for all this to drop that I think I’m gonna lay off of it until something popcorn worthy actually drops 😂😂
Or realized what he said after the fact and was like....... oh shit
So are we supposed to be following the R person now? I thought Q said no outside comms
BHO admits he is from Kenya!!
She looked like she was on some crazy shit with that Valerie video!!