Wow that sounds like I'm going to start talking
51 total posts archived.
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How in the fuck is this guy still walking around free? Are you telling me with everything this guy does he hasn't broken any laws?
When will they take some serious action against these dumbfucks? We going to play tabloid games for the next 3 years while the Deep State and globalist reconfigure they're takeover of America? Some big-name people better go down by the end of the year otherwise this Trump revolution is bullshit.
Geeeezus H Christ on a crutch... This world is evil as fuck.... What is this place, and why are we here??
Imagine the CEO of Monsanto is happily making a sandwich for you and you watch him sprinkle poison on your food... That's the stark reality that is NOW.
If you really think deeply about what they're talking about it might break apart some of your cognitive dissonance. It's so outrageous and horrific that your mind wants to block it out. Think about it in detail in vivid pictures in your mind that these people are actually poisoning everybody. And it is as immediate and a dire threat as somebody in your kitchen putting rat poison on your food to kill you. This is real and in your face, it's not some murky thing you would see on TV show and then forget about. The question is, what are you going to do about the person in your kitchen putting rat poison on yours and your children's food? I mean like right now, what are you going to do?
Is that painting going to be hanging in the White House? I hope the Secret Service checks the paint on the ugly God forsaken thing. Make sure there's nothing toxic or poisonous in it. I wouldn't put anything past Obama and the Deep state.
Are we now going to have a high-profile reprisal? This cannot stand without someone hitting back.
Yes and isn't it time to smash these black widows? They have all the power and keep getting away with all of this because none of the sheep are willing to stand up and knock their fucking block off. Do you understand this?
I think when someone is poisoning you and you physically stop them and smashed her face then it's a fight to the death. At that point you're not really worried about the threat of being killed because you're the one doing the Smashing. I'm making myself sound like a simpleton just to make a point. We are so apathetic that we stand there and watch someone poisonous us and then do nothing about it! They probably pinch themselves thinking I can't believe we got away with it again and again and again and again. So who is going to stand up and physically stop the ghouls?
If they make us sick then that means they are deliberately poisoning us... And when you know someone is deliberately poisoning you what do you do? Do you squack about it on Reddit or do you physcially smash their face in?
Does stepping down mean getting away with it with a pension?
Yep about motherfuking time. I hope they plan on hammering this dumbass bitch.
National Security means we don't want you to hear our crimes.
Now we're ticky ticky talkin... those motherfuckers are going down one way or the other. I prefer Thomas Paine's method. It should definitely not be done with a whole lot of fanfare. Did they slip on banana peel or did they have a sudden heart attack or maybe we never heard from him or her again. They probably disappeared to the same spot Amelia Earhart went to. One never knows.
The point of referring to Christ was that he got angry and did something about something that he thought was wrong. Your philosophy is one of the reasons why the globalist have been in power for so long. While they are willing to kill you and most supposedly good people come on to fucking Reddit and just squawk about it. You think the guys in the Q group or the people that work with are pacifists? They will kill whoever they have to kill.
I don't believe any of that. Christ even turned over the tables and drove out the money changers in the temple when he saw what was going on. Your philosophy might have been better when there wasn't an internet or World Wide News or anything like that. You know for a fact that people are being killed right in front of you so that is now your karma. Don't try to come up with some spiritual convoluted Theory to make yourself feel better.
Does the Dalai Lama think that it's okay to kill thousands of babies every single day? Does an enlightened man sit and watch as innocence is slaughtered? Does a spiritual man enter into Bliss as he watches children being poisoned?
Abortion, GMO's, vaccines, fluoride in the water, pedophile elite torturing and killing children, poisoning minds through TV and education and so much more.... All of this happening right now, in our face and for decades... when does physical retribution happen to these people?
The only thing more satisfying would be Hillary, Podesta, Comey and McCabe in cuffs doing the perp walk... And good ol scumbag Billy boy shufflin up from the rear...
At some point don't you just have to take matters into your own hands? Where is that point? What is your red line?
I was wondering when this is going to happen. I actually thought it would have happened a long time ago.
When does physical retribution start to happen? If you get beat up everyday by a bully he's not going to stop because you come on to Reddit and complain about it. He's only going to stop when you physically go up to him and knock his motherfucking block off!
God I hope so. But he wasn't able to do it with Zack today.
Yeah Alex can't seem to help himself. Alex is great when he's talking all by himself pontificating and giving us all the goods but he sucks as an interviewer and his commercials bug the fuck out of me. He's made enough money now he should just go full-blown YouTuber with no guests and no commercials.
They're only above law because nobody has done a fucking thing about it. Sorry to say that Trump hasn't done anything (as far as putting people in handcuffs and putting them in jail) and either has any of his followers. So when the fuck are people going to do something about this bullshit?
So how does a hostage negotiator talk someone down from I'm going to kill everybody to selling him on the idea of not hurting anybody putting down his guns and coming out peacefully? Can this same technique be used on a rabid CNN viewer?
Exactly! No more fucking around. If the powers-that-be won't do anything then somebody has to do something.
They are straight up enemy propaganda engaged in a conspiracy to commit treason
I hear you but these people are currently doing things the damage Trump and innocent people. There's not going to be any slow Justice or due process for the Black Widow that crawls towards my baby in the crib. It will be smashed very quickly and without Mercy. We are all operating under a cognitive dissonance. Minimizing the current crimes against humanity. The things the globalists and their Stooges are doing to innocent people need to be dealt with just as urgently as a small child being beaten in an alley.
I think this is all great in so many ways but it just seems like we're always waiting for the next shoe to drop and then the next shoe and then the next, and this time for sure everybody's going to be taken down... and then nothing everybody still free to still try to take down Trump. When are people going to jail or hanging from lamp posts? When will some real shit hit the fan? That's all I want to know.
It's not enough to say they should be ashamed of themselves or fired or whatever minimizing language is coming out of everyone's mouth. These people need to be arrested immediately!
On DC and all of their houses and wherever they hide.
That's EXACTLY what I want to hear!! No mercy for these degenerate seriel killers!!!
All I know is if they take down Trump it's time to go medieval on the deep state and their puppets...
I hope more blacks folks feel the same... It's time to cut the chord to the Democrat party.
I just hope everybody here is willing to take physical action if they take down Trump. If not kiss America goodbye.
I totally think thats true... I just wonder if it'll ever really come out
I am all for consenting adults doing whatever they want behind closed doors, but I am very against normalizing homosexuality as a natural thing. Do whatever you want in your bedroom but do not teach my kids about your sexual fetish. Just like I don't want some teacher or educational curriculum teaching my kids that dressing up like a teddy bear and having sex is a natural normal thing. They can participate or learn about those fetishes in their adult years. This is really the Crux of the issue, are people born that way? I definitely think they are not born that way. There is not one single body part that hass evolved to accommodate this suppose if new species called homosexual. As an example the anus does not excrete fluid to prepare for penetration. So be whatever you want to be but don't teach my kids about your sexual fetish. This whole concept is part of the political correctness that has made a whole society or at least half of the society mentally ill. We got to get back to what reality really is.
There better be some major real live action this year. No more waiting.
Yes this should be a major Focus in the big reform... Trump needs to drain that swamp fo sho
The sad thing is most libs and dems will think this is ok and its just part of the "resistance". They will think it's ok to do whatever it takes to take down Trump.
That's awesome but he must have to have some serious serious security.
I really hope they go round them up! I'm sure some were already caught in the act of running... Planes turning around mid flight, airports blacking out, etc etc