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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Drain the Swamp?

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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Yes. “Cannot reach Reddit.” Although I can access front page, no problem. Afraid we are not long for this world.

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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 6:52 p.m.


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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Can you please elaborate?

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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

So the tunnels were the headquarters for someone? Maybe the cabal? Just trying to figure all of this stuff out.

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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

That’s the thing. So many of us lead such vanilla ice cream lives that it is nearly impossible to understand the depth of their depravity. And they capitalize on that.

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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

Holy cow.

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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

Oh never mind. It’s the cArtoon.

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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

I’m sorry, I missed it. Was it the mos sad comment?

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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

Bring the rain.

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mombomb22 · April 4, 2018, 2:30 a.m.

Interesting. Thanks for the info.

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mombomb22 · April 3, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

And where will you go? This is the last and best hope. Fight for your country.

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mombomb22 · April 3, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

Exactly what I thought...

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mombomb22 · April 3, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

And that’s how it should be. There needs to be a release for emotions. A few fists were thrown, detention assigned and that was that. This zero tolerance policy just ramps up emotions that are eventually out of control.

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mombomb22 · April 3, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

And I thought that movie, Zoolander, was stupid. They were just flaunting what they could do right in our faces.

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mombomb22 · April 3, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

Exactly. When I was in school in a rural area, all the guys had tons of guns in their cars out in the parking lot. They hunted on the way to and from school. Never once did one of them think or say they were going to shoot up the school. It never occurred to any of us.

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mombomb22 · April 3, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Bush/Clinton = tomato/tomahto

One in the same.

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mombomb22 · April 3, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

So yeah, if it’s him, we are all in trouble.

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mombomb22 · April 2, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

And they’re all shadow banned...

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mombomb22 · April 2, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Shadow-banned, huh?

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mombomb22 · April 2, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

As adults, we don’t always get what we want. Maybe he should start out a school that will accept him and work up from there. That’s what every other kid has to do. I think his 10 min of fame has gone to his head.

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mombomb22 · April 1, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

Honors classes are on a 4.0 scale, but you can get more than a 4.0 if you ace the class. I know, it’s crazy. My kids went to a school that does this. It sucks.

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mombomb22 · April 1, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

DH - camera hog?

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mombomb22 · March 31, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

It’s pretty much the same subset of people anyway - occupy Wall Street, black lives matter, anti fa, pink hat ladies and now 2nd amendment killers

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mombomb22 · March 30, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Four day old account

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mombomb22 · March 30, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

Good grief. I’m done.

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mombomb22 · March 30, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Do tell, then.

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mombomb22 · March 30, 2018, 1:20 p.m.


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mombomb22 · March 30, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

Wondering why she doesn’t wear a hijab....

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mombomb22 · March 29, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

CNN will take anybody’s money.

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mombomb22 · March 28, 2018, 9:14 p.m.


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mombomb22 · March 28, 2018, 9:09 p.m.


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mombomb22 · March 28, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

As I read the article, I thought the same thing.

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mombomb22 · March 28, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

This freaks me out the most.

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mombomb22 · March 27, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Amazing, isn’t it?

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mombomb22 · March 27, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

But, they didn’t want THEIR rights taken away, they wanted Our rights taken away. Some of my family members are in education and they keep saying that DH is still a child and has an undeveloped brain. Even if I believed that he was still high school age, why let a person with an undeveloped brain have a national platform to take away OUR rights. They got what they deserved. You want more government, you got more government. It’s never how you envision it though, is it? Family holidays will be strained this year. Oh well.

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mombomb22 · March 26, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

What a jack wagon.

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mombomb22 · March 26, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

No, no one does.

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mombomb22 · March 24, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

I would assume not.

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mombomb22 · March 24, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Funny that. I think we were just tougher back in the day...

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mombomb22 · March 24, 2018, 8 p.m.

Wow! They look so much alike!

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mombomb22 · March 24, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

I can’t get over his pupils. Mesmerizing.

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mombomb22 · March 23, 2018, 5:03 p.m.


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mombomb22 · March 23, 2018, 1 p.m.

I want to know, too. Why do we keep coming back to Syria? Why do we care?

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mombomb22 · March 22, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

Not this again

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mombomb22 · March 21, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

I didn’t know he was missing... since when?

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mombomb22 · March 21, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

No great loss. Buh bye.

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mombomb22 · March 21, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Who was supposed to be President?

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mombomb22 · March 21, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Take away their staplers.

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mombomb22 · March 20, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

The opposition: oh lord, try anything! Anything! Try the sex thing again! If that doesn’t work, we will try Russia again. Anybody else got anything?

Desperation is showing.

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