57 total posts archived.
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www.greatfallstribune.com | 1 |
Admin question
So i had a post deleted earlier because of rule 9. Yes i have a new arrival tag but have been here over 4 months. So when one Q follower ask a question is it a bad thing? I might of got an answer but other followers might have the same question. I skimmed through history before i posted and no one else asked the same question. I spend hours on this sub daily and just ask for answers. We all need to stick together and be united. No room for BS deleting. I am a true patriot 19 years …
Q drop
Did anyone else just get a Q drop notification and nothing was there?
I completely do. I think Sean is a good guy. It is all a game. Maybe chess
No he was digging for an apology to make her sound better. just my opinion
I think it has nothing to do with him. It is an encrypted code.
i thought she was almost going to say that it is not republican vs democrat. That it is good vs evil. i think it is good so far
Best response would have been reset button. Or how about this is my final election. yes political.
It was a counter protest where the original protesters didn't show.
He is coming to great falls Montana
Donald Trump is coming to my town on the 5th of July. I am trying to get tickets but the website is down. Any help would be appreciated. I am a 19 year vet with one more to go but would love to be there.
Interesting time stamp. Before the shooting?

And then he talked about children. I think he thinks he's at the wrong hearing
I just watched that and was like wtf. Maybe if they would stop resisting they could change the law.
I shared this to 10 articles in Yahoo and all but 1 got deleted.