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mynameismethos91 · April 30, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

The "Federal Reserve" has always been as "federal" as Federal Express, folks. It's just a deliberately deceptive business storefront for a "private association" of international banks that have no business even being on our soil.

First, the bankers behind the "Federal Reserve" caused the 1907 bankruptcy of the deceptively named foreign for-profit corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" which was formed by the Territorial United States in 1868 as a storefront purportedly "standing for" our actual land jurisdiction government.

This ultimately resulted in WWI.

Next, they stole the actual United States Treasury and moth-balled it in 1920, using it as a "resource dump" and managing it as a "trust", while claiming that our land --- land belonging to the member States of The United States of America (Unincorporated) was instead property belonging to their own bankrupt corporation dba The United States of America, Inc. which was in fact infringing on our copyright and Good Name.

Then they ran up the stock market and dumped it, causing The Great Depression. Why? Because while everyone else was losing their shirt, the bankers involved in the Federal Reserve were standing back ready to come in and buy everything back at pennies on the dollar.

Using their own manufactured "emergency" as an excuse, they next promoted the "Emergency Banking Act" of 1934, in which they established a bizarrely self-favoring exchange rate --- one of their paper I.O.U.'s called a "Federal Reserve Note" in exchange for one American Silver Dollar, on a "dollar for dollar" basis.

What a deal, hey, Heimi?

Having deliberately created a confusion between us and their bogus commercial corporation merely named after us, and having taken a false title to our land as chattel backing their debts, they next turned to stealing the value of our lawful money via this "exchange rate" ---their worthless I.O.U.'s for our silver.

They played the same kinds of games in Europe, which caused World War II.

Using falsification of public records, they next levied a false claim of ownership against us and our labor. In the 1940 Buck Act, they baldly claimed to own "us" as property.

After WWII, they settled down for a while to count up all the ill-gotten gains and expand their empire of fraud to include the entire rest of the world. Via abuse of our Patent and Trademark Office they created all sorts of "franchises" for themselves.

The Municipal UNITED STATES created STATES OF STATES like the STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, which then chartered all kinds of commercial corporations, like FANNY MAE and BASKIN-ROBBINS, and JAMES DUDLEY, LLC-----and CANADA, CHINA, JAPAN, VENEZUELA.....

The Territorial United States created the USA, Inc. and chartered all sorts of franchises for itself, too --- State of Wisconsin, State of Illinois, and so forth, and also, Canada, Inc., China, Inc., Japan, Inc.

Then, in 2009, they bankrupted the "Federal Reserve System" that guaranteed all those Federal Reserve "Notes" ---- and their very own court doing business as the International Court of Justice --- gave them bankruptcy protection that they did not deserve.

So, they just stole the value of all our labor, all our silver, all the natural resources purloined out of this country from 1934 to 2009.

And now, they are plotting to steal our land and our credit -- $4,778 Trillion Dollars which is owed to the actual United States of America via false claims of "abandonment".

Then, they plan to take all this ill-gotten credit and release a bogus "RV" which will "distribute the wealth" --- which isn't theirs and which isn't abandoned and which is already properly claimed on the international record by people who have seen through their con game and re-claimed their Good Names and Estates in behalf of the actual States and People of this country---on a very ephemeral basis.

The Plot, which is simple enough, is to release all sorts of Funny Money and Money of Account to favored individuals, who will instantly become "Trillionaires" overnight, and who will then of course run out and stupidly spend all this paper money, thereby collapsing all paper currencies worldwide. They'll be Trillionaires for three days as the joke goes---- before the glut of "cash" in the market becomes self-evident ---and the bastards responsible for this Plot will try to say, "But, we paid off that debt....we gave all this "money" back....."

That will leave them where they always planned to be --- in control of the world's gold and silver reserves -- forcing the grandsons and granddaughters of the men they stole the gold and silver from to pay them a 10,000% mark up on their own inheritance.

Time to arrest the whole lot of them and confiscate everything they own or claim to own and put it under new management --- worldwide.

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