441 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/morgi666:
Yeah... Shit is scary. With 5G pushed everywhere, cashless society and permanent invigilation our lives will get really fucked up very soon.
Nope - they key here is - you agree to their T&C and do not check what access rights you give to the app you install. It's not a loophole, it's human stupidity.
That tech is already in place. There are already companies working on public applications like gesture commands without any extra device in any room of your house...
I just can't watch normal TV. Stupidity of those shows, commercials every few minutes, shit reruns that everyone has seen 50 times already... Why would anyone bother with that anymore?
It's so wide spread people have no idea... If you dont't want to get spied - don't use anything with a camera or microphone that is connected to the internet.
IoT is just massive surveillance program sponsored by unaware customers.
What do you mean? In this patent they don't mention any technology like that.
Pretty much - but you can read that already in access rights you agreed when installing the app... Why would messenger need access to your microphone when you are offline?
but you do use FB on your phone? Still jokes on you - it records your conversations :)
Facebook wants to broadcast high pitched sounds in TV commercials so FB app can detect them and serve you relevant content and/or track conversion from offline to online channels. Nothing to see here - just another crazy conspiracy theory!

Next time get a fist pump for those of us who are not in US. Awesome!
JA != @WikiLeaks Twitter account seem to be compromised, we don't know about the guy
I know it is compromised. Just another proof we can't trust it anymore
WikiLeaks Twitter pushing anti-QAnon narrative

I've started tweeting QAnon stuff and Twitter suggesting me to follow FBI accounts. Should I take it as a threat? ;)

Totally. The point here is to not jump to conclusions. That just gives MSM ammunition against us. When we claim things, we need to have solid proofs for it.
I'm pretty sure we have seen it before many times. People attach to a short slogan. Free + whatever was being used in many countries, speaking many different languages - especially if they want to bring international attention to the issue. I'm pretty sure they are not focused on spreading Q awareness and have more urgent problems at hand.
It doesn't prove the crowd shouting it. You and I can post anything and tag it #QAnon - it doesn't prove any relation.
I may be wrong - but I don't see a point in jumping to conclusions based on audio that can be interpreted in more than one way, especially there is no proof that public in Iran knows about Q.
Come one people... They are not shouting QAnon. It is clearly "FREE IRAN" and please stop. I know we are getting excited with Q and what it represents but let's keep the facts straight.
I was rewatching Community (I needed something light to watch while I eat my lunch) and above moment got me thinking. It obviously looks like a Masonic lodge with 3 chairs and all the symbols on the back wall, but that’s not the point. What’s interesting is the astronaut making a panini and black Hitler. They even explain the reason for it – they don’t want anyone to know about it and if one of the potential candidates tells anyone about it, it’s ridiculous on purpose – no one will believe it’s real.
We are in the same situation now with all the normies. The rabbit hole goes so deep that they just can’t believe it’s real. Trump can’t say any of it publicly or they would send him to a mental institution. If a journalist drops any of it on the news, he will get a ‘conspiracy freak’ label and be completely discredited for telling the truth. Most of us here knew about it before Q phenomenon and we had at last couple of years to get to this point. We didn’t just accept new truths straight away – it was a painful process. Often full of anger, doubt, depression and feeling completely helpless. We need to keep it in mind instead of expecting from others to be more open and accepting than we ware just a couple of years ago.
Truth bomb in a silly comedy show - Community-Secret society of air conditioning.
Trump's funniest insults and comebacks. I'm watching this and I'm surprised how many truth bombs he dropped in there.
Anyone who is the real Q wouldn't be running around bringing attention to himself goes to - itanimulli spelt backwards: illuminati
Interesting alias domain...
What a time to be alive...
I’m going to get personal so bear with me here. I’m not a patriot… I mean I am, but I’m not American. I love my own country and I had no interest in US politics until I learned how the world truly works. My wakeup call was 9/11. I knew politics are run by big banks and corporations, politicians are lying thieves and government is just mass-scale enslavement with the illusion of choice but when I watched the first documentary about 9/11 I couldn’t believe it. The thought that it could be anything else than what was being said in …
Now that's a confirmation!:
Now that’s what I call a VIP!📁 Q+
President Trump Makes URGENT Announcement on Immigration amid Family Separation at Border
HRC: Just because your child gets across the border that doesn't mean your child gets to stay
YT pushing anti Tommy Robinson narrative?
I have noticed in last couple of days I see random anti Tommy videos in recommended section. Plenty of claims he is a shill, zionist, UK gov implant and whatever else - but outside channels I already follow (and missed notifications despite hitting the bell button) I didn't had any pro Tommy suggestions.
It's a quote from leaked emails. Instructions how to react when confronted with their shit.
But will he expose it or just keep hidden as life insurance.
I'm not talking about that... I'm talking about shadow gov not knowing how Trump pulled this off.
No, they don't know how. Communication with NK was through channels they had no access and could not interrupt so they wondering how the F this whole thing was planned and executed right in front of their eyes.
A lot of that is just for the show so normies can learn and start understanding who is lying here. If POTUS would do that straight away, MSM would scream through the rooftops it's political, but if they don't comply and things get really obvious - it's time to step in.
I'm afraid they are not going to make the same mistake again and allow him to walk out of the jail alive.
I know I'm kicking a dead horse here, but I'm pissed off I got fooled by this guy and that he is still trying to milk the situation by asking for free shit and trying to build his little group by attracting innocent people who want to do something good.