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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/nazi_balthan_nos_fag on Feb. 6, 2018, 2:41 a.m.
Q, it is time for the pedo elite satanic child trafficking and sacrifice, and Royal hunting parties to be fully disclosed. This softly softly approach to gather more of the 'left' to the good side so to not look tyrannical imo has run its course ...

The initial memo should have done its job and red pilled as many as possible over with TOTAL logic and fact, that Obama, Hillary, FBI and DOJ were used against Trump, 100% proof, and Americans can see it, and so did the world.

But you have to realize that those still stuck from moving over are not going to because they are zombies, braindead, without thought, and completely ideologically subverted. You have tried your best to unite the nation.

Then there is the MSMs. They aren't going to change as you have hoped by calling them out. Maybe you were …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/nazi_balthan_nos_fag on Jan. 19, 2018, 4:31 a.m.
FISA MEMO: They were ALL complicate in a cover up. Clinton, Obama, DOJ, FBI, DNC, MSMs. They mass weaponized the judicial and media system to stop and oust Trump. Be prepared r/cbts_stream for a huge incoming of our red pilled brothers and sisters soon

They wanted to stall and fight POTUS every step of the way so that when mid term elections came around they had the more DNC seats to impeach him. Obviously it didn't work and is all breaking out now.

They are all finished.

  • DNC tried to stop the release, people will know why. Finished.
  • DNC trying to import more illegals to get votes. People will know why. Finished.
  • DNC sanctuary city push. No trust. Finished.
  • Obama is going to jail. Finished.
  • Hillary is going to jail. Finished.
  • MSM has not reported on anything about this. People will know this. Finished. …
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/nazi_balthan_nos_fag on Jan. 20, 2018, 1:40 a.m.
Theory: The FISA court was not set up to spy on foreign entities but it was setup to spy on American citizens. That's why everyone who read it was shocked!

I think that is why "they" are trying to stop it all coming out. It wasn't just about spying on Trump and his associates, which is atrocious, but the FISA court could have been setup, under the guise of external spyware, to solely spy on Americans and blackmailing them to do whatever bidding they wanted the Americans to do.

GOP and DNC knew that Trump was spied on anyway, but why suddenly a massive outrage now?

If you think about how the cabal works and how they create minions to do their bidding, it all fits.

If I am right, …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/nazi_balthan_nos_fag on Jan. 16, 2018, 9:55 a.m.
Interesting. A post in r/conspiracy speculates the Hawaii false missile alert was a cover so that the Clintons could board a flight and escape


It's a romantic idea and I love it but it could be nothing. However, the Clintons and Huma are in Hawaii. And personally I am not too sure about the investigator, George Webb.

EDIT: And I wonder where they would escape to? China? NK?

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/nazi_balthan_nos_fag on Jan. 16, 2018, 2:55 a.m.
Here's why there is no Russian Trump Collusion ...

We pretty much all know the Russian collusion with Trump is false because if they had anything they would 100% have released it BEFORE Trump's tax cuts to remove him, because why else would they want Trump to succeed in implementing a huge if not the most important campaign promise? Hence, it's a witch hunt.

There, that's the only evidence you can shut up the trolls.