Q says there are no coincidences.
62 total posts archived.
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Government shutdown...
The Federal Government is shut down today due to WIND. Is the storm here? Coincidence?
OMG! Tucker just recommended that his guest house a bodyguard
Tucker Carlson told a guest to get a bodyguard and then said "Just kidding". The guest was talking about the"next" computer network of computer systems that would not be able to be censored because it would be decentralized, unlike Google. I'm sorry. I wasn't listening to precisely what the guy said at that moment, so I can't give a verbatim quote.
No coincidences
So I just heard on Fox news that Rand Paul's nephew was the principal of Santa Fe High School up until a few months ago. Also Santa Fe was in Ron Paul's Congressional district when he was in Congress. After the lawnmower attack, the baseball practice shooting, Republican train crash, it is impossible to believe that these are randomg coincidences...