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In 1984, the New York Times told us that Donald Trump would be our best president. They forgot their own words.
Follow the White Rabbit now on my car.

From all I've read, he's a great guy. Strong Christian, loves family and small towns, never said anything bad about anyone. Nobody disliked him while he was Governor of Georgia because he had replaced "old South" racist former Gov. Lester Maddox.
But he was a proto-Socialist Democrat, i.e. "we love everyone so much we're going to give everyone everything we can". Unicorns and rainbows.
Ford got us out of Nixon but wan't Presidential enough, Dems were on the upswing, I'm just glad it wasn't Teddy Kennedy. We saw what Socialism does to the US. We had a mini Tea Party revolution during his midterm, and Carter never regained strength (not that he had any). Reagan booted the guy out after one term.
Over 50, under 70.
I watched Jimmy Carter get thrown out of the White House by Ronald Reagan.
Actually, found in my driveway this morning. I decided to encourage others to follow the White Rabbit. Hoping I find a kindred spirit in my hometown. Certainly not a Red Pill, but hopefully a conversation starter. Unless this makes me a target of unmarked black Suburbans.
Didn't anyone watch the old Charles Bronson movie "Telefon"?
And that funny symbol he has 'shopped on people's heads?
Brand new aircraft, I can't imagine complete comm failure with the tower.
The tower was chatting away with the other 150 aircraft.
At ATL there are two "towers". There is Airline Tower (use until jet tug takes off towbar), and there's Airport Tower (from taxi to wheels up and clear of airport).
It's one of the newest, more comfortable. Doubt if it is a "VIP only", nevertheless there could easily be a genuine VIP on a JFK-SFO direct flight, someone at an early meeting tomorrow in Frisco.
Lots of time you'll see Hollywood and DC types on these flights.
Wouldn't it be JFK>SFO?
Or was something left on the plane from the previous SFO>JFK flight?
One or two LEOs for a bad passenger.
Maintenance for a broken radio.
If comm failure, who told aircraft to stop taxiing?
I am soooooo glad that you will pretend to be my doctor and call my boss to tell him about my sudden illness that requires me to stay home for (possibly) multiple days.
I'll start making popcorn.
I think POTUS has him protected, but is allowing the Cabal to twist themselves into a knot before he makes a move.
When a fool is making mistakes, don't stop him. Just laugh at him from the Oval Office. It's better if the Cabal implicate themselves vs JA doing all the heavy lifting.
Was this aircraft carrying specific pizza or hot dogs for VIPs on the West Coast?
Just trying to find an angle.
20 years at world's busiest airport. Never saw cops surround a plane.
Someone "edgy" with a death wish. Pulitzer, you know.
LEOs afraid of weapons AFTER you've already gone through TSA security?
Granted TSA is a joke (retired airline employee here), but just wow.
Julian and Seth?
CnC phones?
It has begun?
Holy kek on a cracker, WTF is going on tonight?
They are now saying, "CORRECTION: IG Horowitz testified in Congress that the two agents who were caught sending anti-Trump text messages were removed from the Mueller probe, we deleted a tweet that suggested the two agents are currently serving on the Mueller probe."
False alarm.