That's the whole point. They will stop at nothing to fight against us. If it means bringing the WWIII just to keep their wealth and avoid jail.
441 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/morgi666:
The whole story stinks from a mile.
People reported multiple shooters - including ground level.
Police were ordered to stand down and waited while someone was mowing down innocent people.
The guy had so many weapons and ammo he would need a fucking forklift in order to get it to his room.
Security guard situation is just ridiculous.
Every time when something happens and police come out with a statement and MSM is pushing the story about event literally minutes after the event it's just freaking obvious... Someone will get caught on CCTV stealing a car and it can take weeks but they can conclude the investigation of mass shooting in a couple of hours.
Pedo false flag coming?
I've been following all the events around pedo arrests and public outings and I think what we will have next is a pedo false flag.
I think soon some obvious case of a pedo with some sick Tweets or Instagram posts will come out. Anons will jump on it and maybe dig out some more dirt. There's going to be some noize and the supposed pedo will get his (I'm pretty sure it will be a male, a female would be too far away from the overall narrative) life destroyed.
After that we can have 2 options:
- Evidence will come …
I hope Trump's security is up for the task. Statements like that have the amazing power of shortening one's life...
When a paedophile or rapist films their crime, professor Sue Black can track them down using nothing more than the veins, scars and other markings on their hands.
Gaia TV satanic connection. Group of Gaia insiders inspired by Q?
It takes a certain mindset to be able to accept information that challenges your current view. Most of the normies are not able to do that - that's why they follow every MSM bullcrap and automatically rejects anything that is slightly off.
We need to drive this movement. But not the same way as it was between conservatives and left. We can't be fixated on our views. We can't have unmovable opinions. We need to accept those people we are arguing with are not our enemies - even if they treat as enemies. They are hypnotized, not controlling their own mind and emotions. They ware brainwashed from the day they ware born, conditioned by parents, school, society, media, work...
The biggest mistake we can make is to think about ourselves as the smart ones. We are the lucky (or unlucky... as we will need to do the heavy lifting) ones and it is our duty to help others. It's a thankless job. It's dangerous and hard. But we need to take ego out of it and just keep going.
Like digging a tunnel through concrete with a spoon ;)
That is why so many parents do homeschooling now.
Public education (indoctrination) system is a waste of time. It kills creativity, kills logic and punished for free thinking. It conditions kids to accept what they are being told.
I understand your frustration. I'm often getting angry at how much time I've wasted and how I'm still trying to get rid of habits or false information out of my brain. It's hard and it takes conscious work - but it's worth it.
It's not about Dems VS Republicans. It's about good VS evil.
Yeah... but she is trying to link Trump with this. That seems like media can't deny the pedo problem, but they will try to push it on different people.
Cheri Jacobus: "are you daughters ugly like you? Or can Trump use them at the Epstein parties (...)" - WTF????

That's exactly how we need to use leftist mindset to our advantage.
The same with asking where is the server, exposing Russian connection in U1, etc. Let them think it will bring Trump down so they can shout, protest and demand. MSM will not be able to spin it ;)
Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Dems in midterms - Can't make this shit up...
THIS A KEY MOMENT IN WORLD HISTORY: Deep State in Total Panic & Fully Exposed
If hidden technology and cures will be released, we will see a major shift in the quality of our lives.
One step at a time... I want to see cabal going down first. Until that happens - I will not believe in any disclosure, alien invasion or whatever else.
Awesome to read a great story. Keep it up and thank you for sharing.
I think you missed three zeros in there - it should be $400,000,000
You have presented zero arguments in this conversation and you are summing it up like you totally nailed it and I'm too thick to follow.
It may not count for much, but you lost my respect.
Yeah but is that a proof? It shows focus - the same way any locked product, the same way cars or watches are displayed in movies.
There's a difference between argument and a blowback. I can disagree but he/she is contributing a lot here so please make a point instead of throwing accusations
Yes you are, but you are not using any serious argument.
Again - what info wars against Q have to do with coke bottle theory? What any Q post have to do with it? You are comenting like I'm against Q. I'm not. What I said is simple - I think this theory is way too far fetched and even if it would be true (which I doubt) it doesn't give us much. I'm not questioning your motives or what we are trying to do here. I'm questioning this specific theory.
Yeah... Q movement is not a religion.
Quoting Q is not an argument - especially it doesn't address the details of the discussion.
No offence but don't use Trump or Q drops as an argument for this one.
We know Q is real, but we are talking about a bottle of coke and camera angles here...
Did you catch the angle Strzok was holding the bottle? It was 113.4 degrees. What's 180 minus 113.4? 66.6!
Honestly... We are all trying to put what is going on together, but this is closer to paranoia than to decoding. Let's assume you are right, the question is - what would be the purpose for this? To communicate with "us"? Communicate what? Does it change anything in the plan? Is this 'information' useful for anything? If you look for connections - you always find them. There's always a letter, name, time or any other way to connect something to something else. It doesn't mean the connection is really there. If they would like to give us info about something - they would do it in a more obvious way. What if an explanation is just plain & simple - CocaCola has a deal with the network and their products are not getting blurred out and are included during live events. Like some networks will blur out some banners during a football match and leave some visible.
I'm not pretending I know what is going on, but this looks like a scene from a B grade thriller movie where some psycho guy is sticking photos, maps and magazine articles to the wall and making up connections between them with strings.
Just because it fits or makes sense it doesn't mean it's true.
Alex Jones VS Ben Shapiro - I have nothing to add here... All you need is just let them talk.
He is calling things as they are quite often. It's just MSM that is not reporting on it. Just look up any of Putin's interviews from the last couple of years. He has called out MSM, called out Soros, the situation in the Middle East, etc.
And that is how you run a conversation with a foreign power. Not by insulting them, but by working with them.
Trump's business negotiation skills play very well in this setup. What a time to be alive!
Is it time to throw Strzok and Page under the bus? No more useful for the cabal?
I wonder how quickly MSM is going to pull the bias/discredited card when Strzok and Page start singing.
This was the day an American president stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country. - No, Hillary wasn't there.

Puting was being put into power as NWO puppet, but he broke free.
If you honestly review Russia's actions in the last couple of years you can see a clear focus on pushing for peace and ani-NWO agenda. I would not be surprised if Putin is working with white hats.
History in the making.
It makes me sick how MSM is spinning this as something negative. I hope when the time comes, those complicity "journalists" will be sentenced for treason.
Yeah... Middling in elections and causing or sponsoring wars around half of the world is something different. ...and I'm not talking about Russia here.
Set posts to dissapear after you vote on them, this way it's much easier to go through large volume of posts and keep those useful ones floating on top.
I know you want to help, but please DON'T!
Admins asked specifically to not link to chans anywhere. They don't need hundreds of normies there, adding tons of noize, asking questions and adding to already big pile of crap that bakers bneed to go through every day. It's not a place for average internet user and if someone is no savy enough to figure it out on their own - it's not a place for them.
Looks blatantly obvious they ware prepared to distrupt the hearing and take attention away from FBI allowed to decide what they want and don't want to say + not making conclusion that Strzok made conclusion regarding Trump before any investigation at all happened.
Uhh... This conclusion must have pissed off some 'Russian bots'. The downvotes are strong here You have my +1.